Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 62 Materials

Mr. Yuejun Shanyue, who is in Shanghai, has been living a peaceful life recently.Xiao Zhankui, his original creditor, has now become a special agent who provides information for the Yue family. Every day, he sends people to the Yue family's mansion with the information he has scouted around.

And Duan Beishan, the inspector of the Shanghai police station, brought a group of men to stay in front of his Yue's mansion, taking turns to guard 24 hours a day.To be honest, Yue Junshan has lived in Shanghai for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such dedicated patrolmen.

It was the soldiers that Nephew Yi Yi left for him to act as his guards, which made Mr. Yue feel a little uncomfortable all over his body.The reason is very simple. When those strong soldiers performed their duties of guarding the Yue Family Mansion, they were flawless and conscientious; Next, my heart always trembles involuntarily.

However, Mr. Yue gradually relieved himself later.These soldiers have obviously seen blood, and it is not an exaggeration to call them the gods of death who have survived a hundred battles.Soldiers!Isn't it supposed to be like this?Is it better to have a hippie smile on your face all day long?If that's the case, I still don't feel at ease entrusting the safety of the whole family of the Yue family on them!

Just this afternoon, Mr. Yue was about to go out to attend a banquet hosted by directors of a foreign company, but he suddenly received a phone call.The hoarse voice that sounded very special on the phone made Mr. Yue immediately think of the officer who was in charge of managing the factory when Sun Buyi left Shanghai.

Mr. Yue met the officer once at night when he was handing over supplies and oceans to the convoy from the factory.It was an extremely burly bald man, and his height of nearly two meters made Mr. Yue deeply impressed and astonished.

The officer's words on the phone were concise and to the point, all of them added up to only two sentences.Rent more trucks to help the commander transport materials, and from now on, the time to transport materials to the factory will be changed from night to 24 hours a day and night!

Putting down the phone in his hand, Mr. Yue didn't dare to delay, first he immediately sent someone to notify the directors of the foreign firm, telling them that he was in a hurry and therefore could not attend today's banquet.Then Mr. Yue devoted himself to the complicated work of leasing trucks.After a whole afternoon of busy work, finally relying on Xiao Zhankui's Huhoutang to come forward, he managed to rent fifty trucks half by force and half by lure.

The trucks that came to the door of the Yue's mansion from all over the place were arranged to stop at the side of the road. Duan Beishan took a dozen patrolmen under him to maintain the traffic order there, and he was extremely busy.

The originally clean and tidy lawn in the courtyard of the Yue Family Mansion has been piled up with all kinds of supplies, and there is almost no place to stay.A large number of purchased materials are waiting to be transported to the factory after nightfall.The reason why Mr. Yue was able to collect such a large amount of supplies in such a short period of time was entirely due to the almost zero immunity of those foreign firms in Shanghai to real money.

Ever since the foreign firms in Shanghai learned that the materials purchased by Mr. Yue were not only huge, but also paid in cash and never defaulted; moreover, they were not contraband such as weapons and ammunition. All of them scrambled to win over Mr. Yue to do business with him. The directors showed such respect to Mr. Yue that they kissed him even more than their own father.

While selling all the materials hoarded in the foreign firms to Mr. Yue without hesitation, the directors of all major foreign firms couldn't help but secretly asked Mr. Yue, who is such a wealthy buyer?But every time at this time, Mr. Yue always smiled mysteriously, and directly told the directors to talk about him.

But recently, Mr. Yue has also started to worry.It turned out that in order to deceive people, the Opel Lightning trucks that drove over from the factory every day began to load supplies from the Yue's mansion after dark.I didn't think much of it when the supplies were relatively scarce earlier. After all, the capacity of ten trucks to transport all night is still great.

However, as the major foreign companies in Shanghai, like sharks smelling blood, joined the ranks of selling supplies to Mr. Yue, after no longer keeping any room, a large amount of gasoline, cloth, rice, flour, tobacco, alcohol, sugar, Salt, fresh meat, and vegetables poured into the various warehouses of the Yue family in Shanghai like a tide.In the end, the warehouse couldn't hold it all, so they had to be stacked in the yard of the Yue's mansion in the open air.It's the rainy season now, if a heavy rain hits one day, it will be over.

As soon as it was dark, ten Opel Lightning trucks from the factory arrived at the Yue's mansion.In addition to the iron boxes full of silver dollars, the Opel Lightning carried a hundred soldiers wearing German-style M36 camouflage field uniforms.Half of these soldiers were arranged to temporarily act as the drivers of the rented trucks, while the other half of the soldiers were responsible for guarding the safety of the convoy.

An hour later, all sixty trucks were loaded with supplies.Yue Linglong, who was standing in the yard directing the loading and unloading work, finally let out a long breath.Almost 150 tons of supplies were loaded onto the truck, and there was finally a place to stay on the lawn of the Yue's mansion.According to this amount of transportation, it only takes five trips to complete the shipment of all the materials in the Yue Family Mansion.

For this transportation, Mr. Yue was a little worried.Although there are heavily armed escort soldiers on each truck, after all, the effect of sixty trucks dispatched together is still too amazing.In case something goes wrong along the way, how can I explain it to my nephew Buyi?So Mr. Yue decided to let the driver drive his own car and follow the convoy to the factory.

Yue Linglong heard the old man Yue's decision, and immediately insisted on asking to accompany his father.Mr. Yue couldn't hold back Yue Linglong, so he had no choice but to agree.Before leaving, Mr. Yue repeatedly told Yue Linglong to pay attention to safety and never get out of the car at will!He picked another sn-42 bulletproof vest left by Sun Buyi before he left, and put it on Yue Linglong, so he could barely feel at ease.

With a sharp whistle, in front of a row of trucks, those soldiers who were neatly lined up and wearing German M36 camouflage field uniforms quickly boarded the trucks and filed past the door of Yue's mansion.The turned on headlights illuminated the road outside Yue's mansion.

The car that Old Man Yue and Yue Linglong were riding in was arranged in the middle and back of the caravan.The entire convoy drove towards the factory like a fire dragon tearing through the night.

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