Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 98 Undercover

() "Mother, mother." Seeing that Queen Jiang really came back to life, Yin Jiao and Yin Hong jumped over in surprise and hugged their mother tightly.

Jiang Wan'er just woke up, her mind is still hazy, she doesn't know what's going on.At this time, seeing his son hugging him tightly, he hugged the two sons backhand.The three mother and son cried immediately.

In Yin Jiao's narration, Queen Jiang knew what had happened.

Queen Jiang got up quickly, walked in front of Yu Yuan, bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving me. I don't know which fairy mountain where Chang is practicing?"

This Jiang Wan'er didn't know Yu Yuan, but Fei Zhong and You Hun did know Yu Yuan, when Yu Yuan said in court that he and Di Xin were good friends in previous lives.

"Your Majesty, this priest is a good friend of His Majesty's previous life, and he once came to Chaoge to meet His Majesty!" Fei Zhong hurriedly stepped forward to introduce Queen Jiang.

Hearing this, Jiang Wan'er's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Master Daoist, do you know if the current His Majesty is himself?"

Yu Yuan shook his head lightly, and said, "The current Emperor Xin is not himself, but Maitreya of the Western religion in disguise! The ten-day long night was caused by this Maitreya pretending to be the Emperor."

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Jiang Wan'er finally breathed a sigh of relief.Although all kinds of evidence showed that the current Di Xin might be a fake, but she didn't get a definite answer. She was always afraid that Di Xin was the real Di Xin, but her temperament had changed.

Queen Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately seemed to think of something, and hurriedly asked: "Master, do you know where the real Majesty has gone? Is it imprisoned by Maitreya? Or, or..."

"Don't worry, although the luck of the emperor in the sky above Chaoge City is constantly losing, since it hasn't dissipated, it means that Di Xin is fine now, and he should just be imprisoned by Maitreya. Although I still don't know where Di Xin was Where is Maitreya imprisoned, but I will definitely find him!"

Yu Yuan couldn't help shaking his head as he spoke.Secretly glad that Maitreya was not killed that day.Otherwise, he couldn't find Di Xin, and the world would really be in chaos.

This Maitreya didn't know where Di Xin was imprisoned, and he hid it so secretly.

You must know that Di Xin cannot be taken into the mustard space by Maitreya, otherwise the aura of emperor on the top of Chaoge City will dissipate immediately.

After thinking for a while, Yu Yuan's spiritual sense also swept around Chaoge City at the same time, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Seeing Yu Yuan shaking his head, Queen Jiang could only lower her head in disappointment.

"If there is nothing else, you can go back to Jin'ao Island with me! It's too dangerous here, and I will protect you for Di Xin!" Yu Yuan said to Queen Jiang in front of him.

"Only me? What about my two princes?" Queen Jiang couldn't help asking when she heard Yu Yuan's words.

"The two of them have other opportunities. In the future, the two of them will become Di Xin's two great helpers!" Yu Yuan gently stroked the tops of Yin Jiao and Yin Hong's heads, and said with a smile.

"But, Daoist Priest, if Jiao'er and Hong'er are left here, I'm afraid they will be killed by Su Daji." Jiang Wan'er said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, this is the opportunity for the two of them. If you are really worried, I will take you to watch them in the air after a while, until they are safe, and then you will come back to Jin'ao Island with me." See Queen Jiang still looked worried, so Yu Yuan suggested.

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Queen Jiang couldn't say anything more, so she nodded.

Seeing Queen Jiang nodding, Yu Yuan turned around and said to Yin Jiao and Yin Hong: "Wait a while, you two can try everything to escape, even though you will be caught in the end, you must escape. In the end, the two of you will be rescued by two Taoist priests, who will take you as disciples."

Yin Jiao and Yin Hong nodded while listening to Yu Yuan's description, keeping what Yu Yuan said firmly in their hearts.

"However, you have to remember. Those two Taoists are the accomplices that led to Da Shang's current situation. You worship them as teachers to learn skills. Only in this way can you better help your father in the future." Yu Yuan said in a serious tone. said.

After listening to Yu Yuan's words, Yin Jiao and Yin Hong nodded vigorously, expressing that they remembered.

In fact, Yu Yuan didn't intend to let these two people worship Chijingzi and Guangchengzi as teachers again, but thinking of the treasures of these two people and his plan, he could only let them take a risk.

Seeing the two Yin Jiao brothers like this, Yu Yuan nodded, and then took Jiang Wan'er directly into the sky.

As soon as Yu Yuan left, the two brothers Yin Hong and Yin Jiao first followed Huang Guifei's instructions and hid for a while with Yang Guifei in Xianqing Palace, avoiding the pursuit of Chao Tian and Chao Lei.

Then the two came to the court and cried to the ministers.Fang Bi and Fang Xiang, who had received orders from Fei Zhong and You Hun, carried Yin Jiao and Yin Hong on their shoulders and strode towards the outside of Chaoge City.

Then Huang Feihu went out of the city, stopped Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, and then released them under the crying of the two children.

