Lin Sen carefully controlled the power of the demon pill, and dissolved it into the liquid of the trapped dragon stone.

The formation to be depicted has already been determined, and the rest is simple. After the formation is described, the golden and red seal slowly floats with Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts.

Lin Sen controlled the heat of the earth fire lava with the power of his divine sense, and a large seal with a width of ten feet was floating on the lava. There are two small golden and red seal characters——Bi Chan. The two big characters imply firepower, which is formed by the power of the earth fire.

A blue-colored toad on the big seal seems to be looking up at the sky and looking at the moon, lifelike, a pair of green eyes exude a bewitching luster from time to time, as agile as a living thing, but it is the monster of the three-eyed blue-eyed toad Dan manifests.

coax!coax! !The muffled rumbling sound shook the mountain for an instant, the mountain shook, and there was a rumble in the originally calm ground fire lava! !Bubbling, but after a while, it churned more violently.

Not good.. Lin Sen groaned inwardly. Refining this big seal has absorbed too much power of the earth fire, breaking the balance of the earth fire lava here. If it is not stopped, once the earth fire lava erupts, then this The karma caused may be counted on his head.

But now the ground fire lava is only a little unstable, so naturally he wouldn't watch him erupt if he was here, Lin Sen smiled slightly, just in time to try the power of the newly refined Great Seal.

Lin Sen activated the Mustard Seed Formation in the big seal, and saw that the black big seal suddenly grew, and in an instant it became the same size as the small world, pressing on the sky above the fire lava.

It actually suppressed the earth fire lava that was about to erupt.

If that's the case, this newly cultivated baby will stay here forever. Naturally, Lin Sen can't let this happen. Seeing the power of the ground fire constantly gushing out, he suddenly has an idea.

This earth fire lava should have been sealed with the formation of Kanshui, but it is almost completely filled with the energy of the earth and fire. Here, the Bunakan water seal formation is not enough with Lin Sen's strength of the earth immortal.

However, there is also a solution, but seeing the seven-color heart lotus flying out, and slowly turning in mid-air, the thousands of seven-color petals sprinkled down, and first formed a spirit-gathering formation on the ground fire.

The fire energy here is sufficient, and the lava that was already tumbling suddenly became more berserk when the spirit-gathering formation appeared, but Lin Sen was not in a hurry and was not worried at all.

But seeing the mantras being pinched out with both hands one after another, the condensed earth fire energy began to condense following Lin Sen's command, but in a moment, a Lihuo seal was formed with the earth fire essence in the sky above the churning earth fire .

The golden earth fire elemental power shone brightly above the lava, and slowly fell down, merging into the churning earth fire lava. However, the lava that was about to erupt after a moment of churning was suppressed abruptly, and Lin Sen returned to his original state. peace of mind.

Underneath, there is the spirit-gathering formation to absorb the supply of the earth fire's true essence. Lin Sen is confident that as long as no one deliberately destroys this formation, it will be enough to seal the earth fire lava so that it will not erupt for thousands of years, which is considered a meritorious deed.

Once the formation was completed, Lin Sen naturally waved back the Bichan seal.

At this moment, the entire mountain shook violently again, causing earth and rocks to fly down, and the scattered gravel fell into the lava, smashed out golden magma, and flew out.

Lin Sen hurriedly grasped the big seal of the green toad in his hands, with the colorful heart lotus on his head, and stared at the tumbling magma surface with serious eyes. The shaking was obviously artificial this time.

Under the magma, there is an extremely powerful momentum approaching rapidly, and it is obvious that something is about to come out!

No matter what it is, it can swim freely in the earth fire lava with its physical body. This physical body alone is already powerful enough to be terrifying, not to mention that the mana in this breath is also powerful enough to be terrifying.

"Who is it? How dare you cause trouble in my earth-fire lava..." There was a thunderous cry from the lava, the anger in the voice was like this hot magma, just the sound , Let the earth fire lava on this side start to boil again.

Following the sound of the golden red earth fire lava, a thing slowly emerged, a full hundred meters in length, round and red in color, with claws but no scales, like a dragon's head.

The terrific temperature, the golden-red earth fire lava that is enough to melt gold forged steel, is like that cool lake water, flowing down the body, but there is not even a trace of it left.

Lin Sen was stunned. He originally thought it was something that could swim through the earth and fire with his body, but at this moment, the object in front of him clearly lived in the earth and fire. Although he didn't know the exact shape of the heel, anyone with a discerning eye could see it at a glance. With dragon blood.

When the three clans were strong in ancient times, it could be said that everything was subject to them. Now, although the three clans have declined and all of them have retired, as long as the blood is on the side of these three clans, all of them are fierce.

But seeing something coming out of the magma, two fiery red eyes the size of a dustpan stared at Lin Sen, then glanced at the surrounding formation, and then said, "You made this formation? It's kind of interesting... "

The voice roared like thunder, and just speaking, the cave was shaken to the ground and rocks. Although the voice was as loud as before, the mood was obviously much better at this time.

"Boy Lin Sen, for refining the magic weapon, he borrowed the power of this earth fire, so he must be responsible for it..." Lin Sen raised his hand and saluted, "I don't know that senior is here, but it's the boy who interrupted... "

This paragraph is about being neither humble nor overbearing. It not only expresses the respect for the predecessors and the apology for disturbing, but also for the shame of oneself.

"This earth fire is a thing of heaven and earth, anyone can use it, but once the lava erupts, I will naturally stop it, and you don't have to be my senior, call me Xianglong, you and I are worthy friends Then you can..."

After Xianglong saw the big formation, he had lost his anger, but at this moment Lin Sen felt a little embarrassed by his kind words.

"Senior's magical power is profound, and he only needs one kick to transform into a celestial being and ascend to the heavens. The boy has just become an earthly immortal, how dare he be called a senior fellow Taoist..."

This elephant dragon is polite, but Lin Sen doesn't dare to climb up. This elephant dragon has the blood of the dragon clan, and its physical body is so strong that it can swim in the lava of this earth fire. Its mana is so deep that it can be called abnormal. Earth Fire Lava, after the Elephant Dragon came, with this abnormal mana, even strong pressure can suppress the lava that is about to erupt.

"Hey! It's only a short step, but it's like a moat..." Hearing Lin Sen's compliment, Xianglong not only didn't look angry, but had a bitter expression on his face.

There is obviously that unspeakable concealment in the words.

ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!Family reunion! !


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