Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 96 Miserable

() "What's the matter? Old You, explain clearly why you can't leave?" Fei Zhong grabbed You Hun anxiously, wanting You Hun to give him an explanation.

But before You Hun could speak, Fei Zhong knew what was going on.

Because at this time, a woman's voice came from outside the palace.It was Gun Don, Daji's personal maid.

"Young maidservant Gun donated. I came here to the West Palace to wait for the imperial concubine's orders at the order of my empress, so as to prevent some guards from accidentally getting away with treasonous criminals."

Hearing Gun Don's words, and looking at the full guards standing in the courtyard, Fei Zhong's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"Your Majesty, it's okay. At worst, we'll protect you and rush out today." Fei Zhong came to Queen Jiang and said.

Queen Jiang's complexion gradually calmed down. Hearing Fei Zhong's suggestion, she shook her head lightly.

"It seems that Your Majesty is really a fake. But I want to see what tricks this counterfeit can use. I will never run away on the charge of treason." Queen Jiang's voice was very firm, not allowing anyone Change.

Then, Queen Jiang turned to Fei Zhong and said, "You two must not expose it. The more power you preserve, the more capital you will have when His Majesty comes back in the future. You must remember, endure! I believe , One day, His Majesty will come back!"

"Your Majesty..." Fei Zhong wanted to persuade him, but Queen Jiang interrupted him with a slight wave of his hand.

"I can't escape now. But you must keep the two princes. In this way, even if your majesty is in the future," Queen Jiang stopped and took a deep breath and said, "even if your majesty really encounters an accident in the future, With these two children here, there is also hope of returning to the country."

"Your Majesty, I will definitely protect the two princes. I am incompetent and can only let your Majesty suffer." Fei Zhong and You Hun knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly.

At this moment, because no one responded to her just now, Na Gunjian opened his mouth to inform her again.And those guards were also a little wobbly, as if they wanted to rush into the palace.

Queen Jiang straightened her robes, still maintaining the maternity demeanor, walked out slowly, and said at the same time: "However, a little court lady is so presumptuous. Even Your Majesty has not condemned me, In your mouth, I became a treasonous felon?"

Hearing Queen Jiang's voice, Gun Zuan breathed a sigh of relief.At the same time, she said with a coquettish smile: "Oh, what the empress taught me is that the servant girl made a slip of the tongue, damn it, damn it! But it will become a fact after a while!"

Afterwards, Gun Don didn't pay attention to Empress Jiang, but turned to Concubine Huang, who was at the side, and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know if Empress Jiang has confessed to the crime of treason?"

Seeing this arrogant little maid, Huang Guifei smiled coldly and said, "Sister Jiang was not charged in the first place, why did she confess?"

"Could it be that the imperial concubine has forgotten His Majesty's instructions when she came here? If the empress does not accept, she will have one eye gouged out." Gun Tuan turned his head and looked at Queen Jiang with threatening eyes.

"You lowly servant girl, don't even look at where this is. I'll beat you to death today to see what Daji can do to me?" Concubine Huang Gui was born into a military family. , can't bear the provocation of Gun donating yin and yang.

"Sister Huang, don't be impulsive!" Jiang Wan'er held back the impulsive Concubine Huang.

But Gun Don didn't take Huang Guifei's threat at all, and just covered his mouth and laughed coquettishly.

"My queen, are you still unwilling to admit it? If you don't admit it, don't blame the servant girl for being rude!" After laughing for a while, Gun Zun said to Queen Jiang.

After hearing Gun's words, Jiang Wan'er just looked at Gun's coldly and didn't say a word.

"Oh, my queen, you really cooperate! I can actually goug out the eyes of a noble person like you one day. I couldn't imagine it before!"

Gun's eyes shone with excitement, and he murmured.After staying with Daji for a long time, Gun's mentality gradually became a little abnormal.

"Come here, escort your empress into the West Palace. We are going to goug out the beautiful phoenix eyes of your empress."

Then Gun Don waved his hand, and several guards behind him immediately ran to Queen Jiang's side, trying to grab her hands.

Concubine Huang Gui on one side yelled: "Which one of you dares?" But Fei Zhong and You Hun could only stand on the side, clenched their fists tightly, but they were powerless.

When the guards heard Huang Guifei's shout, they froze in place immediately, a little at a loss.

"My concubine, what do you mean? Are you going against His Majesty's will?" Gun Don's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, and he stared closely at Concubine Huang.

"Sister Huang, remember to protect my two princes for me." Queen Jiang said softly in the ear of the imperial concubine.

"I..." Huang Guifei only said "I", then lowered her head and retreated.

Seeing Concubine Huang like this, Gun Don waved his hand, and the guards escorted Queen Jiang into the West Palace, after which Gun Don also entered the West Palace.

