As soon as the Duke of Sui entered the back hall, a maid who had been waiting anxiously for a long time hurried up to greet him.

"Where is the man?" Sui Guogong asked anxiously, this general on the battlefield who had never heard of the collapse of Mount Tai had an anxious and nervous look on his face at this moment.

"It's in the main hall at the back, and my wife is accompanying me!" The little maid quickly replied with reverence.

"Hurry up..." Seeing that Sui Guogong hurriedly urged, without waiting for the maid to lead the way, he hurriedly walked to the main hall at the back, which can be described as a great change of description.

Walking quickly outside the main entrance of the apse, Sui Guogong stopped to catch his breath, tidied up his appearance, and after making sure that there were no mistakes, he said respectfully, "Yang Zhong, please see the two immortals!"

But saw that the carved mahogany front door opened without wind, and a young hearty laughter came from inside, "Duke Sui is polite, this is the residence of Duke Sui, but we are harassing you!"

Although he felt that this immortal was not very airy, Yang Zhong didn't dare to be rude, and walked towards the hall respectfully.

However, in the main hall, there was a young Taoist wearing a black Taoist uniform, who looked only in his 20s. He was completely different from the immortal, childlike face and hefa he thought, but Yang Zhong didn't dare Reckless, it is just a piece of cake for this immortal family to keep his face forever.

His subordinate was a tall and strong man, wearing a red robe, and he was not angry. The domineering aura cultivated by Yang Zhong for many years in the battlefield was completely extinguished in front of this person at this moment.

"Yang Zhong has seen two immortals..." Yang Zhong was about to bow down, but suddenly felt that his knees were like iron rods, no matter how much he used them, he still couldn't bend them down.

Yang Zhong suddenly realized how strong his own strength is, he is the clearest, but it is right to think about it, this is in line with the legendary imposing style of the immortal family.

"A certain Lin Sen, this is my elder brother Xianglong. We are just people from the mountains and fields, so I can't bear this gift from Duke Sui! Please do it quickly!" Lin Sen laughed loudly, and then withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

Lin Sen was like this, so Yang Zhong didn't insist any more, walked up to Xianglong's head, and sat down with his stool half-clad.

"Brother Xianglong! What do you think of the Duke of Sui's fate?" Lin Sen asked Xianglong with a smile when he saw Yang Zhong sitting down.

"Wide pavilion and thick forehead, evil spirit looming, breaking the army and entering the mansion, the general's fate!" Xianglong glanced casually and said, but his eyes stared at Lin Sen suspiciously. He came here to find the emperor, the person in front of him. Although he is very rich and powerful, he is just a very human minister in this life.

"Brother Xianglong has good eyesight!" Lin Sen smiled, but stopped talking.

Yang Zhongsijun has been there for many years, but he didn't understand it. When it was time to speak, he said, "I don't know when the two immortals are lucky to come to the humble house?"

Yang Zhong secretly glanced at one of his accompanying wives, and seeing the latter shook his head, he asked cautiously, "There is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, immortals are human beings, and there is always a purpose here."

"Hehe. Duke Sui, don't worry!..." Lin Sen smiled and said, "I was in the wine shop just now, and I heard that Duke Sui was very happy, so I came to congratulate and ask for a glass of water and wine!"

"Immortal Lin, you're being polite!" Yang Zhong didn't dare to really think that these two immortals really came to congratulate him. Although he was an extremely human minister, he didn't have such a big face to attract that immortal family.

"No, no..." Lin Sen laughed, "Duke Sui doesn't need to be humble. Since I came here to congratulate, I naturally have to prepare some gifts to express my gratitude!"

After speaking, he waved his sleeves, Yang Zhong only felt a gust of breeze blowing on his face. As a top martial artist, he felt very clearly that the hidden injuries he had fought for many years had completely recovered under this gust of wind, even better than before, surpassing himself The peak moment.

Yang Zhong didn't understand yet, this is the congratulatory gift from Lin Sen's mouth, and immediately thanked him with tears of gratitude, "Yang Zhong, thank you Immortal Lin!"

This time, Lin Sen didn't stop him. After receiving Yang Zhong's worship, he just attracted some water and wood energy to nourish Yang Zhong's body and recover. The small doorway had a great effect, not only First attract some goodwill, and completely shatter the remaining suspicion in Yang Zhong's heart.

"Sui Guogong is too polite!" Lin Sen stepped forward to help Yang Zhong up, and then said slowly, "I came here today, besides thanking Sui Guogong, there is another matter!"

Yang Zhongyi understood this situation, the previous one was just a formality, and the next one was the main topic, so he said, "It's okay for Lin Xianchang to say, as long as Yang can do it, he will never refuse!"

Seemingly due to the moment when his body had recovered to its peak, Yang Zhong also lost his usual composure at this moment, patted his chest like that brat and assured him.

"Hehe!!" Seeing Yang Zhong like this, Lin Sen laughed loudly and said, "Sui Guogong doesn't have to be like this. You don't need to go through life and death at this time, so a certain family will say it!"

Immediately, under Xianglong's suspicious eyes, Lin Sen asked with a smile, "Before that, I still have one more question to ask!"

"It's alright to say that Immortal Lin is good!" Yang Zhong suddenly became slightly nervous, and replied solemnly.

"I don't know how many children the Duke of Sui has?" When Lin Sen asked, not only Yang Jian, but also the Lu family, and even Xianglong were stunned. For a long time, they thought it was such an important matter, but it turned out that these words were so commonplace. question?

Yang Zhong was also stunned for a long time, staring straight at Lin Sen for a while, and then suddenly remembered that the Xian family was waiting for him to reply, and he hurriedly replied, "Yang Zhong is not talented, but there are two people under his knees." Son and daughter!"

"Hehe!" Lin Sen suddenly smiled and said, "I don't know if I can invite Lin to watch?"

If Lin Sen said this, Yang Zhong would object. These are two fairy families. If they give their heirs some benefits, they will be able to use them for a lifetime. Call them all!"

"Yes, master!" The maid outside the hall replied with a bow, and then heard the footsteps quickly go away.

Not long after, there were two footsteps, one was light and nimble, the other was steady, and then a clear girl's voice came from outside the hall, "Daddy... tell us why we are here!"

"It's Zhi'er! Come in quickly!" Yang Zhong hurriedly urged.

Although they felt that their father was unusual today, the two of them still walked in suspiciously. Once they entered the hall, they realized that something was wrong. Today, their father is the Duke of Sui, so he actually sat down and accompanied him.

Both of them are also the sons of nobles. They were trained since they were young, and immediately saluted Lin Sen and the other two, "Greetings, my lords, my father, my mother."

Seeing that his children are so well-behaved, Yang Zhong immediately nodded secretly.

But Lin Sen smiled and asked Xianglong, "Brother Xianglong, what do you think of these two children's fate?";

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