Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 58 Logistics

After ordering the medical team to start treating the wounded of the 38th Division who boarded the armored train, Sun Buyi specially asked the clone soldiers to take out a dozen boxes of beer from the compartment where the military supplies were stored, and sent them to Li Youfu and the others.

After settling down the brothers from the 38th Division, Sun Buyi himself returned to the command compartment of the armored train.The desk in the center of the command car was already filled with all kinds of canned food sent by the clone soldiers.

Every can on the desk has been opened, and the various styles of food stored in the can exude a burst of fragrance.However, unlike the cans sent to Li Youfu and the others just now, each of these cans placed on the desk has a note with a number on it.

Taking out the food in each can with a spoon, Sun Buyi nodded in satisfaction.Except for a few cans, most of the cans are very good in terms of taste and weight!The material production center of the base is really powerful!

In modern warfare, logistics is an indispensable and important link.Soldiers on the battlefield are afraid of running out of bullets in their guns and running out of food in their stomachs, both of which are closely related to logistics.In World War II, there were many famous generals who were not inferior to their opponents in terms of strategizing, but in the end they lost in logistics.So Sun Buyi paid great attention to the production and storage of logistics materials from the very beginning of building the base.

Sun Buyi knew that during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the food of the Chinese squadron was unimaginably poor.At that time, Chinese soldiers could only eat two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.The staple food is rice, three taels per meal.However, the rice in this rice is not necessarily rice, but whatever rice can be found.The weight is not necessarily three taels, it depends on whether the chief executive has deducted it, and whether the rice merchant has mixed sand and gravel.

As for non-staple food, it is even worse.There is no fixed non-staple food supply standard in the squadron, and it is all up to the cook to buy it on the spot.Eat whatever vegetables you can buy.If you buy cabbage, eat cabbage; if you buy radish, eat radish.If you can't buy anything, just boil a big pot of soup with pickles!If you don't even have pickles, you can only eat the rice in twos and threes.

And what's more serious, even if the cook can buy vegetables every time, the meals made with these vegetables will not have a little oily smell at all.Because the cooks in the army don't have any cooking oil at all!If the cook can occasionally get a small piece of lard and rub it in the pan when cooking, then this dish can be called a rare delicacy!

Military experts from various countries in World War II have estimated that the rations of an ordinary soldier during combat, including staple food and non-staple food, should not be less than 1.5 kilograms per day, otherwise he would not be able to maintain his normal physical strength.Obviously, the ration standard of soldiers in the squadron is far from it.

So after Sun Buyi received the first silver dollar from the base, except for gasoline, all the rest of the funds were purchased for himself through the Yue family in Shanghai into various food.Whether it's rice, flour, pork, beef, mutton, vegetables, candy, coffee, or even cigarettes and alcohol, as long as it can't be produced on the moon base, Sun Yiyi buys it in large quantities.

All these purchased materials were sent from the factory in Shanghai back to the material production center in the base, and were specially used to make individual ration packs for ordinary soldiers recruited by Sun Buyi.Sun Buyi asked the material production center of the base to refer to it in the process of producing individual ration packs, but it must fully exceed the ration standards of the US military in World War II.And the individual cans placed before Sun Buyi's eyes are the components of the ration package made by the material production center.

The ration package finally finalized and produced by the material production center of the base weighs 3.5 kilograms, which is the rations consumed by soldiers in a day according to the standard of four meals, which is more than double the weight of the C rations commonly used by the US military during the same period.

The ration pack contains a total of 12 small tin cans and an accessory pack.These tin cans contain various combinations of stewed soybeans, vegetables, luncheon meat, noodles, pork rice, candy and cigarettes, etc., taking into account nutrition, calories and taste.Sun Buyi believed that with such a ration package every day, the soldiers would never worry about not having enough to eat.

"Commander called the base!" After checking all the individual cans, Sun Buyi rolled up his sleeves, pressed the green button under the dial of the watch he wore on his wrist, and said in a deep voice.

"The communication link between the commander and the base is activated! The base is waiting for the commander's order!" From the watch on Sun Buyi's wrist, the voice of the guy in the base immediately came out.

"Most of the food cans produced by the material production center are really good! But there are a few cans that are so unpalatable that they can choke wild dogs to death! These three cans with labels 9, 17 and 21 should not continue to be produced." Sun Di Yi frowned while stirring a can of canned food labeled 9, which looked like oatmeal, with a spoon in his hand.

"Commander, the three cans labeled 9, 17, and 21 are special food for clone soldiers, and the production cannot be stopped." The voice in the base replied calmly.

"Eh..." Sun Buyi was choked by the words of the guy in the base, and then he could only shake his head with a wry smile, "Okay! But in the future, the rations of the cloned soldiers will be mixed with ordinary food." Keep soldiers' rations separately and don't mix them together."

"Follow orders!" The voice in the base continued to report to Sun Buyi, "Commander, in another ten hours, the construction materials mined at the base will meet the requirements for building an aircraft factory. Will the aircraft factory be built in ten hours? "

"Construction will start automatically in ten hours!" Sun Buyi replied without hesitation, "Can the pilot and aircraft type be set now?"

"Pilots need to be recruited by the commander himself. The base only provides the commander with one fighter pilot or one crew bomber pilot every day. The type of aircraft to be produced can be set now. After the construction of the aircraft factory is completed, it will be carried out according to the commander's requirements. Production!"

"Okay! Call out the base control template!" As soon as Sun Buyi's words fell, the familiar large three-dimensional template appeared in front of Sun Buyi again.

Airplanes can finally be produced!While flipping through the base control template, Sun Buyi said inwardly.As long as he can gain partial air supremacy in the battle of Songhu, he can beat the little devils who attacked Shanghai to the ground!

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