"Hahaha..." After Lin Sen came back, he recounted what had happened before, and the second baby immediately laughed and said, "Fourth, old five usually like this, and it's considered to be like this if you fall on it today." Right on my mind!"

"Fifth Master can really drink, you don't know the distressed look of Xie Zijing at that time!" Lin Sen also laughed, but Wu Wa's drinking capacity is really exaggerated. It is said that the small box of ice heart wine is enough There are so many water pools, and Shuiwa almost drank them all.

"Since the fourth child and the fifth child have been arrested! Then there is something else, I want you to help me with it!" Erwa smiled for a while and said seriously.

"Even though the second master tells you, the little demon will definitely kill mountains and seas of fire..." Lin Sen said firmly.

"It's not as serious as you said! Although it's a bit troublesome, it's not enough to let you risk your life!" Seeing Lin Sen's appearance, Erwa smiled and said, "The first thing is to hand me over to the scorpion spirit. I will give you the credit..."

Hearing what he said, Lin Sen suddenly turned his head to look at him in astonishment, his smiling and silent expression really didn't look like a joke.

"You don't have to look at me like that..." Erwa said with a smile, "I'm not joking with you, some things must be experienced! In addition, there is one more thing..."

"But according to the second master's order..." Lin Sen's face also became serious. Obviously, the next thing is the most important thing in Erwa's mouth.

"I'm going to trouble you with this matter. In this mountain there is a seventh-grade lotus platform, which is as big as a bronze mirror and has seven colors and seven holes. It is in this mountain, but I don't know the exact location, but in the second snake and scorpion When you catch the seven of our brothers, you must find the lotus platform and put it in the alchemy furnace with us! This matter is related to the life and death of our brothers, remember! Remember! After the matter is done, there will be great thanks! "When Erwa said this, her face was very serious, which is enough to show the importance of this matter.

"Little demon, I will do my best to complete this matter!" Erwa nodded fiercely, and agreed to this matter. Since she agreed, she will do her best to complete it.

At this moment, a lump of soil was raised on the ground of the cave, and after a while, the pangolin came out. Lin Sen asked with a smile, "Sent the old man back?"

"Fortunately, life is not disgraceful!" The pangolin said respectfully, "I have safely sent the old man back to the mountain!"

"That's good!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "You should take a good rest first, there are still things you need to do next, if this matter is done, then I will take back the centipede poison from your body, from now on, you Wherever you want to go, I will never interfere!"

Words follow the law, in this world, if you don't say a word, God is listening.

Hearing what Lin Sen said, the pangolin's expression suddenly changed, and its two small eyes sparkled excitedly, "I will do my best, little demon~"

Seeing the excited look of the pangolin, Lin Sen and Erwa immediately looked at each other in silence.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... happy event!! What a great happy event!!" The little centipede guarding the cave ran into the main hall anxiously.

In the main hall, the femme fatale and scorpion are leaning on the cloud bed, sipping wine while admiring the graceful dance of the hornets.

The little demon rushed in, and the scene was chaotic. The scorpion spirit shouted displeased, "What happened? Where did the joy come from?"

A big dark face was covered with the words "I'm not happy". If the little demon couldn't give a reasonable explanation, he, King Scorpion, would kill someone!

"Great King...Great King...The Centipede Commander is back..." Xiao Yao pointed to the outside of the cave, and his words were not smooth, "Great King...The Centipede Commander is back!!"

"The centipede is back, what a happy event!" The scorpion yelled angrily, this damned little monster dared to spare his elegance for such a big deal.

"No..No..." The little demon stammered, "The centipede..leader..centipede..not himself..self..returned!! Yes..yes..." The little demon After deliberating for a while, he finally yelled loudly, "Commander Centipede, he also caught a gourd baby...the one who ran out of the hole..."

As soon as these words were uttered, the entire cave froze instantly, and the sound of the flute, flute, and wind music also stopped suddenly. The cave, which was still very lively just a moment ago, suddenly seemed so clean and permeating.

The little demon's words stunned the scorpion spirit for a moment before he looked up to the sky and laughed, "Okay...that's really a good thing!"

"Your Majesty, this is a great joy!" The lazy snake spirit on the cloud bed also smiled and stood up,

This is the real surprise, so this world is really unpredictable, the smiling face of the scorpion spirit, how can he stay in the cave "The centipede... is really good, let's go, let's go to meet and report to this My little demon, enjoy a jug of good wine, haha!!!" Scorpion spirit waved his hand, and took the lead to walk out.

"Brother Centipede... is really my good brother!" Seeing Lin Sen from afar, the scorpion spirit rushed forward without waiting for Lin Sen to meet him, and hugged Lin Sen in his arms, vigorously He patted Lin Sen on the back and said.

"Your Majesty has won the prize!" Lin Sen broke free and said modestly after Xie Zijing's enthusiasm passed.

"The slave family really admires the centipede commander today!" The snake spirit twisted her body charmingly and said, "It was able to capture a gourd baby! I wonder if the centipede commander will talk about the battle situation at that time, so that several of their commanders also Look up and learn! How!"

If you doubt me, you say you doubt me, and you say it sounds so nice. Lin Sen glanced at the snake essence's rippling eyes, lowered his head hurriedly, and cursed secretly in his heart, but his face was respectful, "Your Majesty, I'm so proud of you. This gourd baby, how can a little demon be able to capture it. It’s just that today, when I was patrolling the secret passage in the back mountain, I undoubtedly saw the blind and deaf child who broke into the hole last time and wanted to touch it. Little demon It didn't take much effort, and he was captured on the spot!"

"Haha!! Well done...well done..." Xie Zijing patted Lin Sen's shoulder vigorously and said, "From now on, you centipede will be my brother, let's go and drink with big brother, what do you want Tell Big Brother, Big Brother will satisfy you!"

After speaking, he dragged Lin Sen into the cave.

Although it was interrupted by the scorpion spirit, the snake spirit did not give up. Looking at the back of the scorpion spirit blocking Lin Sen from entering the cave, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed quietly, and a sinister coldness flashed quietly. This centipede has been very strange recently , something must have happened.

Thinking of this, the snake spirit beckoned, and the cockroach standing aside immediately stepped forward.

The snake spirit whispered something in the cockroach's ear, and the cockroach nodded, dodged a few times, and disappeared into the cave at a very fast speed.

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