Siping Mountain, at the entrance of the tomb, ripples suddenly appeared in the dark sky.

A black shadow fell from it, and when it landed, it let out a cry of "Ouch", and then the moonlight saw that it wasn't Lin Sen but who it was.

After Lin Sen, there was another emerald green figure, slowly floating down from the ripples.

Just as Lin Sen got up from the ground, he felt that extremely strong force of thoughts pressing on him again, and the space around him was locked in all directions.

"Senior also wants to enter the tomb of Yuwen's family? But there are places where junior can use his strength, but senior just say it's okay, Xiao Yao will definitely try his best!"

As soon as Lin Sen saw this place, he immediately understood that he didn't know whether this white phosphorous came here from the memory of Lu Chan or Yu Wengong, so he came to hunt for treasure.

"The tomb of Yuwen's family?" Bai Lin's blue eyes were full of mockery, "How can he, Yuwen's family, be able to build such a tomb..."

Speaking of this, Bai Phosphorus stared at Shui Po in a daze, with a strange expression on his face, as if he was admiring, and there was resentment in the admiration...

Bai Phosphorus stood still for a while, and then said to Lin Sen, "I really need your help to save you. If I read correctly, which Taoist method of three flowers and five qi do you practice, right..."

"Senior has insightful eyes, but the little demon is following the Taoist path of three flowers and five qi. I don't know what the senior needs to ask the little demon to do?" Lin Sen replied respectfully, but his heart was spinning. The person in front of him belonged to the same era, and seeing Bai Lin's expression, he was definitely related to that person.

This cave is absolutely dangerous for him, maybe if he is not careful, his life will have to stay here.

"What to do, you will know later! You come with me first, haha..." Bai Phosphorus laughed and waved his sleeves, lifted Lin Sen from the ground, and walked quickly to the water.

"Open..." With an angry shout, Bai Phosphorus was surrounded by violent winds, and the tyrannical spiritual thoughts actually solidified into substance, gathering together towards the top of the head, and finally formed a small silver needle on the top of the head, slowly moving towards the water fly away.

The seemingly powerless appearance during the walk seems to be blown away by a gust of wind.

Lin Sen was wondering how Bai Phosphorus could come up with such a thing with a serious face, but he was stunned by the next scene.

However, the small needle was slowly inserted into the water pool, and the water pool restriction that was integrated with the entire Siping Mountain Spiritual Vein was pierced by the small needle tip without the slightest resistance.

"Long..." After the fine needle pierced the water, Bai Phosphorus's serious face relaxed slightly, and then the magic spell in his hand changed.

With the slight crushing sound of "Chichi...", the small needles formed by the condensed spiritual thoughts began to grow slowly. With every increase, the expression on Bai Lin's face became more serious, but after a while , It turns out that the blue veins are exposed, the face is red, and the head is sweating profusely.

Fortunately, the thin needle has finally grown to the thickness of a human head at this time, and it is actually hollow, directly connecting the inside and outside of the water pool, revealing the gloomy cave inside.

"Boy, shrink your body..." Bai Phosphorus urged anxiously, grabbed the shrunken Lin Sen, and quickly passed through the water.

Almost at the same time as the two of them entered, the channel formed by the congealed spiritual thoughts shattered with a soft "touch...".

In the darkness, White Phosphorus gasped heavily, "Hoohoo..." It was obvious that the momentary exhaustion just now was terrifying, and with his strong divine sense, he was exhausted so severely that even Lin Sen felt that his body was blocked. The pressure on him has also cleared up a lot, but the level of the past is not weak enough for him to break free.

After Bai Phosphorus adjusted his breath for a while, he adjusted the chaotic breath to calm down, and then revoked the restraint on Lin Sen and said, although the words were not explained, the consequences are naturally very clear.

"Boy knows..." Moving his arms and legs, it was the first time that Lin Sen felt such a comfortable thing.

"It's good if you know..." Seemingly satisfied with Lin Sen's attitude, Bai Phosphorus nodded and walked into the cave first. Things, naturally there is no obstacle.

After walking a few hundred steps, they saw a white light curtain in the darkness, blocking in front of the two of them.

"Boy, infiltrate your Taoist vitality from here into this light film, be careful, be steady, control the amount, and keep the same pace as me..."

Bai Phosphorus stared at the light curtain for a while, then pointed to a position on the left side of the light film and said, in the words he repeatedly urged, obviously this matter must be very careful.

According to Lin Sen's words, he pressed his hand on the light curtain, and the first feeling was that it was soft and light, like pressing on cotton, without any effort.

But after a little probing, Lin Sen understood why Bai Phosphorus was so cautious, his face turned pale half uncontrollably, there was actually huge energy hidden in this light curtain.

It's just that this energy and its calmness are like the windless lake without waves, but as long as there is any slight movement, if this energy bursts out, let alone the two of us, the entire Siping Mountain will be destroyed in an instant. can become a mound.

"Okay, listen to my instructions, breathe..." As Bai Phosphorus spoke, both of them sent breath into the light curtain at the same time, "Yes...slow down...slower down..."

Bai Phosphorus said cautiously, but after a while, beads of sweat appeared on his face, and his expression was even more serious than when he was outside the cave.

Following the two completely different inner breaths of Lin Sen and White Phosphorus, they are slowly intertwined in the light curtain. Under the traction of the same quality, the two breaths carry the energy in the light curtain slowly within the light curtain. Start spinning up.

But at this moment, Bai Lin exclaimed in surprise, "Okay, it's done, let go..."

After speaking, he hurriedly pulled Lin Sen back a step, looked at the white light curtain, and his eyes were full of unbearable surprise.

As time passed, the two auras rotated faster and faster in the light curtain, and even developed to the extent that they were visible to the naked eye. On the white light curtain, a milky white vortex was born.

As the rotation became faster and faster, the white vortex became deeper and deeper, until the white vortex suddenly opened, and the white film of light was spinning, leaving a big hole in the void.

"Go..." Bai Phosphorus urged, pulling Lin Sen and rushing into the hollow of the light film.

"Woooo..." Lin Sen shuddered subconsciously as soon as he entered the cave. It was almost possible for him to cultivate to their level, but it did happen to him.

Behind the light curtain, a dark wind raged, gusts of cool wind went straight into the soul, the whole cave was no less than ten times colder, even Lin Sen, a cultivator, couldn't help feeling the cold.

In the depths of the dark cave, boundless killing spewed out, swallowed by the piercing killing intent, like the blood flowing into a river and the bones like a mountain.

ps: Please recommend for collection if you have the audacity! ! !By the way, weakly ask for a reward! :)! !


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