Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 4 The Spider Visits

The Jade Rabbit hangs down to the west, the golden crow rises to the east, Yin and Yang are reversed between heaven and earth, and the power of the cold moonlight is dispelled by the power of the brilliant sun. At this time, if a little monster like Lin Sen cultivates again, it is tantamount to igniting a fire!

In the cave, Lin Sen slowly opened his eyes, his face full of seriousness.

The speed at which he absorbed Yuehua was obviously more than twice as fast as what the centipede remembered. Presumably it was because his soul was a human being, so his efficiency was much faster than that of the centipede. This was the only good news that came over in one night.

After a whole night of recuperation, although his body has recovered a little, even if Lin Sen wants to fully recover at Lin Sen's speed, it will take ten and a half months.

And those little killers would call at any time, and I didn't have time to recuperate slowly.

Besides, there is one more imminent matter now, which is the heart-eating curse that the scorpion spirit planted in the bodies of the demon queens after subduing them.

According to the centipede's memory, once the heart-eating curse is planted, it is tantamount to completely selling itself to the scorpion spirit. Once there is any abnormality in him, the scorpion spirit only needs to cast the spell, and his heart will be broken and he will die. It is extremely vicious.

This is tantamount to tying myself and the scorpion spirit to death. It’s fine if you’re on a normal day, and you can think about it in the long run, but now the gourd baby will call at any time, and the destruction of the scorpion spirit has become a fact. If you tie him up, that’s hugging. Like a bomb that will explode immediately, if you are not careful, it will be wiped out.

Those little killer stars will not be soft in the slightest when dealing with monsters.

So the most important thing right now is to unravel the Heart-Eating Curse. When the time comes, whether to go or stay, the sky is high and the sea is wide is all up to you!

It's just that this matter is easy to say, but Lin Sen has no idea about it.

"Master Commander?" Outside the cave, the little demon guarding the gate quietly poked his head in and asked in a low voice.

Seeing that Lin Sen had woken up, he trotted in and said, "Master Commander, Commander Spider is here!"

"Please come in!" Lin Sen hurriedly got down from the stone bed and said, the spider helped him last night, Lin Sen felt that the relationship between the two was not good, now after absorbing the centipede's memory, he fully understood the truth.

But the deep voice of the spider leader came from outside the cave saying, "Brother Centipede, everyone is our own, so don't be so polite!"

With the sound of "cluster~~", a spider the size of a millstone slowly crawled into the hole, and eight small green eyes looked at Lin Sen and said, "The sun is rising! I guess the elder brother's training is about to end , so I came to visit! I don’t know how the eldest brother’s injury is?”

Lin Sen inherited the memory of the centipede, so he was clear about the things between them. At this moment, he smiled and said, "Haha... Please worry, Brother Spider! In a day or two, my injury will be fully healed!"

Lin Sen laughed, and casually shortened the recovery time of his injury by more than ten times.

"That's good!!" The big spider seemed to nod and said, "It's just that the big brother made an unwise decision yesterday, how can he just give the credit for what he got to the red toad!"

Lin Sen smiled and said, "How does Brother Spider think your strength is better than mine?"

Seeing that Lin Sen's answer was irrelevant, the spider was stunned for a moment and said slowly, "Of course my strength is not as good as that of big brother!"

"What do you think of the strength of the red toad?" Lin Sen continued to ask.

"Although Toad is disgusting, I think I can't beat him!" Spider said unwillingly. If he can't be beaten, he can't be beaten.

"Then what do you think about the strength of the king and his wife?" Lin Sen smiled and asked a question that shocked the spider,

I saw the spider looking left and right for the first time, as if searching for eyeliner around, and then said cautiously after a while, "The magic power of the king and his wife is so powerful that we can't compare it!"

Lin Sen nodded and said, "That's it! Your Majesty and his wife are so powerful that they crushed us like ants. Even they are ignorant enemies. Do you think we are the ones who provoked them? I was the big brother in the first battle a few days ago. With a face-to-face understanding! Those kids are simply not something we can deal with! Red Toad wants to claim credit, so let him come! If he has a life to earn, he also has to have a life to spend..."

The spider that Lin Sen said was dumbfounded, and its eight small eyes stared at Lin Sen without blinking, as if it was the first day they knew him, and said, "I used to think that Brother Centipede was brave and foolish, but today I found out that before Wrong! From now on, the spider will definitely follow the lead of the big brother!"

"The spider king is serious!" Lin Sen said with a smile, "Everyone is just helping each other for freedom! Now with only the strength of the two of us, it is really not easy to steal the liberation of the Heart-Eating Curse. Win over comrades!"

"Brother Centipede, you mean... that old fox, the bat spirit?" the spider said in a deep voice.

"It's not just bat spirits!" Lin Sen said with cold eyes, "No one, including Red Toad, would want to undo the Heart-Eating Curse like your own life and death. You are in charge." The defense in the cave, and the connection is up to you!"

"That's true! It's just... the cockroach spirit is the wife's direct descendant... It's impossible to get him to cooperate! Then there are only two kings left, the bat and the wasp!"

After finishing speaking, Spider nodded cheerfully and said, "Little brother, go get in touch now..."

The spider brought the red toad out of the alliance seemingly unintentionally, and Lin Sen pretended not to know. Anyway, he didn't like the arrogant dwarf toad.

"Commander...Commander..." A little centipede hurried in, knelt down on both knees and shouted, "Commander, Commander Toad has captured that white-bearded old man and returned!"

"Well! I see, you go down first! Keep watching! Any troubles should be reported as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Commander!" The little demon replied respectfully, and hurried out again.

"Spider King, don't be modest. The old man caught it. I'm afraid the gourd baby will come back after him. Commander Spider, you should be on alert quickly! Remember to stand still! Waiting for a chance, we don't have a second chance! Speaking of which, there is one more thing Things, I want to use the token of the Spider King!"

After the little demon left, Lin Sen looked at the spider spirit and said with a smile.

"What's so difficult about this? We're all on our own, so there's no need to borrow words!" After speaking, he opened his mouth wide, and spat out an octagonal token dressed in spiders and handed it to Lin Sendao, "Brother, take it, younger brother, let's use it!" Get in touch!"

After speaking, he shook his eight long legs and slid out of the cave soundlessly.

The old man caught it, so the second baby with clairvoyant eyes and smooth ears will be next!How did this kid get caught?

Lin Sen scratched his head, thought hard, and finally had no choice but to give up. The childhood memories are really too far away!

Playing with the token in his hand, with this thing, there is one thing he can try himself, if he succeeds, maybe his strength can be greatly increased, and the injury can be recovered in advance!

Thinking of this, Lin Sen quietly got out of the cave and walked towards the depths of the cave!

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