Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 55 Reinforcement

Sun Buyi, who was standing in the command car, noticed that the Japanese army, who had seemed a little confused because of the retreat of the armored cars, quickly resumed their offensive formation and continued to rush towards the armored train frantically.

The "Hitler chainsaw" installed on both sides of the armored train made the sound of tearing cloth and never stopped.The bullet casings reflecting the metallic luster fell into the carriage, almost reaching the same height as the shooter's feet, and they continued to rise.

This rate of bullet consumption is no exaggeration.Sun Buyi himself once tested the 'Hitler Chainsaw' on an armored train.Just pull the trigger lightly, and more than twenty rounds of bullets can be fired from the barrel of the 'Hitler chainsaw' immediately.

If you keep this rate of fire, you will have to change the barrel again for the 'Hitler Chainsaw' within a few minutes.However, the attacking Japanese army will inevitably take this opportunity to approach the armored train.Once the suppression of the machine gun and the No. [-] tank turret is lost, the outcome can only be determined by the number of people.And this kind of situation is exactly what Sun Buyi doesn't want to see.

Quickly walking to the other side of the command car, Sun Buyi found that the situation here was similar.Japanese soldiers are still desperate to charge the armored train.Although one by one was knocked down on the open ground, and even many Japanese soldiers who were hit by [-]mm machine guns were directly beaten into two pieces, the Japanese offensive became more and more fierce.

There are a large number of broken limbs and corpses of Japanese soldiers scattered everywhere on the open ground, like a hell on earth.The [-]-type infantry artillery of the Japanese army in the distance kept shelling the armored train, but most of the shells fell around the armored train. Occasionally, a few shells would hit the side and turret of the armored train, but none of them Cause too much damage to the train.

Time passed by every minute and every second, although Sun Buyi looked at the clock hanging in the command car several times, but Sun Buyi never said anything.It wasn't until the minute hand of the clock pointed at the predetermined time point that Sun Buyi, who was living like a year, immediately gave the retreat order through the microphone.

"The 105mm howitzer adjusts its shooting target and attacks the position of the Japanese Type [-] infantry artillery! The armored train retreats to the Ping-Han Railway Bridge at full speed! All infantry on the armored train put on bulletproof clothing and get ready for close combat!"

The bp42 armored train has two br57 steam locomotives, and the directions of the two locomotives are just opposite.This makes the speed of the bp42 armored train unaffected no matter which direction it travels forward or backward.

Following Sun Buyi's orders, the two 105mm howitzers on the armored train slowly turned their muzzles, pointing at the Japanese Type 42 infantry artillery position in the distance. All the infantry in the bp[-] armored train were also concentrated in the troop carriages on the armored train.

Every infantryman wears a thick SN-36 body armor on the outside of the German M42 camouflage field uniform.Holding a stg47 assault rifle that resembles an ak44 in his hand, he sat on both sides of the carriage with a solemn expression.On the side of the German M35 steel helmets worn by the infantrymen, the skull and lightning logo glowed with a faint white light in the dimly lit compartment.

On the position of the Japanese Type [-] infantry artillery, Second Lieutenant Hatoyama Noo was carefully observing the effect of the previous round of shelling with a telescope in his hand.Hatoyama Noo secretly groaned in his heart while observing, the armor of this steel monster is really thick and a bit abnormal!The Type [-] infantry artillery equipped by our own squadron is completely helpless against it!

After several rounds of shelling, the camouflage-painted armored train was completely fine except that its whole body was blackened by gunpowder smoke.At the moment when Noo Hatoyama was about to order to fire on the armored train again, through the binoculars in his hand, Noo Hatoyama was horrified to see that the two heavy artillery on the top of the armored train stopped firing and were slowly heading towards the place where he was. Turn the direction!

"Baga! That's a heavy artillery!" Noo Hatoyama felt his back go cold, and cold sweat immediately lay down along his forehead.The artillerymen on the ground obviously also discovered this situation, and the expressions on almost everyone's faces became a little panicked.Suddenly, a gunner stood up, screaming desperately and ran to the rear of the position.

With a clear gunshot, the gunner who was running towards the rear of the position fell straight to the ground.A fist-sized blood hole on the back was oozing blood.Noo Hatoyama put away the southern [-]-style military pistol that was still emitting green smoke, and shouted to the stunned artillerymen around him in a shrill voice, "Keep shooting! Serve the country with seven lives!"

When the terrified Japanese gunners re-manipulated the Type 105 infantry guns and started shooting at the armored train, the two 105mm howitzers on the armored train also let out thunderous roars one after another.However, this time the [-]mm howitzer fired not the ordinary high-explosive bombs used to attack the Dongju sub-airport, but special shells called steel ball high-explosive bombs!

When two steel ball high-explosive bombs exploded on the Japanese Type [-] infantry artillery position, countless high-heat and smooth steel balls quickly scattered in all directions.Almost all the Japanese artillery on the position was hit repeatedly several times in an instant, and all the Japanese artillery, including Second Lieutenant Hatoyama Noo, fell in disorder around the position.

Captain Nomura, who was still in the woods, saw that his artillery position was hit by the heavy artillery from the armored train and stopped moving. The Japanese soldiers who remained in the forest in reserve shouted, "For His Majesty the Emperor! Attack! Attack!"

The armored train on the rails has begun to move slowly, and the No. 105 tank turret and the [-]mm howitzer installed in the turret on the top of the carriage have stopped firing.But those "Hitler chainsaws" and [-]mm machine guns sticking out of the car windows are still like sickles in the hands of death, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the Japanese soldiers who were desperately charging on the open ground.

The armored train quickly broke through the attack range of the surrounding Japanese troops, and drove rapidly towards the Pinghan Railway Bridge.Just after driving two or three kilometers away, Sun Buyi, who was about to let out a sigh of relief, received a report from the front compartment of the armored train.

"Commander, there is a fierce exchange of fire between troops on both sides of the railway in front of the armored train!" The bp44 anti-armor carrier that was originally located at the end of the armored train is now the head of the entire armored train. In the No. 44 tank turret on the bp29 anti-armor carrier card, the observers reported loudly to Sun Yiyi in the command compartment through the microphone, "Judging from the attire, the two warring parties should be the troops of the Japanese army and the [-]th army."

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