() At this time, after hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, the five Guangchengzi did not hesitate, but were eager to try. The five of them have now broken through to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, and they are very eager to find Yu Yuan to regain their lost face.

Yu Yuan came to Shouyang Mountain and looked around the surrounding environment.

I saw that this mountain is high and densely forested, and there are countless beasts and birds living in it.

Yu Yuan was not in a hurry at this time, and slowly walked forward. This Yangshan Mountain was originally just an unknown hill, but since Chi You's head was buried, the mountain has become majestic and continuous. .

Yu Yuan walked around the mountain and didn't see any engraved talismans, nor any traces of formations.

Yu Yuan smiled slightly, and said softly: "It seems that this formation is under this mountain."

Yu Yuan stood on the top of the mountain with his feet slightly apart, and then he stretched his legs and spread them to both sides.Then a crack formed from the top of the mountain.

This crack extended slowly from top to bottom towards the foot of the mountain, and then the Shouyang Mountain slowly slid to both sides with Yu Yuan's legs, revealing a wide canyon.

It was like two small boats floating side by side on the water surface, they were separated naturally and easily by Yu Yuan's legs.

Yu Yuan jumped down from the canyon lightly and came to the inside of Shouyang Mountain.

There is a tall altar inside Yangshan, with countless talismans engraved on it. These talismans are connected with each other to form a series of lines, and finally form a mysterious formation.

There is a head in the center of those talisman seals. This head has a firm face, as if carved with a knife and an axe.The long hair on the head was scattered like a mess of grass.

This is the head of a generation of great witch Chi You who competed with the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan for the position of Human Emperor.

Sensing this huge movement, Chi You's head also opened its closed eyes, and looked in Yu Yuan's direction.

"Who are you? Why do I feel Brother Xingtian's aura from you?" Chi You looked at Yu Yuan with some doubts and asked.

"I'm Xing Tian!" Yu Yuan didn't explain much, just said these four words and then closed his mouth.

"Brother Xing Tian finally went to look for you! Did he fail?" Chi You asked Yu Yuan with a wry smile.

Yu Yuan remained silent, but nodded slightly.

"Hahaha, are we really all losers? I was defeated by Xuanyuan, causing heavy losses to the remnants of my witch clan. I am a sinner!" Chi You sighed up to the sky.

"Has Xing Tian failed? No, Xing Tian will not lose! I am Xing Tian, ​​the unyielding god of war. It's just that Xing Tian fought for your witch clan in the past, and now Xing Tian fights to stop teaching!" Yu Yuan interrupted loudly Chi You sighed.

At this time, Yu Yuan has a spirit called unyielding rising. At this moment, Yu Yuan is Xing Tian, ​​and Yu Yuan is the God of War!

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Chi You took a deep look at Yu Yuan, then closed his eyes, and said calmly, "I don't know why you came here today?"

"I made an agreement with the ten ancestral witches in the underworld of your witch clan. I will rescue your primordial spirit, and they will help me hold back Patriarch Xuehai!" Seeing Chi You like this, Yu Yuanzi would not talk to him too much What, just simply said the matter again.

"Hmph, do you really think this formation is so easy to break? The defense of this formation is not strong, and it can be broken easily. But this formation has a special feature, that is, it can attack the formation. The power is transferred to my head, when the formation is broken, it will be the day of my death!"

Hearing Chi You's sarcasm, Yu Yuan was not angry, anyway, he was just making a deal with the Wu Clan to rescue Chi You, but he didn't need to care about Chi You's attitude.

"Can any attack really be diverted?" Yu Yuan asked curiously, and then saw a ball of golden flames lit up in Yu Yuan's hand, and then Yu Yuan threw the ball of gold lightly. Se's flames were thrown on top of the formation.

"Bastard, stop!" Chi You hurriedly stopped when he saw Yu Yuan attacking the formation without saying a word.

The group of golden flames in Yu Yuan's hand is the true sun flame. As soon as it landed on the formation, a part of it was quickly transferred to Chi You's head along with the lines formed by the talisman seals. It burned up.

Yu Yuan carefully observed the lines of the formation for a while and found that during the transfer process, these lines were also being slowly burned by the true sun flame.

"Hey, Chi You, you see that the formation has begun to be destroyed, can you survive until the formation burns down without being burned to death?" Yu Yuan asked Chi You in a very relaxed tone.

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Chi You carefully looked at the lines of those formations, and found that the talisman seals on those lines were indeed being slowly burned.

"Yes, but at that time Lao Tzu's head was gone, only Yuanshen was left!" Chi You said to Yu Yuan through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as your primordial spirit is fine, I just promised ten ancestral witches to bring your primordial spirit back, and I don't have any requirements for your body parts." Yu Yuanhun waved his hand indifferently.

Seeing Yu Yuan like this, Chi You gritted his teeth with hatred, but since Zu Wu asked Yu Yuan to take him to see them, his body couldn't get in, so it's better to burn it clean now.

