Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 93 Schedule

() Seeing that Di Xin was right, Daji walked down a few steps and started dancing.

Daji is naturally charming, and when she dances, her waist is slightly twisted, her arms are stretched, her eyes are flowing, and she exudes amazing charm for a while.

Watching Daji's dance, Di Xin's face was full of fascination.But in the depths of his eyes is extremely sober.

Jiang Wan'er looked at Di Xin looking at Daji fascinatedly, and couldn't help feeling a little angry.Originally, Di Xin had great ambitions. Although he doted on the concubines, it never affected his temperament.

However, looking at Di Xin at this time, there is still the demeanor of the emperor in the past.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you burned that Mei Bo to death in the court hall a few days ago?" After watching the dance for a while, Queen Jiang suddenly turned her head and asked Di Xin softly.

Hearing Queen Jiang's question, Di Xin was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses and said, "Oh, that Uncle Mei is just a traitor who dares to insult Gu and Concubine Su Ai. Ordinary punishments are not enough to punish the past and the future. Punishment, warn those foolish people!"

"Your Majesty, the death of a rebellious minister and traitor is more than justified, but it is not worth letting Your Majesty bear the reputation of cruelty!" Queen Jiang persuaded earnestly.

Just when Queen Jiang was about to speak again, Daji below stopped dancing and said, "I wonder what your majesty and sister think of Daji's dance?"

Hearing Daji's question, Di Xin's face flashed with infatuation, and he said: "The dance of the concubine is a spectacle in the sky, rare on earth, and it can be called a real treasure in the world!"

Queen Jiang was persuading Di Xin but was interrupted by Daji, and when she thought that Di Xin's appearance today was all caused by Daji's bewitching, she immediately became angry.

"What kind of treasure is this little dance? The so-called heaven has treasures, the sun, the moon and stars; She's just a woman. The superior cannot persuade the king to spread good governance, and the inferior cannot abide by his own virtues. It is just a treasure that ruins the family and ruins the country!"

Jiang Wan'er was really impatient.She usually treats people kindly and kindly, but it is the first time that she has spoken so mercilessly today.After finishing speaking, he saluted Di Xin.

"Your Majesty, the concubine feels a little unwell, so I'll go back to the bedroom first!" After speaking, Jiang Wan'er turned and left.

When Jiang Wan'er's figure was gone, Daji immediately became furious at the attendants around her.

"Get out, you all get out of here!"

Seeing Daji getting angry, the attendants around hurriedly bowed and trotted out of the palace.Since the ten-day long night passed, it has only been a few days now, and more than ten people have been killed by Daji stick because of various small mistakes.

Seeing that the attendants around him all backed out, Di Xin no longer looked as drunk as before, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"This Emperor Xin married a good wife. This Jiang Wan'er understands righteousness and has the style of a mother who respects the world. She deserves the position of queen."

After listening to Di Xin's words, Daji became even more crazy.

"I don't care if she has the style of the mother of the country, but if she dares to insult me, she must die. Jiang Wan'er, a bitch, I not only want her to die, but I also want her to die badly." Daji yelled frantically there.

Di Xin gave Daji a disgusted look, ignored her, and let her go crazy there.

In a few days, all the concubines and concubines went to pay a routine visit to the middle palace.

Jiang Wan'er sat upright in the middle of the hall, and all the concubines in the palace sat down one after another.Only one person was missing among them, and it was the concubine Su Daji who had just entered the palace.

Seeing that Su Daji hadn't arrived yet, Jiang Wan'er's face was slightly displeased, and the faces of many concubines waiting below also showed some impatience.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, Su Daji twisted her willow waist, entered the hall gracefully, bowed to Queen Jiang and said, "Daji has seen the queen!"

"Flat body!" After listening to Queen Jiang's words, Daji slowly stood up straight, but no matter how you looked at that movement, she was stealthily lazy, and she didn't pay attention to the concubines present at all.

Seeing Su Daji's appearance, Huang Guifei scolded Daji on the spot and said, "Why are you so tired and lazy when you come to see the queen today? I also heard that the king is having banquets every night in your palace. You were also involved in the torture." Dedicated to His Majesty. You'd better live in peace in the future, and don't do anything that harms the country and the people, otherwise, this law of the middle palace can still rule you. Step back!"

Concubine Huang Guifei is Huang Feihu's younger sister, and she also has military habits on her body. She always speaks directly and doesn't save Daji any face.

Concubine Huang's words humiliated Daji, her face flushed and her eyes were full of evil. After staring at Queen Jiang and Concubine Huang, she turned and retreated.

"Sister, I'm afraid you've offended Daji completely by what you said today, and you need to be more careful in the future." Queen Jiang was a little worried when she saw Daji's eyes full of evil spirits before leaving.

"It doesn't matter. Forgive her for not being able to cause any big disturbances. However, I don't know how His Majesty made this kind of people our sisters. This Daji was honest and responsible when she first entered the palace, but now she is getting worse and worse." That's right!" Huang Guifei waved her hand indifferently.

