Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 11 Three-baby body training technique

"This is the third child's fault!" Seeing Lin Sen coming in with his arms dropped, Er Wa immediately smiled and said, a juicy big peach came from nowhere, hugged and chewed and gnawed He said vaguely, "Third brother, you must have been caught too!"

"Are you not worried at all?" Lin Sen sat next to him, picked up a peach and asked casually. He really couldn't treat this kid like a child.

"Our brothers are destined to be doomed, otherwise, why would we come to the door alone and give the snake and scorpion a chance!" San Wazi casually threw the peach paste in his hand, and his watery little paws grabbed the peach on the bed again "Third Ah! The surname is urgent, and the copper-skinned and iron-framed ones are even more defiant, and this experience is good for him!"

"It's a good thing to practice a little more, just like the boss, who usually only knows how to train his strength, but now he knows how to make small tricks! Slightly..." Sanwa threw the leftover peach paste in his hand. Looking down at Lin Sen, he said with a smile.

"So, you have already figured out how to deal with that femme fatale?" Lin Sen asked in a low voice, biting the peach in his hand.

"How could you know this kind of thing! Life has its own destiny! I just believe that evil can't prevail against good! I'm going to practice! Boss, third brother, I need to trouble you to let me know!"

After finishing speaking, he sat cross-legged on his own, closed his eyes and practiced, trying to break the seal in his body as soon as possible.

"Hehe! He really doesn't look like a child, right?" The old man who had been sleeping all the time woke up at some point, and said in a low voice while looking at San Wazi.

"It's really not like it!" Lin Sen said with a smile, got up and walked out, "But with him like this, he is the brains of their brothers!"

"Big centipede... where are you going!?" asked the pangolin, which was tired and limp at the side when Lin Sen went out.

"I'm going to deliver a message!" Lin Sen's smiling words came from the dark cave entrance.

"Did the second child say that?" The eldest child asked vaguely, nibbling on the peach in Lin Sen's hand.

"He said it himself!" Lin Sen nodded with a smile.

"Brat, how dare you say that I'm a stickler! See if I go out and deal with him!" The eldest child spat out the peach paste in his mouth and said, with the look of not worrying about himself and the others losing. "By the way, you How is your Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth practiced!"

"There are so many things these days, how can there be time to practice!" Lin Sen said with a wry smile, when there is no exercise, if you want to have exercise, then after you have it!No time to practice again!

"Practicing is like sailing against the current, so don't neglect it!" Hearing that Lin Sen didn't practice, the eldest child immediately started talking.

Lin Sen had no choice but to nod his head in agreement.

"You belong to the iron-backed centipede!" Dawa seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "If I read correctly, you should have the blood of the iron-backed centipede once!"

"Yes! You really have sharp eyes!" Lin Sen replied with a nod. The iron-backed centipede is barely considered a wild species, but it has long been extinct. The reason why Lin Sen can spontaneously awaken is that there is such a trace of iron-backed centipede's blood in his body.

"Iron-backed centipede, steel and iron bones, although you only have a trace of blood, but the most suitable is the old three's skills!" Before Lin Sen could react, the eldest child followed up and said, "I will leave an internal breath in your body , you go to Sanwa and let him teach you the art of body forging."

"Ah!" What is happiness that comes so quickly, Lin Sen was instantly taken aback.

"Why? I don't want to learn!" Dawa said with a smile.

"Learn...learn...of course you have to learn...how could you not want to learn it!" Lin Sen was in a hurry, and it could be seen that the eldest child was really deliberately teasing himself, and said in a hurry.

"Haha!!" Dawa laughed and said, "Look at you like that, I'm teasing you!!"

"Thank you, Shangxian!" Lin Sen sincerely bowed and thanked, but at the moment he was still slightly suspicious and said, "I just don't know why you are doing this to me?"

"Why?" Dawa said with a deep smile on her immature face, "I don't know why! Just pretend that I like you! Haha!"

Seeing his appearance, Lin Sen suddenly understood why such a simple and honest Dali baby was ranked first among the seven babies.

The cell where the third baby is located is not far from where the eldest baby is, but the trouble is that the area where the third baby is located is under the jurisdiction of the toad leader, so Lin Sen can't easily enter with the token as before.

Fortunately, he is not what he used to be today, and the guards are only some low-level goblins. Lin Sen walked into the cell carefully and without any danger.

"You're finally here! Come on, come on, bring me something to eat!" As soon as Lin Sen came in, Sanwa saw him with sharp eyes, and before Lin Sen could speak, Sanwa shouted impatiently.

"Eh!" Seeing Sanwa's appearance, Lin Sen was stunned. His rhetoric along the way was obviously for nothing!

"Bring it, bring it!" Lin Sen hurriedly took out a juicy big peach from his bosom and handed it over.