At this moment, Yu Yuan felt that there were five powerful auras approaching rapidly. Although Da Luo Jinxian restrained his whole body aura compared to others, he could naturally feel their aura for the powerhouses of the same level. A powerful aura.

Yu Yuan turned his head and squinted his eyes to see the direction from which the five breaths came.Just looking at it, Yu Yuan saw Guang Chengzi and Master Yu Ding leading the way, followed by the three great men rushing towards him.

The Jade Cauldron saw Yu Yuanzheng standing at the bottom of the crack from a distance, looking up at them with a playful smile on his face.

"Yu Yuan, you actually dare to go to this Yangshan mountain without authorization, and you intend to release the primordial spirit of the great witch Chi You, who is causing harm to the world. What do you want to do? Don't you know that you are harming the world and the human race?" Yu Ding The real person shouted at Yu Yuan with a righteous face.

"I knew that saving Chi You this time would not be so simple!" Yu Yuan muttered.

Then Yu Yuan raised his head, and said to the five explaining the teachings with a smile on his face, "The five Taoist brothers have all broken through to the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian. It's really gratifying!"

Afterwards, Yu Yuan paused, and then said to Master Yuding with a serious face: "Actually, I don't want to save this Chi You either. But I couldn't bear this Chi You crying to me with snot and tears! I am a man." Soft-hearted, you can't bear it just by looking at it."

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Chi You's cheeks twitched continuously, and then Chi You tightly closed his eyes, as if he never heard what Yu Yuan said.

"Then I thought, with Uncle Yuanshi's supernatural powers, he must know about this matter, and he will definitely stop it. When Uncle Yuanshi sent someone to stop it, I followed suit and refused the matter. "

You can't bear Chi You's snot and tears, who would believe it?Are you playing us for fools?

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Guang Chengzi and the others were also very upset for a while, when did Yu Yuan become so shameless.

In fact, Yu Yuan's original personality was like this, but he faced the threat of death as soon as he arrived in the Conferred God World, and Yu Yuan's personality has been suppressed all the time.

Now Yu Yuan finally has a vague solution to the inevitable death situation of the Four Saints teaming up. As long as there are no accidents, this matter should be resolved.

Yu Yuan's mood finally returned to the original free will, so he couldn't help but start to play tricks.

"However, I didn't expect that I would meet five Dao brothers just after I came here. Come on, five Dao brothers, let's make gestures, so I have a reason to admit defeat." Yu Yuan said this Rolling up two wide robe sleeves, he beckoned to the five Chanjiao members.

Seeing Yu Yuan like this, the five people who explained the teaching were also a little apprehensive for a while, and the confidence they had when they came here disappeared at this moment.

It was still Yuding Daoist who stood up first, showing his own Umbrella of Da Luo, and then the Umbrella of Da Luo melted into a garment of laws to bless the body.

Yu Yuan couldn't help admiring inwardly when he saw that Master Yu Ding understood how to use the Umbrella of Da Luo not long after breaking through the stage of Da Luo Golden Immortal.

"Fellow Daoist Jade Cauldron is indeed very talented. He has been able to use the Umbrella of Great Luo so far in a short period of time. He deserves to be taken under by Master Yuanshi!" Yu Yuan clapped his hands and praised loudly.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Master Yuding was not only not happy at all, but also felt a little bit of humiliation.

This Yu Yuan was just his peers, and even his previous cultivation level was not as good as his, but now he praised his cultivation level in a condescending tone, which made Master Yuding feel a deep humiliation.

"Yu Yuan, you don't want to show off your eloquence there, today I will settle the old and new grudges with you!" After saying that, the figure of Yuding Daoist flashed, and his strong body was carrying the mighty force towards Yu Yuan. attack.

Yu Yuan didn't move, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, his right hand fixed the menacing Daoist Yuding in the air.

"Fellow Daoist Jade Cauldron, you were no match for me when I was lower than your cultivation before, so why do you want to humiliate yourself now? I asked the five of you to go up together, not by yourself. You Not enough!" Yu Yuan put away the playful smile on his face, and said lightly.

Seeing the disdain on Yu Yuan's face, Master Yu Ding only felt that his chest was full of anger, especially Yu Yuan's sentence "You are not qualified" hurt him deeply.

Daoist Yuding let out a roar, and the layer of law-condensed clothes that flowed on his body suddenly began to flow rapidly, bursting out with a powerful force.

"Hum..." Yu Yuan snorted angrily, the muscles in his right arm squirmed slightly, and a powerful and incomparable force erupted from his body.

Seeing this, Master Yuding hurriedly condensed the laws on his body on his right fist, but under Yu Yuan's sudden force, the laws that Master Yuding concentrated on his right fist were crushed by Yu Yuan along with his right fist.

Yu Yuan doesn't even know how powerful he is now, if his defense is not too weak, Yu Yuan is not weaker than the older generation of Da Luo Jinxian peaks such as Kunpeng Patriarch.

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