Fang Bi and Fang Xiang, two rams, put down Yin Jiao and Yin Hong when they walked halfway, and went their separate ways.

At this time, Queen Jiang, who was watching all this in the clouds, couldn't help worrying: "Master Dao, what should we do? The two children have nothing to do in the wild!"

"It's okay, it's okay, they will be arrested soon." Yu Yuan comforted.

Sure enough, soon, the two brothers Yin Hong and Yin Jiao were arrested, and at the same time, the old prime minister Shang Rong who had already retired was also alarmed, and rushed towards Chaoge again.

Although he knew that Shang Rong would definitely die if he went, Yu Yuan didn't intend to stop him.After Shang Rong died, he was conferred a god, which is already a very good result for a mortal.

Yu Yuan and Queen Jiang followed Yin Hong and Yin Jiao until they were rescued by Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi and accepted as apprentices by them.

After that, Jiang Wan'er was ready to go to Jin'ao Island with Yu Yuan.

At this moment, Yu Yuan suddenly felt a whim, and after counting his fingers, he immediately understood the cause and effect.

After that, Yu Yuan didn't delay anymore, set up Yunguang, and took Jiang Wan'er to Jin'ao Island.With Yu Yuan's Yunguang speed, he arrived at Jin'ao Island in a short while.

Yu Yuan let Jiang Wan'er go, recruited Xiao Jinzi, and asked Xiao Jinzi to arrange Jiang Wan'er's accommodation, and put her and Yang Jian's mother Yaoji together.

Then Yu Yuan stepped out and disappeared in place, and then appeared on the East China Sea.

The territory of the East China Sea is vast and boundless, and there are many places bordering the Great Desolate Continent, but the place Yu Yuan came to this time has something special.

This is the estuary of a big river. This river is called the Jiuwan River, and it is the place where Nezha and the East China Sea later became enmity.

Just now, Yu Yuan felt that Nezha was born on a whim.

Na Zha and his third apprentice Ao Bing had a natural conflict, and it was destined that there would be a life-and-death battle.Therefore, as soon as Nezha was born, Ao Bing's fate began to be entangled with him, and Yu Yuan felt it immediately.

Yu Yuan came to the Jiuwan River, looked at the surrounding scenery, felt pretty good, so he decided to wait here for seven years, and teach his apprentices by the way.

Yu Yuan had previously calculated with all his strength that it would take several years to rescue Di Xin.At that time, the entire Chaoge's Human Emperor's luck began to be shallow. At that time, as long as you look at where the Human Emperor's luck is stronger, it means that Di Xin was imprisoned there.

As for what happened during this period, Yu Yuan didn't have the heart to intervene any more.Maybe when Jiang Ziya came down the mountain, he would join in the fun, but let Mitreya do the rest!

Among his three apprentices, Ao Bing was the weakest one, but he was only at the early stage of a true immortal.Yu Yuan wanted to raise Ao Bing's strength to another level within the seven years.

Before, Yu Yuan was strong, but when Ao Bing returned to the East China Sea, Yu Yuan's cultivation was only at the stage of true immortality. Now that Yu Yuan's cultivation has been promoted to the stage of Daluo Jinxian, his knowledge is naturally different.

By the way, Yu Yuan also needs to clear his mind, how he should deal with the impending catastrophe of conferred gods.

Yu Yuan chose a location, pointed at it, and three thatched huts appeared on the spot, and then Yu Yuan walked directly into the thatched hut.

At this time, Ao Bing, who was meditating and cultivating in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, because he just felt that the master was calling him, and it was at a very close distance.

Ao Bing rushed out from the closed-door retreat, turned into a dragon body, and swam quickly across the bottom of the sea.

The surrounding aquariums didn't know what happened, but none of them dared to stop Ao Bing from asking.Although Ao Bing is only at the stage of true immortality, he can be regarded as a rare master for the declining dragon clan. < Ren shape, falling cloud head.

Looking at the three small huts in front of him, Ao Bing was a little excited and couldn't help himself, then he calmed down and said, "Disciple Ao Bing, please see Master!"

Although there are only three ordinary thatched huts in front of Ao Bing, and even a sneeze of Ao Bing can blow the thatched huts away, but now Ao Bing looks at these three with a pilgrimage. A thatched cottage.

"Come in!" Yu Yuan's voice was very gentle, but full of the profound meaning of various laws.

Just hearing Yu Yuan's words, Ao Bing felt as if he had realized something.

Ao Bing gently pushed away the people in the thatched hut, and saw Yu Yuan sitting on an ordinary bamboo bed, just like an ordinary person, without any strength in his body.

Ao Bing walked over, looked at Yu Yuan with reverence, and said, "Master, what realm are you in now?"

Yu Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Why? I'm afraid that Master's realm is not enough, so he can't teach you?"

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Ao Bing hastily denied it: "How is it possible? Of course Master can teach me! How can my cultivation be so good!"

"Hehe, being a teacher is just joking with you! Because of the change of circumstances, being a teacher is now the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage!"

"The middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian?" Ao Bing looked at Yu Yuan in disbelief.

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