Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 127 Gold

When Sun Buyi searched carefully room by room in the headquarters of the Kodama Agency, he also did not find any clues about wealth.But Sun Buyi was not discouraged, because Sun Buyi insisted in his heart that the reason for this situation must be due to something he had overlooked.

In the corridor of the headquarters of the Kodama Agency, Sun Buyi lit a cigarette, leaned against the wall, squinted his eyes and took a puff slowly. Glance from one end of the entire hallway to the other.After going round and round for a few times, the frowning brows on Sun Buyi's face finally eased gradually.

After receiving the engineering shovel handed over by a clone soldier, Sun Buyi picked up the shovel and slammed it fiercely at a decorative Roman column placed in the corridor and close to the wall.The sharp engineer's shovel cut through the thick layer of plaster on the exterior of the Roman column in an instant. Sure enough, as Sun Buyi guessed before, a piece of glittering gold was revealed inside the cut plaster layer!

From the moment Sun Buyi entered the headquarters of the Kodama Agency, he felt that this place looked a bit awkward.What triggered Sun Buyi's feeling was actually the sixty white Roman columns made of plaster placed on both sides of the corridor in the headquarters of the Kodama Agency as decorations.

In the Broadway dance hall on the first floor, there are also many white Roman columns like this placed on both sides of the walls of the corridor and the rest area, but those Roman columns are all embedded in the walls, and each Roman column only has half of the area convex. out of the wall.

However, these Roman columns placed on the fifth floor of the Broadway Building and on both sides of the corridor of the Kodama Agency Headquarters are all close to the wall instead of being embedded in the wall. This discovery made Sun Buyi feel bad about these Roman columns. function has been questioned.

Sun Buyi had checked all the rooms in the headquarters of the Kodama Agency, and the layout of those rooms was all tatami-style Japanese style, so these white Roman columns placed on both sides of the corridor obviously cannot be the tone that the Japanese like, and this is also The decoration style in the corridor and the room is very different, giving people a feeling of nondescript.

However, given that the current landlord of the Broadway Building is still British, Kodama is only a tenant here, so the decoration of the corridor may also be at the request of the landlord, retaining a strong Anglo-Saxon style. Barely makes sense.

But Sun Buyi also remembered another thing. Before he crossed over, Sun Buyi remembered reading a report, revealing that some special units of the Japanese army in World War II had carried out special treatment on the gold looted from China, Southeast Asia and other countries. , and then smuggled it back to Japan without attracting attention to make up for the huge expenses caused by the war.And this so-called special treatment is to apply a layer of camouflage on the surface of gold, such as plaster...

In the headquarters of the Kodama Agency, the clone soldiers began to bring down the one-meter-high Roman columns standing in the corridor, and then fixed them on the slideway composed of five fist-thick steel wires. The window, with its window removed, slid directly to the Opel Lightning truck parked outside the Broadway building.

After seeing the sixty golden Roman columns covered with plaster were all loaded onto the Opel Lightning truck, Sun Buyi was satisfied and led the team to leave the Broadway Building.Although these golden Roman columns covered with gypsum were all hollow, Sun Buyi roughly estimated that the amount of gold he harvested this time still exceeded the astonishing figure of three tons.

However, compared with the gold, what makes Sun Buyi more happy is that Yang Tianfeng from the Hangzhou Jianqiao Central Aviation School that he met tonight, maybe the pilots of his Messerschmitt bf-109 fighter jets will soon have one. landed.

When Sun Buyi arrived at Yue's mansion with that Opel Lightning motorcade, it was already early morning, but the small western-style building in Yue's compound was still brightly lit.Hearing the sound of the Opel Lightning motorcade that Sun Buyi belonged to entering the Yue family compound, Mr. Yue immediately brought Yue Linglong, Xiao Zhankui, and Duan Beishan out of the living room of the Western-style building and stood outside the living room door The heavy rain set off and waited for Sun Buyi's arrival.

"Uncle Yue, the factory is safe and sound, and this time, I also paid a return visit to Kodama's headquarters on the fifth floor of the Broadway Building. From there, I got you a special gift." Sun Buyi said while turning his back After waving his hand, a clone soldier immediately presented a wooden box in his hand to Mr. Yue.

With the help of the light emitted from the crystal chandelier in the living room, Mr. Yue could clearly see that the wooden box held by the clone soldier was covered with dried blood around it.After looking at Sun Buyi with some doubts, Mr. Yue took the wooden box and slowly opened the wooden board on the front of the wooden box.When he saw the human head in the wooden box, Mr. Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help shouting up to the sky, "Have fun! Well done! Well done!"

"This dog breeder just happens to be holding a dance at the Broadway dance hall tonight. As the saying goes, it's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. This is because God doesn't like him. I want to use my hand to get rid of it! Hahahaha!" Sun Buyi said to him. Everyone walked slowly towards the living room together, while talking to Mr. Yue, Yue Linglong and others.

After everyone went back to the living room and sat down, Sun Buyi first listened to Duan Beishan and Xiao Zhankui's general recounting of the battle to guard the Yue family's old house and the Yue family mansion at night, and then Sun Buyi nodded in satisfaction, with a look of relief in his eyes color.

"I am very satisfied with the performance of the two of you during this period of time!" Sun Buyi looked at Duan Beishan and Xiao Zhankui who were sitting opposite him, and said in a deep voice, "Especially this time the devils in the Hongkou Japanese Concession made a big move, and the soldiers were divided into two groups. Lu raided the Yue's mansion, both of them are heroes who have defended the land! Speaking of which, I and the two are friends who don't know each other. "

Hearing Sun Buyi's words, Duan Beishan and Xiao Zhankui couldn't help showing sighs and embarrassing smiles on their faces.Thinking about it, it is really like what Sun Buyi said. If Duan Beishan hadn't wanted to arrest Sun Buyi in Deda Beef Farm, and Xiao Zhankui hadn't blocked the way to snatch people in front of the stone bridge outside Guanghua University, it would have been the same as Sun Buyi's gestures. A person who can call wind and rain in a short time, it is really impossible for the two to have any intersection.

"So I have a proposal here. How about the two of you simply join my Jiangsu Provincial Security Fifth Regiment?" Sun Buyizhao's face changed when he heard this, and the two who just wanted to get up and answer waved their hands, "You guys Don't rush to answer me, I will give you a period of time to think about it, the time limit is the day when our agreement expires, August 1937, 8."

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