Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 134 Confrontation

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"Bagaya Road!" Tanaka Liansuke, who was sitting in the rear compartment of the military column, saw the cold light reflected from the bayonet in the rain outside the window, and his face full of flesh changed color.

The troops of the 29th Army appearing on the platform of Langfang Railway Station at this moment definitely far exceed the strength of the two companies. What's more terrible is that these defenders are not as negligent or scattered as they originally expected, but Using bayonets like a forest, they formed a human wall on the platform of the train station without fear of death. They lined up in two rows facing each other with the soldiers who had just jumped out of the troop carriage, pointing at each other with the bayonets at the front of their rifles. The opponent's chest.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Rensuke Tanaka's heart tightened involuntarily.For a few seconds, Rensuke Tanaka even began to regret that because of his previous arrogance, the [-]th Squadron had fallen into the current predicament.

Liansuke Tanaka believed that as long as he was a little careless now, let alone making any first achievements, he and the entire [-]th Squadron would have to leave their lives on the narrow platform of this railway station in an instant.Although as a loyal believer in Bushido spirit, Tanaka Rensuke was not afraid of death, but Tanaka Rensuke could not tolerate his squadron being wiped out on the platform by the opponent in an organized way. Such a fiasco was unprecedented in the Kwantung Army!

Forcibly suppressing the strong fear and uneasiness in his heart, Rensuke Tanaka picked up the command knife that had been wiped clean with his slightly trembling right hand, got up and walked quickly to the section that was connected to the carriage he was in. Inside the troop carrier, he walked towards the door of the troop carrier that had been opened by his subordinates.

"I want to speak to your commander!" Rensuke Tanaka stood at the door of the troop carriage, looking over the row in front of him with his back to the military column, and was holding the 29-type rifle in his hand to fight the opponent The tensely confronting Japanese soldiers shouted loudly towards the gray human wall composed of soldiers from the [-]th Army four or five steps away from the military column.

A second lieutenant of the Japanese army who followed closely behind Rensuke Tanaka immediately repeated Tanaka Rensuke's words to the outside of the carriage in Chinese.As soon as the second lieutenant of the Japanese army finished speaking, on the platform four or five steps away from the right side of the carriage where Tanaka Liansuke was, a big Northwest man with a strong figure, a strong back, and a short-handled machete in his hand came from the platform. Standing up from the crowd formed by the 29th Army, they shouted loudly in the direction of Liansuke Tanaka, "We have nothing to talk about! Langfang Station is the defense area of ​​the 29th Division of the 38th Army! Leave here and return to Tianjin the same way!"

After the second lieutenant of the Japanese army translated the words of the big man with the knife to Tanaka Rensuke, the flesh on Tanaka Rensuke's face twitched a few times.Right now, Liansuke Tanaka neither dared to order the troops to act hastily, nor was he willing to withdraw from the platform without success.After silently calculating the time when the main force of the Sakai United team arrived in Langfang, Tanaka Liansuke simply made up a clumsy excuse, hoping to continue to wait for the opportunity on the platform of Langfang Railway Station.

"We are the Communication Squadron of the North China Garrison of the Empire of Japan! We came to Langfang Railway Station to repair the military wires erected here by the Imperial Army! Your 29th Army must immediately vacate the Langfang Railway Station, and you must not obstruct the Imperial Japanese Army for no reason. Actions in North China!"

It's a pity that Rensuke Tanaka's nonsense did not play any role.A sternness flashed through the eyes of the big knife-wielding man in the crowd, and then he stared at Liansuke Tanaka's neck for a moment as if he were looking at a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered, before turning to look at the many 29th troops standing beside him. The soldier shouted, "Brothers! You all heard, the little devils want us to give up Langfang Station to them! What do you think we should do?"




Waves of roars erupted from the human wall like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, overwhelming the sound of the downpour from the sky hitting the ground.With every faint cry of wind and thunder, the human wall composed of four infantry companies of the 29th Army and 38th Division will take a firm step forward.

And the gleaming bayonets at the tip of the Czech rifles held tightly in the hands of the soldiers forming the human wall are like sharp swords that split the rain. the cold glow.

The big knife-wielding man who came out to answer Tanaka Rensuke earlier was standing at the forefront of the crowd.The rain that fell from the sky densely splashed on the weapon in his hand, and then countless water lines slid down to the ground along the three-foot-long short-handled machete in his hand.Although the expression on the face of the big man with the knife at this moment is as calm as that of the ancient well, but in his bloodshot eyes, there has already been a monstrous killing intent.

As soon as he received an order from the regiment headquarters, the [-]st Battalion Commander, a big man with a knife, rushed to the platform of Langfang Railway Station with the [-]st Battalion and [-] Companies guarding Shihuiwu.The order issued by the regiment headquarters to the first battalion was very simple. It can be summed up in only eight words, 'Form a human wall and stick to the platform! '

The big man with the knife understood the meaning contained in these eight characters.Either hold the devils tightly on the platform, wait for them to retreat and return to Tianjin by the same route as the army; or wait for the devils to shoot themselves first, and then fight them to the death on the platform!The big knife-wielding man was looking forward to the latter choice. The short-handled machete named "Severe Head" in his hand had never drank the blood of Japanese pirates since the Great Wall War!

As the human wall formed by the soldiers of the 29th Army slowly moved forward in the rain, the temporary queue formed by the Japanese soldiers getting off the military column began to become a little messy, and they kept jumping off the troop carriages of the military column to join the queue The Japanese soldiers exacerbated the situation.

It wasn't until the distance between the soldiers of the 29th Army and the soldiers of the Japanese Army that there was only a punch and the bayonets on the front of the rifles of both sides had almost touched the tip of each other's noses. Everyone in the wall stared at every move of the opposite party.

If there was no subsequent gunshot, the confrontation between the two sides might have continued for several hours, even until the main force of Sakai United arrived at Langfang Station.No one knows who fired the first shot, but that no longer matters.With the sudden gunshot, the Chinese and Japanese soldiers on the platform collided fiercely like players from both sides on a rugby field.

(Thanks for the attention and support of Hei Ye 59 readers! Bow!)

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