Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 152 Destruction

(Bow to thank the readers who use Zhan to be known as the reward!)

"Commander! What kind of shells did you say you were going to use?" In the command car of the armored train, the bearded man's eyes were staring like two round buns, and the sideburns on his chin were also sticking out because of the change in the shape of his mouth. Leng Baqiao, like Zhong Kui's beard.

"Gas bomb." Sun Buyi slightly raised the two sword eyebrows on his face, "You heard me right, and I said me right."

"Commander..." There was a hint of nervousness in the bearded man's voice, "Using this kind of thing on the battlefield violates...that... .”

"You want to say that it violated the Hague International Convention, don't you?" Sun Buyi sat behind the large desk in the command car, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and said to the bearded man with a smile.

But the bearded man standing on the other side of the desk didn't feel any warmth from the smile on Sun Buyi's face.Not only that, the bearded man also clearly saw a chill flashing across Sun Buyi's eyes.

"At Langfang Railway Station, enough blood has been shed from the victims......" Sun Buyi slowly stood up and walked to the opened window on the other side of the command car , silently watching the rolling dark clouds in the distant sky outside the window.

Today is July 1937, 7, and there are only twelve short days left before the No.16 Division of the Japanese Army launched a general attack on the 20th Army Headquarters of Nanyuan.During these twelve days, Sun Buyi knew that he still had too many things to arrange, so every second counted.

The reason why Sun Buyi decided to kill the Japanese army attacking Langfang Railway Station this time was because he hoped to end the battle near Langfang as soon as possible so that the troops of the 29th Army who relied on Langfang Railway Station to attack the surrounding Apart from gaining more time for distributing supplies and equipment, the main reason was that Sun Buyi wanted to use this poison gas battle to remind Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingsi, the newly appointed commander of the North China Garrison!

If the Japanese army dared to use poison gas bombs on the 29th Army or innocent Chinese people in the next battle, then I would never mind an eye for an eye!Sun is not easy to believe that the nerve gas sarin developed by Germany in his hands is powerful enough to be a deterrent, making the Japanese troops who invaded Pingjin feel like a thorn in their backs.

As the only country in World War II that used gas bombs on a large scale on the battlefield, Japan not only used gas bombs to kill and injure a large number of Chinese soldiers on the battlefield during the entire Anti-Japanese War, but also killed unarmed Chinese civilians. Inhuman germ warfare and poison gas warfare.Even until the end of the war, before the Japanese army withdrew to the Japanese mainland, they secretly abandoned a large number of gas bombs that had not had time to be used in China.

As early as in the Suiyuan Bailing Temple Battle that broke out in 1935, the Japanese army used chemical weapons including tear gas and smoke tubes to attack the Chinese defenders. After the Battle of Songhu broke out in 1937, the Japanese army intensified their efforts and used a large number of poison gas bombs on the Chinese river defense forces stationed in Jiangyin at that time.

In the subsequent battles of Xinkou, Taierzhuang, Anqing, Xiangkou, Xuzhou, etc., the Japanese army used the power of poison gas bombs every time to give those who are brave and good at fighting, who sacrificed their lives but Chinese soldiers without any chemical defense equipment caused huge casualties.

When the Battle of Wuhan broke out in 1938, in order to weaken the combat effectiveness of the Chinese defenders and achieve their goal of breaking through the opponent's position, the Japanese army began a planned and large-scale chemical warfare with more brazenness, such as mustard gas and Lewis gas, etc. The highly toxic erosive gas was also thrown into the battlefield by the Japanese army.

Sun Buyi believes that sometimes using violence to control violence is the only feasible way to solve some difficult problems, such as dealing with the Japanese invaders who invaded Pingjin.Sarin gas, a highly lethal substance that can penetrate the human body through the respiratory tract or skin and mucous membranes, just provided the necessary means for Sun Buyi to use violence to control violence.

"Brother Beard, you will personally go to the fort of the armored train to direct this shelling in a while. Remember, you must wait until all the troops of the 29th Army stationed in Langfang Railway Station have evacuated from the platform before launching the attack." Sun Buyi looked from the window of the car. Turning around, he said in a deep voice to the bearded man who was still standing in front of the desk.

"Commander, don't worry! This matter is on my shoulders! There will be absolutely no mistakes!" The bearded and dignified Chaosun Buyi paid a military salute, and then asked in a low voice, "But just now the artillery observer sent The telegram said that the devil's reinforcements are still three kilometers away from Langfang Railway Station. The power of the gas bomb explosion will not be able to affect Langfang Railway Station? If there are any remaining devils who take the opportunity to rush into Langfang Railway Station, we It is also impossible to use artillery to directly attack the platform of Langfang Railway Station, and then I am afraid that we will have to fight again with the devils in the station......"

Looking at the big beard who hesitated to speak, Sun Buyi smiled and walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Beard, just a drop of sarin poisonous liquid the size of a pinhole can make an adult die within a few minutes." Leave this world. And once the sarin gas in a shell is released, the most conservative estimate can kill or injure all creatures within 1.2 kilometers around the explosion point! Even if the devil wears a gas mask, it is useless, because the sand Lin poison gas is a nerve gas, and it can only be resisted by equipped with an integrated anti-virus suit and an oxygen system. A gas mask alone will not have any protective effect at all! So the "what if" you just mentioned, absolutely not exist."

When the bearded man held a Zeiss telescope made in Germany and stood on the turret of the armored train looking in the direction of Langfang Railway Station, his heart was still beating wildly.After listening to Sun Buyi's explanation to himself in the command compartment just now, the bearded man couldn't help but a thick layer of goose bumps immediately appeared on his body.

It seems that the ghost thing I want to launch can be said to be dead if it touches it, and it will hurt you if it touches it!However, although the gas bombs were powerful, the bearded man felt that Sun Buyi, a young young man, was more domineering than those gas bombs in the turret!

I really didn't see it before, when this young man started fighting, Ganqing was simply a stingy master!It is estimated that as long as I fire four or five gas bombs here in a while, the entire Langfang Railway Station within three kilometers will become a barren land!But the bearded man found that he seemed to be liking more and more the younger generation's way of tit for tat with an eye for an eye, which is really a joy!

Just as the bearded man was talking to himself, a ks750 heavy-duty three-wheeled motorcycle suddenly appeared in the bearded man's binoculars. This heavy-duty three-wheeled motorcycle rushed up the road from the north side of the railway as fast as lightning. The dirt road between Langfang Railway Station and the armored train is galloping straight in the direction of the armored train.

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