Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 136 Crisis

(Bow to thank the readers of Autumn God Light, nkj8084, fankaifan, Tianyayue, One Inch Time One Inch Gold readers for their rewards! Especially Autumn God Light and nkj8084, you are readers who have read cat novels from the beginning, and you haven’t seen them for a long time Your name has appeared before, and at one time the cat thought you had given up on the cat's book. But seeing your name again today, the cat is really excited, welcome back! Or you never left!)

(In addition, I would also like to thank youngshine, k?k?k, jioko, Congxue, Wei Cheng, Water Tears 2008, Jagged Shopping, No Strengths, Xia Zhenzhen, Chen Qixiong who left comments in the book review area today, thank you all, let the cat Feeling like I’m no longer alone! Take a bow!)

The big man with the knife vigorously wiped his eyes that were covered with blood again, and was about to get up from the ground and continue to rush to the troop carriage in front of him to look for the Devil Captain whom he had been eyeing before, but suddenly came from Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that in the no-man's land created by the Japanese soldiers who blew themselves up with grenades on the platform, four unarmed devils were coming up from the Japanese army column adjacent to the no-man's land. , Lifted a heavy 29-type heavy machine gun from the carriage, and prepared to set it up on the platform to fire at the human wall formed by soldiers from the [-]th Army in the distance.

The scene in front of him caused the big man with the knife to tear his eyes apart.At the moment when the big knife-wielding man tightly grasped the short-handled machete in his hand, and was about to pounce on those devils, a wounded soldier of the 29th Army who fell to the ground when the Japanese soldier blew himself up just now had his bloody solitary The arm rang a row of grenades hanging from his waist.

With an earth-shattering bang, the Type [-] heavy machine gun that had just been lifted off the military train compartment turned into a pile of twisted scrap iron in a blink of an eye, and the four people carrying the Type [-] heavy machine gun All the Japanese soldiers turned into a pile of fragmented pieces of meat, which were thrown around the platform by the impact of the explosion of the grenade.

The man with the knife knew the wounded soldier who blew the grenade just now. He was an authentic man from the Northwest. He had joined the first battalion he led since the year of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War.Don't look at the quietness of words on weekdays, but a machete with a short handle makes the fire so perfect that it is not too much panic compared to yourself.Fighting devils is never ambiguous. One person in Xifeng's mouth once cut down four devil soldiers and one devil officer, but he didn't expect to lose here today!

It is said that money is not money when it enters the casino, and a person is not a person when he enters the battlefield.As if inspired by the way of self-explosion with a grenade just now, the red-eyed soldiers on both sides began to rush into the opponent's camp with the grenade on their bodies.

The only difference is that as long as the Japanese army finds that they cannot withstand the impact of the soldiers of the 29th Army, they will immediately explode the grenade, regardless of the existence of other Japanese soldiers around; The military column rushed up, and died together with the devils who were stranded in the troop carrier because the platform was too narrow.

With the sound of violent explosions one after another, several carriages of the Japanese military column parked on the platform were on fire for a while, and there was no sign of extinguishing even in the torrential rain.From time to time, one or two "fire men" screamed and jumped onto the platform from the carriages of the military train, but were immediately hacked to the ground by soldiers of the 29th Army with machetes in their hands.

Although Chinese and Japanese soldiers were killed and wounded on the platform of Langfang Railway Station, those who were still alive continued to attack each other as if they were crazy, and fought desperately to the death... .........

In the regiment headquarters of the [-]th Regiment in the village at the southern section of Langfang Railway Station, four or five female operators in military uniforms were busy in front of the only three hand-cranked telephones and a radio station in the regiment headquarters.Chu Jianxiong, the head of the [-]th Regiment, frowned, standing silently in front of the map of Pingjin spread on the wooden table in the room, while Huang Guozhong, the chief of staff of the [-]th Regiment, was nervously walking back and forth in the room with a tea mug pacing.

"Tuan Zuo! The phone at Langfang Railway Station is connected!" A female operator who stood up from her seat turned around and said to Chu Jianxiong with a look of surprise, and then handed the microphone in her hand to the man who walked away like a shooting star after hearing the news. Chu Jianxiong came over.

"I'm Chu Jianxiong! How's the situation there?" Chu Jianxiong asked loudly as soon as he took the microphone. Chief of Staff Huang Guozhong also walked quickly to the microphone, holding his breath and listening to the voice coming from the microphone. the sound of.

"Report to the regiment! I am Ma Changfa, the commander of the 10st Battalion and [-]nd Company! The devils drove to the military column at Langfang Station and carried a squadron of troops and two tanks, but until now we have suppressed the devils on the platform and fought hand-to-hand with them The devil’s tanks are still fixed on the ranks and can’t be driven down! In at most another [-] minutes, we promise to wipe out the devil’s squadron!” Accompanied by the sound of explosions in the microphone from time to time, a loud voice immediately came from the microphone passed out.

"Where did your battalion commander go? Besides, why did you leave the grenade when you were fighting hand-to-hand with the devils?" Chu Jianxiong could hear that the sound coming from the microphone was not the sound of a cannon, but the sound of a grenade exploding. Chief of Staff Huang Guozhong and Chu Jianxiong frowned and asked in a deep voice with puzzled faces.

"Report to the regiment! Our battalion commander took us to the platform to set up a human wall as soon as we arrived at Langfang Railway Station! Later, because the little devil suffered a disadvantage in the bayonet fight with us, he slammed a grenade into our human wall Let's charge! Our brothers are all jealous, and many brothers also fired grenades and rushed into the little devil's army..." The voice in the microphone was husky It became a little choked up, and at the end he was sobbing.

"Tell brothers, when this battle is over........ I'll invite everyone to drink!" Forcibly restraining his emotions, Chu Jianxiong said this into the microphone in a hoarse voice. It's the tiger with tears in his eyes.Seeing Chu Jianxiong slowly put down the microphone in his hand, Huang Guozhong, the chief of staff standing beside him, frowned and said in a low voice, "Tuan Zuo, after the battle at Langfang Railway Station, I'm afraid there will be only a few people left in the first battalion. If something happens to the Second Battalion in Yangcun..."

"Team seat! The guards from the second battalion in Yangcun called and found the devil's chariot troops right in front of them!" Before the chief of staff Huang Guozhong could finish speaking, the female operator standing in front of another phone Then he got up nervously to report, and at the same time handed the microphone in front of Chu Jianxiong.

The atmosphere in the regiment headquarters immediately became tense, and several adjutants who were sorting out the documents also stopped their work and looked in the direction where Chu Jianxiong was.Chu Jianxiong touched his shiny, bald head angrily, reached out to take the microphone from the female operator's hand, and said loudly, "Second Battalion Commander? How many troops are there on the opposite side of your position?"

"Report to the regiment! I am Li Tianda! The devils opposite us have about the strength of a regiment! There are about twenty tanks, all of which are Type 97 medium tanks! Now the devils have launched an attack formation right in front of us There is also a brigade of devil engineers advancing along the railway to Langfang Railway Station!"

"I know! Lead your troops to stand on the ground! Yes! You must not take a step back! Now the first battalion is still bayoneting with the devil's vanguard on the platform of Langfang Railway Station! Before the battle at Langfang Railway Station is over, Yangcun must not be lost!" Chu Jianxiong put down the microphone in his hand, turned around and shouted to the radio operator standing in front of the radio station, "Send a report to the division headquarters immediately! Our division is now engaged in a fierce battle with a regiment of the Japanese army. Send reinforcements!"

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