Lin Sen, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help feeling aggrieved for this young man in green shirt, obviously his mana level was much higher than the other two, and even he was not far behind.

But because of the two magic weapons in the opponent's hand, they were suppressed and had no chance to fight back.

"You guys forced me!" The young man in green yelled angrily, with an unusually serious face, and then opened his mouth, and a emerald green bead the size of a lychee shot out from his mouth, and went straight to beat the two young monks.

"This little monster is really in a hurry!" Lin Sen laughed softly when he saw the bead.

That's right, this handsome young man in green shirt is a monster, and the bead he spit out is the demon pill that he has practiced for many years. Obviously, this monster is driven by two young monks.

"Looking for death!!" One of the young monks yelled loudly, and the two commanded the magic weapon in their hands to attract it.

"Coax..." Bao Dan collided!Huge vitality brought about raging air currents.

The three figures flew upside down immediately, the young man in green shirt was pale, his limbs and facial features were slightly distorted, obviously he was trying to maintain his human form, "Two damned little bald donkeys..." Young man in green shirt He cursed viciously, at least he ruined his hundred years of practice.

Fortunately, one of the two young monks had already fallen into a coma, and the other was just relying on the treasure pestle to stand up, with traces of bright red blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You disgusting monster, you can't even maintain its outer skin, how dare you be so arrogant..." The little monk swore angrily, brandished the pestle with all his might, and hit the young man in green shirt, wanting to give him a fatal blow.

As long as he is dealt with, that demon pill will be enough to make up for this loss!

The little monk was thinking about it, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, looked down, and saw an arm protruding from his heart, holding a beating heart in his ferocious hand.

The little monk only felt dizzy, turned his head to look behind him, but only saw a black shadow vaguely, and then his vision completely turned into darkness.

The three of them fought in a group, and both were injured. In addition, Lin Sen was hiding his breath, and he had no intention of mental calculation, so he was killed instantly by one blow.

But at this moment, a ray of Buddha's light rushed out from the top of Tianling, wrapped the little monk's soul, and flew westward in a hurry.

But since Lin Sen made a sneak attack, how could he not prevent him from escaping, and with a wave of his sleeve, he grabbed the Buddha's light in his hand, and with five fingers, the thunder light shone in his palm, and the little monk's primordial spirit completely disappeared from this world immediately.

Lin Sen's speed was extremely fast, these few movements were understated, but the young man in green shirt opposite him was frightened.

"Little demon Lu Chan, thank you senior for saving your life!" The young man in green shirt smiled flatteringly with a deep bow, but quietly retreated under his feet and said, "Little demon will bid farewell, and he will definitely repay senior for today's kindness in the future! "

After talking about setting up the demon cloud, he was about to run away, but just as he flew up, the top of his head "bang..." as if hitting an iron plate, and fell headfirst.

Before she could stand up, she was firmly pressed to the ground by the colorful heart lotus falling from the air.

"Senior, the little demon didn't see anything... didn't hear anything... the little demon swears to the heavens, he will never talk nonsense!" Constrained by others, Lu Chan shouted anxiously, he didn't want to talk to that little demon. Like the monk, he was beaten to death, without even a chance of reincarnation.

"In any case, I saved you, so you just ran away, do you think it's appropriate?" Seeing Lu Chan's tense expression, Lin Sen suddenly felt amused, squatting beside him and said with a smile.

"Not suitable... not suitable... It's just that the little demon still has urgent matters today, and I will repay the favor of saving my life in the future!" Lu Chan said with a smile.

"Who told you to see something you shouldn't have seen!" Lin Sen looked at Lu Chan with a serious face and his face changed drastically because of his words, and then smiled, "However, for the sake of everyone being a demon clan, I will give you This opportunity...whether you can live or not depends on whether you can grasp it!"

"I can grasp it... I can grasp it..." Lu Chan was pressed to the ground, with his head sideways, as handsome as a chicken pecking rice.

"I'll make dozens of voices, tell me a condition that will impress me, and buy your own life!" Lin Sen's smile looked like a demon to Lu Chan, "1...2...3...."

"Senior..Look. Little demon, my mana is low..." "4...5...6..." Lin Sen didn't care what Lu Chan said, and continued to count the numbers with a smile.

"Senior...senior...the little demon really has just pass me off like a fart!" Seeing Lin Sen counting down like this, Lu Chan suddenly cried with snot and tears all over his face .

But Lin Sen didn't seem to be moved at all, and continued to count down "...7...8...9..." When he counted to nine, he had already raised his hand, but saw Lu Chan closed his eyes. He squinted and shouted, "Yes... yes... the little demon knows the whereabouts of the two innate magic weapons... senior... senior..."

Lu Chan closed his eyes and yelled, but he didn't feel the attack immediately, and then he opened his eyes, but saw the bastard looking at him with a smile and said, "I just bombed you casually, I didn't expect it to be really unexpected, let's talk... .”

Lu Chan's head was hammered down immediately. Today is really unlucky, so he said helplessly, "I didn't mean to hear about this..."

But at this moment, the little monk who was lying on the ground in a coma suddenly jumped up and wanted to fly away.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Lin Sen sneered and said to himself, this little monk can bear it enough, one pretends to be unconscious, until Lu Chan is about to say important information to attract his mind, then he is ready to take the opportunity to escape, if It wasn't that I had prepared for it, maybe I really let him run away!

Although the little monk ran abruptly, his speed was no match for Lin Sen's, but Lin Sen pushed him back in an instant.

Lin Sen was not in a hurry to deal with him, but waved Cailian back and said to Lu Chan, "Kill him, and then continue..."

"Two evildoers who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, you wait..." the little monk cursed angrily, and before he could finish speaking, he was punched on the head by Lu Chan.

Immediately, the red and yellow things splashed everywhere, and before Yuanshen escaped, he was swallowed by Lu Chan's mouth. Between a dead fellow Taoist and a dead poor Taoist, there is no need to hesitate at all for this multiple-choice question.

Lin Sen nodded and waved his sleeves, flames burst out from the two corpses, but they were burned invisible in a moment, and the two young monks completely disappeared from this world when the wind blew.

This move is not only to clean the battlefield, but also to kill chickens and respect monkeys. Seeing Lin Sen's proficiency, Lu Chan immediately lost his heart to take the opportunity to escape. disappear.

"Let's change places, talk slowly!" Lin Sen finished with a smile, put away the two magic weapons scattered on the ground, and led Lu Chan up, a seven-colored heart lotus sprouted under his feet, and flew up with the two of them leave.

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