"Boy, just bear with it!! Haha..." The big formation is activated, and it's not safe to stand on the sidelines. If you accidentally get involved, it's really not worth the candle.

White Phosphorus laughed and said to Lin Sen who was facing him, and at the same time slowly retreated into the bluestone passage, waiting for the opportunity.

At this moment, Lin Sen still had the leisure to answer his words, and it was unknown whether he had even heard what Bai Lin said. All his attention was on the army souls, and this was a matter of his life.

Whoosh!Nearly a hundred sharp arrows pierced through the air and attacked Lin Sen. Surrounded by the dark wind above the sharp arrows, ghosts cried and wolves howled.

And this sharp arrow also opened up the battle group, and a group of ferocious army souls rushed towards Lin Sen with murderous aura.

Lin Sen's eyes suddenly brightened. Although the individual strength of this group of army souls is not strong, but the accumulation of such a large number, coupled with the fact that they are not afraid of death, today's battle may not be the same since rebirth. greatest difficulty.

Immediately, he fully operated the defensive magic circle of the colorful heart lotus, and at the same time squeezed the magic weapon to sacrifice the black stone seal that had been hidden from the little monk's hand.

A small square seal swelled in the wind, but in a short while it swelled to a size of more than ten feet, glowing with a thick black light.

The black stone seal smashed straight into the group of army souls. Dozens of army souls with broken weapons raised their ghost weapons together, trying to resist the seal, but they only resisted for a moment before being blocked by the seal. ,bump!They scattered with a bang.

Slices of green phosphorescence flew out, and in a short while, the gray air condensed into ferocious army spirits that were full of murderous aura, and continued to rush towards Lin Sen without fear of death.

Lin Sen suddenly had a headache. These army souls are composed of yin energy, and they are not entities. No matter how he attacks, as long as the war spirits are not destroyed, they can recover quickly. exhausted.

Thinking of being exhausted, Lin Sen suddenly remembered that Cailian absorbed ghost energy in the bluestone passage before, so why not try it, if it is as he thought, then he might be able to survive this catastrophe today!

However, Lin Sen did not retreat but advanced, and charged straight at the army of army souls. The lotus on his head turned and sprinkled pieces of colorful aura. Attacking, pinching the magic weapon in his hand, shouting in his mouth, "Qi attracts thunder from the sky, five thunders rectify the law..."

The lightning flashed in both hands, and the five-colored brilliance flowed. Two huge thunder balls grew rapidly, reaching the size of a watermelon in a short while. go in.

"Boom..." The thunder was rolling, the electric snake was shining, and under the light of Gangyang's thunder and lightning, a group of weaker army souls immediately made a "time..." sound, bursting out black smoke.

The ghosts hit by the explosion energy and the electric snake were instantly scattered in all directions.

The dense ghostly aura immediately scattered around. Although Lin Sen's blow consumed a lot of mana, it scattered dozens of army souls, and a blue phosphorescence shone, attracting the ghostly aura around him and condensing his body. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Sen used all his strength to activate the magic circle that absorbs spiritual energy in the colorful heart lotus. When the colorful heart lotus was in Calabash Mountain, it had drawn the spiritual power of the entire mountain. The passive activation among them is comparable.

The whole body was almost condensed into a substantial ghost energy, and the power of the seven-color heart lotus absorbing spiritual energy was immediately revealed, and the gray ghost energy suddenly boiled up, and it surged into the seven-color heart lotus.

A small part of the gray ghost aura was sucked into the colorful heart lotus, and most of it was gathered back by a group of blue phosphorescent lights, and some of them condensed into a cloudy army soul, but the floating The body completely lost the clear sense of reality it had before.

The colorful heart lotus passed the transformed ghost energy into Lin Sen's body. Lin Sen only felt that the consumption of the thunder ball just now recovered instantly. Not only that, but also a lot of magic power was increased.

The serious expression on Lin Sen's face suddenly relaxed a lot. His guess is indeed true. As long as the colorful heart lotus can absorb the ghost energy when the army soul collapses, he can not only cut off the army soul's resurrection, but also have an endless stream of blood. Energy supply, this catastrophe, might be a chance for me.

With the supply of energy, Lin Sen suddenly gained confidence. There are not many opportunities for him to use it at will. He immediately squeezed the spells and used all the spells that were not enough mana before. "Five thunders rotate, turning thunder into dragon..."

Mouth softly, hands clasped together in front of the chest, a five-color thunder ball the size of a human head condensed in the hand, as the hands were pulled outward, the thunder ball also grew rapidly, until it was almost two meters wide, and it was raised above the head , push forward.

"Aw..." There was a heaven-shattering dragon chant from the thunder ball, and a five-color thunder dragon rushed out of the light ball, shaking its head and tail, and crashed into the army soul.

After the thunder dragon came out, Lin Sen's expression instantly turned white, but then the spiritual energy from the colorful heart lotus suddenly filled the consumed mana. The feeling of this empty body being instantly filled with spiritual energy was like taking drugs. , making Lin Sen feel ecstatic.

"Come on..." Lin Sen made the pair of dragons absorb water with both hands. The two huge lines of fire were like two fire dragons. Lin Sen pulled out them. To deal with ghosts, pure yang power like Leihuo would be more effective.

Carrying a strong flame, Lin Sen relied on his own defense and flew into the group of army souls.

But at some point, more than a dozen army generals wearing armor and horses from different eras gathered together and appeared at the place where Lin Sen had fallen.

More than a dozen swords entwined with yin energy flew out in unison in an instant. Lin Sen couldn't dodge in time, and hit the colorful shield abruptly. Fan Bai, although he didn't feel dizzy, he still had a headache, and couldn't help but staggered forward.

When he came back to his senses, the whole body was dominated by countless military spirits, and hundreds of spears and spears full of killing intent fell on the defense of the colorful heart lotus like raindrops.

These attacks, even if the strength of each blow is not very strong, but they piled up together, Lin Sen resisted, only felt a splitting headache, chest tightness, sweet throat, puff!Suddenly a mouthful of blood flew out. Fortunately, although the seven-color shield was shaken by the beating, it was fortunate that it was not defeated. Otherwise, just this one blow would be enough to beat him to death, beyond redemption.

Among this ghost group, if the Taoist body is defeated, there will only be one soul left, no matter how strong you are, it will not be enough for these army souls to divide up instantly!

"Body incarnation..." Suppressing his headache, Lin Sen hastily squeezed the spell and flew out from the group of army souls. The superiority in the world is enough to kill him in an instant.

The big formation is full of gray ghost aura, and outside the big formation, there are only roaring sounds from time to time, thunder flashes, and fire radiates everywhere.

In the tunnel, Bai Lin leisurely waited for the opportunity to appear, and at the same time said with a smile, "This little monster can last for so long, it seems that it has hidden a lot of good things!"

ps: I have the audacity to ask for a recommended collection! !Weakly ask for a reward!Xiaolinzi's first good thing is here!Guess what it is! !Guess it right!


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