Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 72 Enter

The black Mercedes sedan didn't stop until it was in front of the field digging.The driver who got out of the car yelled at Ye Tujin, "Baga! What are you still doing there? Major Tian Shengshou is injured, call for help!"

Hearing the words, Yetu Digging hurriedly waved to the other three companions in the concrete bunker.Major Tian Shengshou of the Gendarmerie is notoriously bad-tempered in the Haiguang Temple headquarters!If anyone accidentally provokes him, a beating would be considered the lightest!

They followed the driver to the side of the Mercedes car, and they saw a major who was covered in blood lying on the back seat of the car.

Yetu Tujin hurriedly opened the door on the rear seat of the car, got into the car and held the head of the major who was covered in blood, while the other three Japanese soldiers who ran over with Yetu Tujin stayed outside the door, With all the preparations and digging in the field, the injured Shao Zuo was lifted out of the car.

The moment Yetu Tunken gently lifted the head of the major in the car, an extremely unfamiliar face immediately caught Yetu Tunjin's eyes.

This person is not Major Tian Shengshou!Yetu Tunjin only felt his scalp tingling, and was about to shout a warning to his companions standing outside the car, when the major, whose eyes were closed and covered in blood, suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand to grab the back of Yetu Tunnel's head, The other hand stabbed a sharp dagger into the throat of the wild soil with lightning speed.

The three Japanese soldiers standing outside the car door were surprised to see that the digger in the field with his back to the car door suddenly staggered and fell on the body of the major inside the car.

Before the three Japanese soldiers could react, the driver of the car who had been standing behind them raised his right hand and shot the three Japanese soldiers one by one with the automatic pistol equipped with a silencer already in his hand. head.

Then, more than a dozen soldiers with white cloth strips tied around their arms, also wearing Japanese uniforms rushed over from an alley a few hundred meters away from Haiguang Temple.After these soldiers cleaned up the corpses and bloodstains on the ground in an orderly manner, they took over the fortifications that were originally guarded by the field diggers and others.And the major who was lying in the car also overturned the corpse on his body and got out of the car.

"Commander! It's a great battle!" Li Youfu said loudly while taking off his blood-stained Major's uniform.

Sun Buyi, who was disguised as a car driver, made a silent gesture to Li Youfu, and Li Youfu shut his mouth quickly as if suddenly realizing it, and scratched the back of his head with his hand embarrassingly.

"What are these little fishes and shrimps? We're going to make a big one this time!" Sun Buyi patted Li Youfu's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Call the brothers over here, first get rid of this one that won't drive. Push the Mercedes into the Haiguang Temple, don't throw it outside to block your eyes!"

Li Youfu nodded towards Sun Buyi, turned around and took out the flashlight, lit it up and flashed it into the distance twice.Nearly a hundred death squads quickly filed out from the distant streets and alleys, and rushed to the gate of Haiguang Temple.Li Youfu ordered the monkey to continue to disguise himself as Japanese guards in the fortification with the dozen or so death-defying members, while he called the big man and pushed the Mercedes into Haiguang Temple with several other death-defying members.

After leading the death squads into the Japanese headquarters in Haiguang Temple, Sun Buyi directly divided the death squads into three combat groups.Sun Buyi roughly estimated that there were only the communication team, engineer team, gendarmerie team, and warehouse garrison team left in the Haiguang Temple Japanese Army Headquarters, and the total strength would never exceed 500 people.Moreover, these devils belong to the second-line troops, and their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of regular standing divisions.

So Sun Buyi made up his mind to disperse the few death squads under him, and strive to achieve the greatest victory before the Japanese army heading to Tianjin East Railway Station finds out that they have been tricked and rush back to the Japanese headquarters in Haiguang Temple!

According to Sun Buyi's order, Li Youfu led a group of death-defying team members to the three-story building in Haiguang Temple with antennas on the roof; the group leader who arrived at Haiguang Temple with Sun Buyi led the second The first group of death squads hunted down the devils in the fortifications in the headquarters; Sun Buyi led the third group of death squads, including a clone soldier, to wipe out the gendarmerie and warehouse guards in the headquarters.

There are about 30 death squads in each team. The death squads wearing Japanese military uniforms are in the open, and the death squads in camouflage field uniforms are in the dark, covering each other like three sharp arrows off the string. Jump towards the intended target.

Sun Buyi was always at the forefront of his team, and headed towards the warehouse in the northeast corner of the Japanese headquarters without stopping.As early as on the armored train, Sun Buwei had already thoroughly studied the bird's-eye view of the Japanese Army Headquarters in Haiguang Temple, which was taken through the base.The row of tall vaulted warehouses in the northeast corner on the bird's eye view made Sun Buyi greedy for a long time.

At this time, in the open space in front of the warehouse in the northeast corner of the Japanese Army Command, there was a scene of brightly lit and crowded people.The Japanese soldiers guarding the warehouse are moving the weapons and ammunition in the warehouse out of the warehouse, preparing to transport them to the fortifications set up in various places in Haiguang Temple.

It's better to come early than coincidentally!Sun Buyi gestured to the death squads who were following behind him, and then walked towards the open space in front of the warehouse first.Some of the Japanese soldiers who were busy in the open space did not notice the appearance of Sun Buyi and others, and some, although they noticed, regarded Sun Buyi and the others as the engineering team who came to help, and enthusiastically waved at Sun Buyi and his party wave.

It wasn't until the team led by Sun Buyi broke away from the cover of the night and appeared in the light of the open space that the Japanese soldiers carrying the supplies realized that something was wrong.Although these new soldiers were wearing Japanese military uniforms, they held all automatic pistols in their hands, and the weapons on their shoulders were by no means [-]-style rifles!A few clever devils immediately dropped the supplies in their hands and ran towards the gun racks on the edge of the open space, but it was too late.

The rain of bullets fired from thirty automatic pistols immediately turned the open space in front of the warehouse into a Shura hell.In this massacre that could almost be called one-sided, the unarmed devils were knocked down in pieces in an instant.

As the battle in the empty field continued, after experiencing the panic and heavy casualties at the beginning, the devils, relying on their numbers and power, rushed towards the death squads without fear of death.The enemy and us in the empty field quickly intertwined.

During the melee, a few devils finally arrived at the edge of the open space in chaos, and grabbed the [-]-type rifles piled there.But when he turned around and wanted to shoot, he didn't know who to shoot at, because the people who were fighting hand to hand in the open space at this time were all wearing the same military uniform.

At the moment when these devils held the [-]-type rifle in a daze, a rain of bullets from the automatic pistol immediately knocked these devils to the ground.The death squads led by Sun Buyi didn't hesitate at all when they took action.As long as they don't wear white cloth strips on their arms, they will be killed!

A few minutes later, the scuffle in the open space came to an end.The death squads are using the weapons in their hands to shoot the devils lying on the ground one by one.Sun Buyi repeatedly instilled in these death-defying team members the principle of eradicating evil and doing everything right.

In this life-and-death fight, there is no need for mercy!No prisoners needed either!No need for a reason!

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