Gun Tuan has recently become happy again. The young lady who had gradually alienated him after being in Enzhou Station has recently become intimate with him again.

Thinking of the recent intimacy with the young lady, Gun Zun showed a sweet and shy expression on his face.

During the meeting where Gun Don was blushing, Daji returned to Shouxian Palace angrily, and Gun Don, who was waiting in Shouxian Palace, immediately greeted him.

"Bitch, bastard, how dare this group of bastards insult me ​​like this!" Daji sat on the cushion beside her, with hatred shining in her eyes.

Seeing Daji like this, Gun Zuan quickly waved his hand to let the many maids who were serving him back down.Then Gun Don stepped forward to gently support Daji, and asked worriedly: "Miss, miss, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Gun's words, Daji raised his head to look at Gun's, feeling the concern and worry in Gun's eyes, Daji hugged Gun's face a little out of composure, and held her tightly in his arms.

"Gun Tun, only you are really good to me, other people will only bully me, they will only bully me." As he spoke, Daji began to cry in Gun Tun's arms.

"Miss, miss, it's all right!" Gun Zan comforted Daji while patting Daji's back.

With Gun's reassurance, Daji gradually stopped crying.

Then, I saw Daji raised her head from Gun's arms, biting her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, showing a peerless obsession.

Seeing Daji's obsequiousness, Gun's eyes shone with scorching light.

Daji put her mouth next to Gun's ear, and said softly: "Gun's donation, I want it!" The voice was gentle, as if trying to draw out the soul of a person.

Afterwards, Daji's lips brushed against Gun's cheek all the way until it finally landed on Gun's equally plump and alluring lips.

Both of them were breathing heavily.And their faces became more and more red, as if the heat in their bodies was constantly being released, and this heat made them feel a little uncomfortable all over.

In addition to this heat, there is also a kind of itching from the bones that flows through the whole body with the heat. These feelings make them feel that the clothes on their bodies are just restraints.

The two stretched out their hands, and both couldn't wait to tear off each other's clothes.At the same time, the lips of the two are not idle, constantly sucking each other's plump and soft lips.

A trace of saliva was constantly exchanged between the lips of the two.

Finally, with the joint efforts of the two, their clothes were completely removed.Immediately, two dazzling white bodies entangled and appeared on the spot.

As soon as Daji lowered her head, she gently embraced the top of Gun's Fengfeng, and Gun's voice suddenly let out a soft cry.

Afterwards, Gun Zuan also seemed not to be outdone, and lightly held Daji's left Fengying with his right hand, and then opened his mouth wide, swallowing Daji's right Fengying into the small half.

The two smooth bodies caressed and kissed each other on the big bed, and uttered bursts of chanting.

After stroking, Daji and Gun's two legs crossed and entangled, and they kept shaking their slender waists, panting heavily, dripping with sweat.

Finally, following two short cries, the two entangled bodies froze, and then they both collapsed limply on the bed.

"Miss, what happened to you today?" Gun Zan asked softly while stroking Daji.

Daji then told Gun Tuan everything about today.

After listening to Daji's words, Gunn thought for a while.Then he said: "Miss, in the final analysis, your status is still not high enough. If your status is high enough, I believe no one would dare to treat you like this. And Queen Jiang is a hindrance to your promotion. She must be removed."

"Then what should we do?" Daji raised his head and asked after hearing Gun's words.

"There is a sin that will never be forgiven no matter what, and that is treason! As long as we have the evidence of Queen Jiang's rebellion, we can easily take her down at that time!" Speaking of this, Gun Zun's tone It's already a bit vicious.

Gun Don loves her young lady very much, and she will get rid of anyone who is unfavorable to her young lady.

After listening to Gun's words, Daji thought for a while, but finally shook her head slightly and said: "Although this plan seems to be well-thought-out, it cannot be trusted at all. One of Queen Jiang's two sons is destined to become a great king. How could you take the risk of treason?"

"Miss, since King Jiang came to Shouxian Palace to reprimand you a few days ago, I have already started to make preparations. Now I have found someone who can help us carry out this plan perfectly." Gun donated with confidence. Said.

"Who is this person?" Daji couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he heard Gun Zan say so.

"This man's name is Jiang Huan. He used to be a guard in Dong Bohou's mansion. He is four feet tall and extremely brave. He was kicked out by Dong Bohou because of his greed for alcohol. .”

"Jiang Wan'er, you bitch, you're doomed this time, and in a few days, I'll dig out your dog's eyes to make you dislike me!" Daji said harshly after hearing Gun's words.

Immediately afterwards, he leaned softly and weakly in Gun Zun's arms, where there was no such vicious look.

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Dear friends, do you like this chapter?Do you know?When I was writing this chapter, God couldn't stand it, my electricity was cut off, I lost the manuscript, and then I rewrote it.What a risk I have risked to dedicate this chapter to you!Count votes or something!Of course, if there is something else, I will be more happy. (laughing)

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