Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 40 Turning Gas into Liquid

If things go on like this, no matter whether he is eaten by the army soul or exploded to death, Lin Sen is doomed now!

In an emergency, Lin Sen could only stop the operation of the colorful heart lotus inner magic circle and temporarily stop absorbing spiritual energy, but even so, it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

With the rotation of the brain, he quickly began to recall what the ancestor of Calabash had said when he preached, looking for a solution to the current situation.

bump!bump!With a few sounds, several army souls who passed by Lin Sen were crushed by the thunder and fire. The emerald green war souls floated in the air emitting a faint light, drawing the surrounding ghost energy to condense their bodies.

Lin Senzhi glanced at it subconsciously, but suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, thinking of a possible and feasible solution.

Although the danger is greater, I don't know if it will be successful, but it is better than waiting for death like this.

Thinking of this, Lin Sen not only stopped organizing the colorful heart lotus to absorb spiritual energy, but even fully operated the inner magic circle, throwing thunder balls into the army soul group one by one as if they didn't need money.

The huge spiritual energy that came from this moment rushed into his body, and that strong sense of expansion made Lin Sen's mind dizzy for a while.

It's just that he didn't dare to stop at this moment, enduring the severe pain in his veins, Lin Sen actually began to compress the stronger and stronger mana in his body, actually wanting to condense the golden core again.

Since ancient times, every monk who has condensed the golden core has calmly compressed the true essence and mana in his body in his own cave, or in a place where no one is disturbed.

It was like Lin Sen, in the middle of the battle, forcibly compressing his mana, and for a while, his body was tossing and moving, making bursts of "squeak..." sounds, obviously already a little overwhelmed.

As more and more spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth merged into the tendons and transformed into mana essence, Lin Sen became more and more nervous, distracted like walking a high-altitude wire, dodging and fighting with the army soul on the one hand, and paying attention to it on the other. The change in the sea of ​​qi carefully compressed the mana essence in the body.

But after a while, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. I don't know if he was tired or nervous. After all, if he was a little careless at this moment, the forcefully condensed mana would rebound and explode, and he would be like the exploding high-pressure oxygen cylinder. It was instantly blown to pieces.

Suddenly, Lin Sen, who was concentrating on the golden core, suddenly felt a sharp pain in the sea of ​​​​qi, not good!He suddenly cried out in his heart, which meant that his sea of ​​qi was about to be overwhelmed by the strong pressure brought by the compression of mana and true essence.

At this time, it is already difficult to ride a tiger. If you stop at this moment, the powerful counter-shock force will kill you in an instant!

Turning back is death, and the only way to rush forward is to have a chance.

"Yeah..." Lin Sen raised his head to the sky and roared, the thunder light shining all over his body, several thunder dragons soared into the sky and crashed into the group of army souls, the seven-colored heart lotus spun even faster, absorbing the dense ghost energy around it.

Fight!This is Lin Sen's only thought now, resisting the pain of Qi Hai, not only does not slow down the movement, but absorbs it more quickly.

The facial features are distorted, the blue veins are exposed, the head is sweating profusely, and traces of blood ooze from the clenched crowns of the teeth.

The sea of ​​qi was about to explode, but Lin Sen didn't dare to stop.

Hold on... hold on for me... With a loud roar, Lin Sen is completely desperate, compressing the true essence that can hardly be compressed, and the powerful counter-shock force shakes Lin Sen's mouth. Poof!A mouthful of blood flew out of his mouth and shot straight into the sky!

And this radiating human blood aroused the ferocity of the surrounding army souls, roar!Roar!Shouting, rushing up without knowing any fear.

Under Lin Sen's relentless compression, the mana and true essence in the sea of ​​energy suddenly condensed, but there was no trace of joy on Lin Sen's face, instead his face was pale! "It's over!" Lin Sen murmured.

Where the true essence condenses, the energy is boiling and violent. Here and there is the scene when the golden core is condensed, and it is clearly the last tranquility before the explosion.

But at this time, there was another powerful aura, which went straight into the sea of ​​qi and submerged into the true essence.

Lin Sen had almost given up, and at the time subconsciously pulled the aura.

But at this time, the world seemed to suddenly fall into silence, and the murderous roars around him also suddenly disappeared. There was a soft sound of "Drip!", and the soft sound of water droplets made Lin Sen ecstatic.

Under the mana essence that almost exploded in between, a drop of golden essence slowly dripped down, turning gas into liquid. This was the prelude to condensing the golden core, and it was this drop of golden essence that saved Lin Sen's life. .

Since the appearance of the golden liquid true essence, the mana true essence that had almost exploded quickly condensed into it, one drop after another.

After the appearance of the golden true essence, Lin Sen's aura suddenly rose, which was completely different from before. The thunder and fire that he swung out with his hands were so powerful that they smashed the souls of several war horses across the period. .

"What's going on? This feeling? Condensing the golden core?" Bai Phosphorus in the bluestone passage suddenly stood up and looked at the gray formation in disbelief. Although he couldn't see the scene inside clearly, this familiar power was obviously Turn gas into liquid.

"This little demon really dares to think about it!" Bai Lin smiled coldly, "It's really a bit of shit luck! It's a pity that your luck has turned! The military spirit is more than that, you just wait to die!"

After finishing speaking with a sneer, Bai Phosphorous got up slowly, and the breath around him was turning, obviously ready to break through. Could it be that the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time was about to come?

And let’s talk about Lin Sen, the sea of ​​qi at this time is like a black hole that can’t be filled, so that a ghost qi vacuum suddenly appears around, but at this moment, at least nearly a hundred army souls did not condense again, but It turned into pieces of phosphorous fire fighting spirits, floating in the air little by little.

If it was before, Lin Sen might really worry about not having enough spiritual power, so that he would lose his strength, but where is it now, the invisible army souls around him, as long as it is his endless source of spiritual energy.

"Haha... The master is here!!" The sea of ​​qi is not as normal. Not only has the mana expansion been resolved before, but now there is even a feeling that the spiritual power cannot keep up. In this way, Lin Sen will be polite.

Holding the Tianlei seal with both hands, he said coldly, "Nine Heavens Yulei, Tianlei rectifies the law..."

This is the true power of the Heavenly Thunder Method passed down by the ancestor of the gourd, but it was unable to be used due to the strength of the previous one.

The ghost's ghosts are naturally more afraid of the masculine thunder and fire. Lin Sen's previous five-element thunder method has been very effective, not to mention that he is attracting the nine-day thunder at this moment, and only the lavender lightning flashes down.

The surrounding army souls, even screaming in time, melted silently under the thunder light, and the churning ghost energy was instantly inhaled by the colorful heart lotus, and merged into Lin Sen's golden essence.

There are only dots of blue phosphorous fire floating in the air.

Seeing this scene, Lin Sen was immediately in high spirits, and the thunder light kept shining, turning pieces of army souls into lonely phosphorus fires, which seemed to be about to break out of the formation, but he didn't know that the opportunity that White Phosphorus had been waiting for for a long time was coming.

ps: shameless, please recommend for collection!The weak ones are asking for a reward! !Thank you, three sons! !


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