Huang Guifei and Fei Zhongyouhun also followed into the West Palace with worried faces.

As soon as she entered the palace, she saw Queen Jiang being forced to kneel on the ground, and a wooden tray was placed in front of her with a roll of snow-white silk on it.

And Gun Tuan stood in front of Queen Jiang with a small knife in his hand, and then Gun Tuan held the knife in his right hand and firmly inserted it into Queen Jiang's right eye socket.

"Ah~~" Queen Jiang couldn't bear the severe pain in her eyes, and screamed.

Gun Zan held the knife and turned around Queen Jiang's eye sockets, then gouged out Queen Jiang's eyeballs and dropped them on the wooden tray placed on the ground.

Then a thin column of blood flowed out from Queen Jiang's eye sockets, and soon soaked the phoenix robe on her body red.

Concubine Huang quickly stepped forward to hug Queen Jiang, who was lying on the ground and twitching, in her arms, staring at Gun Tun.

"My queen, are you still unwilling to admit it? Why bother? As long as you admit it, you won't have to suffer so much!" Gun Chan said to Queen Jiang who was lying in Huang Guifei's arms.

"I...don't...recognize..." Queen Jiang's voice began to tremble because of the pain, but she still firmly refused to admit that she sent someone to assassinate Di Xin.

"Hey, you're not afraid of gouging out your eyeballs. I really have no other choice. I'd better go back and ask my mother for her opinion!" After saying that, Gun Zun picked up the tray containing Queen Jiang's eyeballs and turned to leave.

Seeing that Gun Tuan was about to leave, Concubine Huang put Queen Jiang gently on the ground, and shouted, "I'll go with you, I want to ask Nasu Daji what is she planning to do?"

At this time, Di Xin and Su Daji were all waiting for the result of the interrogation in the Shouxian Palace, but after a while, they saw Gun Don coming in with a tray, followed by Concubine Huang Gui.

When Di Xin and Su Daji took a closer look, it turned out that there was a bloody eyeball on the tray.

"How about it, did Empress Jiang recruit?" Daji asked indifferently.

"No, Queen Jiang's bones are very hard! The maidservant can't do anything about it." Gun Tuan said helplessly there.

However, Huang Guifei, who was following behind, felt that the two were monsters in human skin.

Concubine Huang quickly took two steps forward, and said, "Your Majesty, Sister Jiang said she didn't do it after this happened, don't you believe me? Sister Jiang was wronged!"

Although she knew that His Majesty was faked by someone else, Concubine Huang Gui couldn't help pleading with him.

After hearing Huang Guifei's words, Di Xin had a look of unbearable expression on his face.

But Daji on the side sneered a few times. "Refused to admit it? This shows that the punishment is still not enough. Gun Don, you find a copper bucket filled with red-hot charcoal, and burn Ginger's hands to see if she recognizes it or not?"

After hearing Daji's words, Huang Guifei collapsed to the ground.Then he stood up abruptly, stumbled and ran towards his palace.

I still go to persuade sister Jiang to admit it!What kind of pain is this burning, and how can she, a weak woman, be able to bear it.

Concubine Huang ran back to the palace and told Queen Jiang that Daji was going to burn her hands, but there was no panic on Queen Jiang's face, but a calm look on her face.

"Sister Huang, His Majesty will definitely come back, don't you think? When His Majesty returns, he will definitely avenge me. No matter how much pain I am enduring now, His Majesty will return it to Su Daji a hundred times and a thousand times in the future. Queen Jiang's eyes were full of longing, and she told Concubine Huang.

After a while, Gun Tuan returned to the palace again, followed by several guards, who carried a bronze bucket in their hands, which was filled with red-hot charcoal.

This time, Gun Don didn't ask Queen Jiang any more, and asked someone to press Queen Jiang's hands on the copper bucket.

"Ah~~" This time, Queen Jiang let out a more miserable cry than before, and at the same time there were bursts of stabbing sounds.

"My queen, do you admit it or not? If you don't admit it, your hands will be rotten." Gun Zun kept persuading Queen Jiang.

But Queen Jiang just screamed, but ignored Gun Don who was talking non-stop.

Finally, Queen Jiang's pair of jade hands were broken, the skin was scorched, and the bones were dry and the flesh was smelly.

Seeing that Queen Jiang came to this field, she was still unwilling to admit that she knew that Jiang Huan had assassinated Di Xin, so Gun Zun could only stomp his feet in resentment, turned and left the West Palace.

Only Jiang Wan'er, whose right eye socket was bleeding continuously and her hands were scorched and rotten, was left in place.

On the other hand, Fei Zhong and You Hun couldn't bear it any longer, tears rolling down their eyes.They feel that they are incompetent, unable to protect their mistress, and let their mistress suffer such horrific torture.

If His Majesty returns in the future, what face should they have to see His Majesty?

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