"Brother asked you to come!" Sanwa couldn't wait to nibble on the peach and said, "No, this is the nectarine from Nanshan, which is the favorite of the second brother. It was the second brother who asked you to come. You came slowly enough. I've been waiting for you for a long time! Did the second brother ask you to bring me something!"

"How do you know that Second Master has something to say?" Lin Sen asked strangely.

"Do you think that the brother who has been with you for so many years is for nothing? The second child must have said that I am impulsive, do things without thinking, and do things on my own!" Sanwa said angrily while gnawing on a nectarine.

"Ha ha!!" Lin Sen smiled and said, "As expected of a real brother! This third... master, even left me an inner breath, asking you to teach me the art of body training!"

"Body refining technique?" Sanwa's hand eating the nectarine suddenly stopped, staring at Lin Sen, the body refining technique is his foundation, although his skills of copper skin and iron bone are mostly due to innate , but this body refining technique is also indispensable.

With water-stained hands, he just pressed down on Lin Sen. After checking the inner breath in his body, he wiped the water stains on Lin Sen in an instant and said, "It is indeed the inner breath of the boss. Since the boss has said it, then I won't hide my clumsiness anymore! You still have some hidden wounds on your body, so I'll help you treat it too!"

After speaking, an inner breath containing information passed into Lin Sen's body.

"Thank you, Third Master... Thank you, Third Master... the little demon is really...really..." Lin Sen's surprise could not be concealed at this time. Now, the embarrassing identity of losing one's life will be lost at any time!

"It's done! It's done! It's a matter of little effort." Sanwa said impatiently, "It's just a body training technique, don't talk so much nonsense, and thank me! Next time, bring me more peaches to eat! That's it, that's it. ..you go first!"

"Ah!!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "The little demon is resigning..."

After speaking, he slowly pushed it out.

But at this time, there was an arrogant and domineering mocking voice, "Isn't this our heroic and wounded centipede commander? I don't know why I came to this cell alone at such a late hour? I really don't know what will happen if the king and his wife find out. Woolen cloth...."

It was discovered... Lin Sen suppressed the killing intent in his heart, turned around with a smile and said, "Isn't this Commander Toad? Commander Toad is really conscientious! Guarding the cell is also done by himself!"

"In this case, wouldn't the commander of the centipede be more conscientious, and even came to check the cell with injuries!" Commander the toad said with a big mouth and a smile, "I just don't know what the commander is talking about with this gourd baby! Not only have we chatted for so long , and also smiling...hehe..."

When Commander Toad said this, the expression on Lin Sen's face turned cold. Since the other party had already seen it, he had nothing to pretend, and he mobilized his mana silently.

"Everyone is not stupid!" Toad looked at Lin Sen and said, "Take such a big risk... You want those kids to undo the Heart-Eating Curse for you! I won't blackmail you, the Heart-Eating Curse The solution and the benefits you got from Cucurbit Baby, I want a copy too!"

"Isn't this considered extortion? You didn't take any risks, just like sharing a piece of the pie, you opened your mouth a bit!" Lin Sen said with a cold face, this King Toad really didn't open his mouth for nothing.

"You don't have to give it, I think if the scorpion spirit knows these things, you will know the end better than me." Toad didn't bother to apologize, and said harshly, "Don't even think about doing it, I admit that your strength is stronger than mine. , but I have not practiced in vain these years, unless you can kill me instantly, once you fight and recruit people, I will see what you say!"

"Hehe... Brother Toad, what are you talking about... We are all brothers. At this time, we are also under the same roof, so we should take care of each other!!"

What Toad said was indeed correct, and it is really impossible to be reckless now, Lin Sen clasped his hands and said with a smile.

"Since you call me brother, then I won't say any more. As long as you give me a share of what you get, I, Chi Toad, swear here, I will forget about it completely! How about it!"

The toad spirit said swearingly that the road to immortality is long, and for a chance, there are not only many people, monsters, ghosts and animals, but they want to drill into it with their heads sharpened.

Every road to immortality is almost paved with bones, and it is very normal for Toad to do so.

"Okay...but not now!" Lin Sen said with a cold face, "Don't worry, I haven't succeeded yet... When I succeed, I will naturally have your share!"

"Are you kidding me?" Toad's big laughing mouth also turned cold and said, "After three days, if you still don't hand over the things, then you are going to talk to the scorpion spirit! Hehe! "

After Toad finished speaking, he turned his head and left, confidently measured his back to Lin Sen, and walked away swaying, leaving behind bursts of sinister laughter.

"Damn it! The past few days have been going so smoothly, I'm a bit careless!" Lin Sen looked at the toad who was going further and further away, and cursed in a low voice, his mind spinning, he had to think of a way to kill this guy.

Thinking hard about how to get rid of King Toad, Lin Sen lowered his head and walked back slowly.

