Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 78 Supplies

"It's finally here! Let's rest here for 10 minutes." With more than 40 daredevils, they came to the gate of a dilapidated courtyard in the northeast of Baguafang. .

"Commander!" Two clone soldiers who had rushed here from Tianjin East Railway Station to set up a supply station saw Sun Buyi, immediately put the stg44 assault rifle in their hands behind their backs, and raised their hands to salute Sun Buyi.

"Good job!" Sun Buyi patted the shoulders of the two clone soldiers and nodded approvingly.The three clone soldiers I brought this time have all made great contributions!Without their help, all the supplies seized in this raid would have been wasted!

The clone soldier who left behind to blast the warehouse of the Japanese army headquarters also returned to the team before Sun Buyi led his team to evacuate Haiguang Temple. Sun Buyi did not ask the clone soldier what was in the warehouse of the Japanese army headquarters.Because no matter what is inside, it has been sent to his base anyway.

Robbery is indeed a promising career!Sun Buyi couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart.For the materials harvested this night, it may cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of oceans in Shanghai to buy them from those foreign firms who are like vampires.

And after buying these materials by myself, I have to mobilize a lot of transportation capacity to send them to the factory in Shanghai, and then send them back to the base.Compared with the materials stored in the Tianjin devil's warehouse that I harvested tonight, the only price I have to pay is to send a box of TNT from the base to the empty devil's warehouse after the robbery is over.

"Brothers! Tonight we raided Tianjin East Railway Station, where the devils stockpiled military supplies! Then we turned the devil's headquarters upside down in Haiguang Temple! Now the little devil must have lost his eyes and sent all his troops to find him. Let's do our best! Then let's wait for them in this gossip workshop, and give the little devils another ruthless blow! While clearing the obstacles for our evacuation from downtown Tianjin, we will leave an unforgettable impression on the devils! "Sun Buyi said as he lifted off several huge tarpaulins in the courtyard, revealing what was covered under the tarpaulins.

On the outskirts of Tianjin Baguafang, Major Noguchi Noguchi led the 80 infantry assigned to him by Xuan Gao and the remaining cavalry of more than [-] cavalry, and they were slowly entering the Baguafang through a tall archway.As soon as Noguchi Kin knew that if he failed again this time, even if Master Xuan Gao could let him go, those guys in the military department would never let him go.

In the past two days, the Dongjuzi Airport on the outskirts of Tianjin was completely destroyed by the enemy, and the East Railway Station in Tianjin was also burned. Now even the commander of the North China Resident Army has been shot dead!If this enemy, which is as terrifying as the legendary gods and demons in legends, cannot be eliminated tonight, all the officers from Xuan Gao down to him, including himself, will have to apologize to the emperor by cutting open their stomachs!

Through the previous battle at the gate of Haiguang Temple, Major Noguchi Noguchi believed that although the elusive enemy army was extremely well-equipped, well-trained, and fearless of death, its number was not large.It is estimated that there should be no more than fifty people!And this time I brought a full four hundred warriors from the Great Japanese Empire!There won't be any frightened horse herds in the Eight Diagrams Workshop, so even if I replace the eight on my side with one of them, it's enough to wipe them all out!

But after he led his soldiers into the Eight Diagrams Workshop, Major Noguchi Kinichi realized that his previous thoughts were a bit too optimistic.The first enemy I encountered in the Eight Diagrams Workshop was not those vicious attackers, but the complex terrain in the Eight Diagrams Workshop.

In this gossip shop that doesn't even have a street lamp, with identical streets and alleys and countless buildings, not to mention finding the attackers, it is difficult to find out the southeast, northwest, and provinces in circles!Moreover, this Eight Diagrams Workshop occupies a very large area, and the hundreds of people under my command scattered into the workshop, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and they couldn't even make a sound.

In desperation, Noguchi Noguchi had no choice but to divide his forces into five teams, and searched in different directions.Although there were only [-] soldiers in each team after the division, the superiority in numbers was not obvious, but the distance between each team was not far away. In the event of an emergency, each team could support each other at any time.

What's more, the troops that entered Baguafang tonight are not the only ones of their own.All the North China Garrison troops stationed in Tianjin have been dispatched, and they are entering Baguafang from different directions to search for the enemies who attacked the headquarters of Haiguang Temple!

Mitsui Shisaku is a five-year veteran of the Second Wing commanded by Xuan Gao.Just because of his bad temper and moodiness, he always had quarrels and fights with officers of the same level in the second regiment, so Mitsui Shisaku still stays in the position of sergeant.

But Mitsui Shisaku doesn't care about these.Compared with being promoted to the military rank, Mitsui Shisaku prefers to use the bayonet in his hand to stab the chest of Chinese people, especially the chest of Chinese women!Therefore, Shisaku Mitsui is also willing to be a sergeant in the combat troops below, so that he can vent his desire for killing wantonly during the war.

Outside the Baguafang, the team that Shisaku Mitsui was in was directly under the command of Major Noguchi Noguchi, and after entering the Baguafang, they searched in the direction of true north.Ten minutes later, when Shisaku Mitsui's team slowly entered a long and narrow alley, Shisaku Mitsui immediately felt that something was wrong with his beast-like intuition that he had cultivated in the army for many years.

"It's so quiet!" Shisaku Mitsui said secretly in his heart, "This suffocating calm is like the calm before every storm in my hometown in Japan, that small fishing village by the sea. …”

And the gates opened outside the dilapidated houses on both sides of the alley are like big mouths opened one by one, which makes people feel creepy at first sight.At this time, a hot and humid breeze, which is often seen in summer nights, suddenly blew from behind everyone, like a slippery arm, gently caressing the entire alley.

"Enemy attack!" Just as the sultry and humid breeze blew past Shisaku Mitsui's side, a faint smell of blood mixed with it made Shisaku Mitsui roar loudly without hesitation.The Japanese soldiers in the alley immediately squatted down and leaned against both sides of the alley, raised their [-]-type rifles and aimed at both sides of the alley.

Both sides of the alley were very quiet, without the slightest sound.Even Mitsui Shisaku began to wonder if he had made a mistake.Major Noguchi, who had heard Mitsui's shout just now, was about to stand up from the side wall of the alley with a livid face when a sudden gunshot broke the peace in the air before.

Looking at the soldier whose brains were split by bullets in front of his eyes, Major Noguchi Tomoichi's face that was originally livid turned extremely pale in an instant.Carelessly wiping the scarlet warm liquid splashed on his face, Major Noguchi leaned his body against the wall at the side of the alley, and yelled loudly at the surrounding soldiers, "Enemy attack!"

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