Kate felt that she might be the most unlucky person in the world, and there wasn't one.

Originally, Kate lived well in the United States. Every day, she went to the street to find some tidbits and other things, and then sold them to the newspaper she worked for.Although the money earned each time is not too much, but there are too many gossip news!Just like this, Kate has gained a lot after a month, and even gradually became famous in the circle.

But everything changed completely with an accident.In the process of collecting lace news, Kate inadvertently messed up a gangster who resells military supplies, causing the gangster to lose a lot of money.Since then, Kate has fallen into endless pursuit and escape.

Obviously, under the influence of this incident, although the United States is very large, the space left for Kate to continue to develop has become extremely limited.After all, for a reporter who is good at collecting lace news, it is impossible for him to go to California to do this business, because there are only countless cows left besides the pastures.

I have to admit that Kate is indeed a very adventurous person.After two months of near death, Kate signed an assignment agreement with the newspaper she worked for, and then came to China on the Statue of Liberty passenger ship.In this way, Kate can not only avoid the pursuit of gangsters, but also continue to engage in the career she loves, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

But after Kate arrived in China, she realized that many things were not as simple as she imagined.First of all, the distance between China and the United States is too far, so Americans are not very interested in the little things that happen in the streets and alleys of China, and this almost makes Kate lose the means of earning money to support herself.

After a period of confusion and confusion, Kate finally figured out a truth.That is, for a qualified professional reporter, the most important thing is not the camera in his hand, but his brain.

Since readers on the other side of the ocean are not interested in the anecdotes and strange things I have collected, why don't I just change the direction of the report?

Therefore, when the Japanese army launched an attack on Wanping County and the Pinghan Railway Bridge in the Pingjin area, Kate, who happened to live in Beiping City at this time, seized an opportunity.This is international news!And there is no domestic counterpart here to compete with myself for a job.Kate's intuition told herself that maybe this would be the last chance to turn around this salty fish that was slowly stinking!

During this year of living in China, although Kate is still not a Chinese hand, she has a more or less understanding of the Chinese language and Chinese customs.So Kate believes that she is fully capable of making an exclusive report on what happened in Pingjin this time.

And to be honest, if you put aside your current embarrassment of cash, Kate is really fascinated by China, an ancient and mysterious country.So Kate also hopes to do something for this country that is in hardship through her own reports.

For those Japanese who are short in stature and not as tall as three pieces of tofu, Kate is not very cold.Although Japan and China are both located in East Asia, in Kate's eyes, those Japanese are like nouveau riche who got rich overnight. Under the arrogant appearance, they conceal the deep fear and hostility towards the outside world in their hearts.

The Chinese, on the other hand, are just the opposite. They are industrious, simple, reserved and tolerant, which is what the citizens of a great country should have.Kate has always believed in a sentence Napoleon once said, that is, 'When China wakes up, the whole world will be shocked'.

Therefore, starting from personal feelings, regarding the battle that broke out between China and Japan in the Pingjin area, Kate hopes that China can severely teach Japan a lesson.However, as far as the actual situation is concerned, Kate believes that if only judging from the current situation of the two armies, China and Japan are not at the same level at all. It is extremely difficult for China to win the Pingjin area.

Whether it was for witnessing a miracle or for her own stomach, Kate finally resolutely joined the press corps composed of reporters from the United States, Germany, and China.After obtaining the consent of the Jicha authorities, the journalist group that Kate was in set off from Beiping and went straight to Langfang accompanied by an officer of the 29th Army.

Although the press corps is said to be composed of journalists from three countries, the number of journalists from each country is not even.There is only Kate herself as an American reporter, and there is only one German reporter named Joseph.But Kate always felt that something was wrong with that guy named Joseph, but Kate couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.As for the remaining members of the press corps, they are all reporters from major Chinese newspapers.

Five kilometers away from Langfang Railway Station, members of the press corps followed the officer of the 29th Army who was traveling with the press corps all the way, got off the Chevrolet truck, and began to walk towards Langfang Railway Station on foot.

Although the vast majority of North China is a vast plain, the quality of the roads outside the city cannot be equal to the asphalt roads in the city.So after everyone got out of the car and walked less than a kilometer away, the reporters had already started to stagger around.But at this time, two people in the press corps who behaved a little unusually caught Kate's attention.

Among these two people, one was the only female reporter in the entire press corps.When Kate first saw this female reporter, she just thought she was very delicate and beautiful.And right now, Kate added another comment to the female reporter in her heart, martial arts master!

As an American who is very interested in Chinese Kungfu, Kate has visited several martial arts gyms during the year she came to China.Of course, people's attitude towards him as a foreign devil is also very clear, all of them are respectful and insensitive.But in the end, with Kate's persistent efforts and persistence, she finally found a small martial arts gym in Tianjin, and studied there for more than half a year, until Kate left Tianjin and moved to live in Beiping.

Of course, this is not to say that Kate has become a martial arts master in the past half a year. You must know that in such a short period of time, even if you want to strengthen your body, it is not easy, but Kate has mastered a lot. The knowledge about martial arts is true.In other words, today's Kate is definitely an enthusiast of Chinese martial arts, and she is still very strong in theory.

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