"Commander,,, Commander..." Before Lin Sen could reach the entrance of the cave, the little centipede hurried over again and said, "Master Commander... Your Majesty, Madam summoned..."

"I'll go right away!" Could it be that bastard Toad stabbed himself out?While thinking about the reason why the scorpion spirit summoned him, he hurriedly walked towards the main hole.

When he walked over, Lin Sen realized that he was worrying too much. The scorpion spirit didn't know how to summon him, and the six commanders had all arrived at this time!

When Lin Sen came in, Xie Zijing cleared his throat when he saw that everyone had arrived, "I called Dahuo here today! One is to celebrate that we have caught another child, and the other is that I also want to discuss this with everyone." thing!"

"Your Majesty is being polite! If you have anything to do, you can just order it. How dare you discuss it with your Majesty!" Several leaders immediately replied in unison.

"In that case, let's ask Madam to talk!" After finishing speaking, the scorpion spirit signaled to the snake spirit.

But I saw the snake essence lazily leaning half against the cloud bed, with a slender figure that was alluring. "It has been said since ancient times that seven gourd babies can be refined into Qixindan, and after eating it, it will have the power to reach heaven and earth! If it is true Dan Cheng, each of us will achieve the supreme celestial karma!"

There was an uproar immediately after sitting down, the femme fatale was going to share it with everyone!

"Ma'am, is this preparing for alchemy?" Lin Sen stood up and asked suspiciously.

"That's right!" the snake spirit said viciously, "Since these children always come to make trouble for me, don't blame me for being rude! I'm just practicing Qixin Dan, which can't be refined by ordinary pill furnace!"

"What kind of alchemy furnace does this need?" Lin Sen answered with interest.

"As far as I know, there is a pill furnace in our mountain, which can refine Qixin pill!" The snake spirit said with a smile, and glanced at the people below with a pair of charming eyes.

"Then what are you waiting for!" Hearing this, Toad Jing immediately couldn't sit still and jumped up, "Let's go get it soon!"

"Wait a minute~ don't worry!" The snake spirit said with a smile, "I still have a little trouble to get this pill stove!"

"What trouble does he have!" Before the snake spirit finished speaking, the toad spirit hurriedly jumped up and shouted, "Whoever dares to block our path to enlightenment, I, the toad, will be the first to cut him off!"

"Since Commander Toad is so loyal, there is really something I want to entrust to you at this time!" The snake spirit said with a smile when he saw Toad's appearance.

"But according to my mother's order, I will die for the red toad!" Toad patted his chest to express his loyalty. This is a good time to behave in front of the king!

"It's heard that Commander Toad has the blood of a different species of Red Fire Toad, right?" The snake spirit didn't say anything, but turned his words to other things.

"Your Majesty's eyes!" Chi Toad replied very proudly. Things like blood are what he is most proud of.

"Since that's the case, only you can do this!" The snake spirit raised a small wine glass with a smile and said, "I'll give this glass of wine to Commander Toad! I'll trouble Commander Toad with this thousand-foot cold pool!"

"Thousands...thousands...thousands...the cold pond..." Chi Toad's complacent expression froze for a moment, and it was difficult to speak with his mouth wide open.

"What?" the snake spirit smiled and brought the wine glass to the Red Toad and said, "Commander Toad is not willing? It is said that the cold air of the thousand-foot cold pool, only you, the blood of the Red Fire Toad, can resist being frozen !"

"Your Majesty... I'm sorry..." Chi Toad can't wait to give himself two mouthfuls now, and he blames himself for talking too much. What is he showing off on weekdays? Although he can drink the water in the cold pool, he will have to do it next time. It is impossible to peel off a layer of skin all over the body.

And the rest of the monsters also bowed their heads deeply, a thousand feet cold pool!Although it can be resisted for a while with skill, once the time is longer, it will be frozen into a zombie and sink to the bottom of the pond forever.

The two light bulbs looked around to find the target for help, but who would dare to disobey the surnames of the snake and the scorpion at this time, the two had obviously discussed it in private.

"Subordinates..Subordinates..." Ha Jing was baffled for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "For the great cause of the king and his wife, the little demon will fight once!"

"Of course you can't do this entirely by you. As long as you are sure that the pill furnace is below, I will handle the rest!" Scorpion Jing said with a smile.

"The villain obeys!" Chi Toad heard this, but still didn't understand that the front was testing him, and he knelt on the ground overjoyed and said, "My lord, the little demon will definitely handle this matter well!"

"Okay!" Scorpion Jing waved his hands and applauded, "Commander Toad's loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon!!"

"We are also willing to share the worries for the king!" This is about sharing Qixindan!Who dares to lag behind in this kind of thing, at the first moment, several monsters came out together and said respectfully.

"Haha! You can learn from your loyalty, let's go get the alchemy furnace together!"

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