Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 156 Gift

Just after reading the first few pages of the thick stack of forms that Sun Buyi handed over, Chu Jianxiong's big hands, holding a short-handled machete that weighed more than ten kilograms, began to tremble slightly uncontrollably. stand up.

The content recorded in this form given by Sun Buyi is a plan to change the equipment of the 29th Army troops stationed around Langfang with Langfang Railway Station as the axis.And the first item of military supplies mentioned in this plan to be provided to the 29th Army is a total of [-] military ration packages.

Just now, after Chu Jianxiong weighed the military ration package that Hua Qianxun handed him, he felt that the ration package must weigh at least four or five kilograms!And according to Hua Qianxun, this is just a day's rations for ordinary soldiers of their Academy Corps!

Chu Jianxiong sighed in his heart and couldn't help but whispered secretly. You must know that the daily rations for himself and the brothers of the [-]th Regiment are only [-] taels of miscellaneous grains per person as the staple food, and the non-staple food such as vegetables depends entirely on the [-]th Regiment. What can the cooks buy from the common people.Eat whatever you can buy, and don't eat if you can't buy anything.

As for non-staple food such as meat, you don't even have to think about it.That is to say, we can get some for the regiment during the holidays, and most of them are the kind of bacon or bacon that has been placed for a long time.But even this is not enough to share a piece for every brother in the regiment. The only way is to chop the meat and throw it into the vegetable soup or tofu soup. up.

The form in Chu Jianxiong's hand started from the second page, and it recorded in detail all the details of equipment and materials to be provided to the 29th Army troops.From German m35 steel helmets, m36 camouflage field uniforms to gas masks, camouflage ponchos, rainproof map bags, etc., the variety of types dazzled Chu Jianxiong, an old soldier.


After roughly reading the form in his hand, Chu Jianxiong already had mixed feelings in his heart.The materials listed on this aid list are far beyond my imagination, and the value of these materials on the list is even more difficult to measure with money!Facing Sun Buyi's shocking handwriting, Chu Jianxiong couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Looking at Chu Jianxiong who was sitting across from him staring at the form in his hand, with an expression on his face that alternated between joy and sorrow like a maniac, Sun Buyi couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart.In fact, I just gave these warriors who defended the country something that should belong to them.Not only are these things not too much, but in Sun Buyi's opinion, they are still far from enough.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that "if there is no food, no soldiers will gather", which shows the importance of supplies for an army.But since the day Sun Buyi arrived at Beiping Nanyuan to join the student military training group, he has always been deeply aware of the extreme lack of supplies among the Chinese people around him.Two pairs of cloth shoes, 29 rounds of ammunition, and [-] taels of miscellaneous rice every day are all the possessions of an ordinary soldier of the [-]th Army except weapons.

Looking back at Japan, since the Meiji Restoration in modern times, the military has become an extremely important class, and all supplies in Japan, including food, have always been tilted towards the military.In 1938, the Japanese Army will launch the "Correction of Rules and Regulations for Soldiers in Wartime", which will further improve the quantitative standard of rations for soldiers, and this regulation will be used by the Japanese Army until World War II. Finish.

In the soon-to-be-promulgated "Correction to the Detailed Rules for Soldiers in Wartime", taking staple food as an example, the daily staple food of each Japanese soldier is rationed to 900 grams of refined grains, and the quantitative standard of non-staple food includes 80 grams of bacon or 180 grams of eggs. , 120 grams of bran pickled pickles, 150 grams of miso and so on.If the weight of staple food and non-staple food is added together, the ration standard for Japanese soldiers has reached 1.5 kilograms per person per day, and this weight will increase during wartime.According to the standards of 1938, the dietary level of Japanese soldiers was indeed quite high.

You must know that the staple food in the Japanese army's rations is already equivalent to the full-day rations of a soldier of the 29th Army.What's more, Japanese soldiers not only had a lot of meat and eggs as non-staple food, but also added pickles, miso and other ingredients to suit the taste of the Japanese.Even the adult military dogs in the Japanese army included 350 grams of beef or 400 grams of sardines in their daily food!

Because of this, Sun Buyi disregarded the doubts of the rammed goods in the moon base, and directly rationed the individual ration packs provided for the squadron to three times the Japanese army ration standard, reaching 4.5 kg per person per day.Thinking of the overcrowded swill buckets in the university cafeterias of later generations, Sun Buyi clearly told the rammed goods in the base to produce them according to the standard of 4.5 kg!If you can't eat it, you can throw it away!

And this kind of military ration package, which is produced in a cost-effective way, each weighing 4.5 kilograms, naturally perfectly meets the calories, vitamins, protein and other nutrients necessary for soldiers' bodies during daily marches and battles. intake standard.

At the same time, considering the daily eating habits of the Chinese people, Sun Buyi also specially ordered the rammed goods in the moon base not to completely copy the American or German military rations, and specially developed such things as red bean rice, pork rolled eggs, and Mushu fried pork. , Meicai Koufan and so on a batch of canned food with Chinese characteristics.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Jianxiong finally got rid of the shock of this change plan.Holding the form tightly in his hand, the burly Chu Jianxiong stood up, and solemnly said to Sun Buyi in a slightly hoarse voice, "Brother Buyi! I'm a rough old Chu, and I don't know how to drop my book bag." As for my son, I can only represent those brothers who died in the North China Plain of the 29th Army and those of us who are still alive, thank you!"

Although Hua Qianxun didn't know what was written in the document in Chu Jianxiong's hand, she also stood up and saluted Sun Buyi with a long and solemn military salute.

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