As for this black brick, I want to talk about it from the source of this flaming mountain.

According to the rumors, the flaming mountain was formed because the monkey overturned the Eight Diagrams furnace of the Taishang Laojun, and the furnace smashed into the world.

But who is the Taishang Laojun?That is the head of the Sanqing, the supreme saint, even if there is only a clone of divine sense in the court, it is still the body of a saint, and the gossip furnace is the most top-level alchemy furnace in the prehistoric world. Speaking of forming a flaming mountain, the flames are definitely enough to burn the entire earth fairy world into a scarlet land!

Therefore, what fell that day was only a few fire bricks from the Bagua furnace, and it was these few fire bricks that were calcined in the Bagua furnace that formed this flaming mountain that stretched for tens of thousands of miles!

Princess Iron Fan naturally knows about such a good thing, but the fire brick is the source of the real fire in the Flame Mountain, if it is acted rashly, the real fire will explode and flood if you are not careful, so she has never dared to do it, I really didn't expect that Lin Sen would be pulled out so recklessly today!

Seeing that there was no heat on the black square bricks, Princess Iron Fan stepped forward, gave Lin Sen a white look, and said, "It's a pity that you were able to pull him out alive, but the firepower erupting on it, why? Missing?" Princess Tieshan must have seen this thing before, but the last time she saw it, this square brick was wrapped in the raging package of Sanwei Zhenhuo!

"That's not necessarily it!!" Lin Sen smiled slightly, but he could only see the spells circulating on the fire brick, and suddenly the blazing Sanwei Zhenhuo burst out, completely enveloping the black turning head, ling The violent breath caused Princess Iron Fan to back away quickly in fright, and then watched the fire brick quietly burning in Lin Sen's hands, staring in astonishment and saying, "This put it... ..?"

The tone was full of unknown surnames, but Lin Sen nodded slightly and said, "I only wanted to engrave formations on this fire brick, this is the power that caused the backlash of the fire brick, but it's okay. It's still a success!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Princess Iron Fan was astonished. While lamenting Lin Sen's audacity, she also smiled at Lin Sen and said, "You brat, you actually made you successful. My sister, I will congratulate you first." You have obtained another rare treasure!" The three real fires above the fire bricks were able to send and receive freely, and after being condensed by Lin Sen, it was a very powerful treasure at this time.

Seeing that Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Although the power of this thing is good, it is not suitable for me. When the red boy was apprenticed, I did not prepare any gifts, but this thing is just right for the red boy." Use it!" Red Boy is very talented, born with the essence of fire, and he has cultivated three real fires, and the fire bricks of these three real fires are indeed no more suitable masters than him!

"This... this..." Lin Sen said this, but he was stunned by Princess Iron Fan. This thing is given to the red boy, and such a tyrannical treasure is given to his son. I am delighted, but Lin Sen returned this thing with his life. The sober Princess Iron Fan just now looked very transparent. If Lin Sen's physical body was not strong, the surrounding of the three real fire just now was enough to kill her. Life!

And after going on like this for a long time, he didn't say anything, but Lin Sen smiled and said, "Sister, don't refuse, since the red boy is my nephew, and secondly, he is also my apprentice. I will send it to you." What will he do when he sees the baby! Haha!!" Seeing what Lin Sen said, Princess Iron Fan had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Then sister, I will stay here now for the red boy, thank you for being a master!"

"It should be! It should be!!" Lin Sen laughed loudly, and at the same time said repeatedly, "Besides, the treasure I got this time in this flaming mountain is not so good!"

But when Lin Sen was cultivating, the billowing power of the three flavors of real fire swarmed in. Although it was scorching hot, Lin Sen was still able to resist it, and it took some time to condense his spiritual thoughts. It's a slow thing, but Lin Sen was curious in the center of boredom at the moment, so he explored the surrounding area of ​​the flaming mountain with his divine sense!

Naturally, the result obtained was that the red land was still the red land, without the slightest change. However, during Lin Sen's boring investigation with his divine sense, he inadvertently felt that there was something different about a mountain and river. The firepower of the mountain is obviously purer and concentrated than other places, and the color of the mountain is also redder!

Seeing such a slight gap, Lin Sen immediately searched carefully with his spiritual sense, and that divine sense also went deep into the mountains and rivers for an unknown number of feet. Only then did he discover the fire bricks deep in the ground. The fire brick was just pitch black at that time, and no firepower gushed out, but even so, Lin Sen could still clearly feel the firepower in the fire brick.

Lin Sen was pleasantly surprised by An An at the moment, and found something good, and then prepared to pull the fire brick back with his spiritual thoughts, but it was good that he didn't move. After this movement, the originally pitch-black fire brick was indeed There was a sudden explosion, and the crimson flames immediately spread on the dark stone bricks!

Naturally, Lin Sen couldn't let this thing explode like this, but suppressed it with his divine sense, but this is the fire brick in the Bagua Lu, Lin Sen not only did not suppress it, but also let it explode The firepower of the fire is like the real fire of the day, spreading to Lin Sen along with Lin Sen's divine sense!

The Huo Yuan force, which was many times stronger than that under him, immediately surged into Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness, and what Lin Sen didn't even think about was turning into the real body of the day demon, the god The reincarnation of the sun and the moon has been completed, and it can still be resisted after being tempered by the golden flame of the great sun, but this body is suffering from bursts of stinging pain under the real fire, which is absolutely impossible to resist with a human body. But the real body of the sky demon can still interact with the real fire!

Amidst such resistance, Lin Sen's divine sense continued to pull the fire brick out of the ground, which caused the abnormal temperature change around the flaming mountain. The closer the fire brick was to the ground, the temperature would naturally increase. The higher it is, the higher it is, which eventually caused the flaming mountain to erupt!

And Lin Sen himself didn't expect that this stalemate would last as long as 49 days. This time, the fire brick was pulled out, and in this stalemate, the rolling truth The power of fire has indeed given him boundless benefits, even a big surprise that he himself did not expect!

And with such a harvest, what is this small piece of fire brick, anyway, it is suitable for the red boy to use, even if he used it with the red boy! (To be continued.)

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