Practice, practice, practice!Lin Sen has completely forgotten about the world, yin and yang, the golden seal of the witch clan, and what he can remember every day is continuous cultivation!

Lin Sen could clearly feel the changes in his body every day. If he hadn't cultivated in this moon palace, Lin Sen really wouldn't know that his body still had so much potential to tap, purely in terms of strength and endurance. For the past few months, Lin Sen has clearly felt that although his real body is still at the original level, his strength and endurance have grown by more than [-]% compared to the original level after carrying the small ax on his back every day. .

But these are just additions. After these months of experience, Lin Sen has learned more about the control of strength, the grasp of rhythm, and the comprehension of speed!

Although so far he has not successfully completed Wu Gang's seemingly light tree-cutting action, and the natural trembling of the muscles of the whole body like the jade rabbit, but even so, Lin Sen can still feel his progress very clearly. There is no improvement in cultivation, but now I can definitely easily defeat myself before coming to the lunar star!

The figure flickered, judging from the swift figure, it was really hard to tell at this time, but a few months ago, these two people were fighting like turtles crawling.

The light and changing figure attacked and defended in the ice, and the silent movements did not show that the two of them were carrying such a terrifying weight. However, after these days of training, The two of them were finally able to completely control the weight so that it would not be leaked, and the surrounding ground was spared!

And Lin Sen paid the consequences of being beaten countless times with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Although he can't do what the jade rabbit is like now, his whole body's muscles are trembling subconsciously, but under his control, his body is also beginning to eliminate the surrounding airflow. , and correspondingly, Lin Sen's speed is also getting faster and faster, but even so, he is still being beaten by Yutu. Although his strength is constantly growing, Yutu just releases the suppressed strength. alright!

And not far from the two of them, in the last smooth place among the ice, Wu Gang kept looking at the small sapling in front of him, but whenever Lin Sen walked from this side with the figure of a jade rabbit, The area flashed by, although his movements did not stop, but there was always a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously he was not as engrossed as he seemed!

But it was said that the three of them were in the process of cultivation, but a cold voice suddenly sounded from the sky, "Come and see me in the palace!" The voice was faint, but it came from nowhere, but it seemed It seemed that the whole space was ringing, but Lin Sen and the others could naturally hear it. This sound belonged to Chang'e of the Moon Palace!

Ever since Lin Sen was handed over to Wu Gang and Lin Sen for training that day, Chang'e seemed to have disappeared in the moon palace. This was the first time Lin Sen heard Chang'e's voice in the past few months!

Hearing this, Wu Gang immediately stopped his movements, casually put the wheel-like ax on his back, and said to Lin Sen with a smile, "Okay, that's it for now, Eldest Sister called, Something must have happened!" Then the two elephants stepped forward, and the figure was already far away in the sky!

Seeing this, the Jade Rabbit also stopped immediately, and made a grimace at Lin Sen, and then the body suddenly accelerated and disappeared in the ice, but the speed was much faster than before, obviously just now. It has been preserving strength.

However, after these days, Yutu's resentment towards Lin Sen has almost subsided after beating him until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen again and again. Although he still beat Lin Sen hard every day, his purpose was more It's just to train him!

Seeing this, Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, and felt strange in his heart, but he didn't know why Chang'e asked him to go over. Thinking like this, he saw that Wu Gangyu's rabbit figure had disappeared in the sky, At the moment, he is also rushing forward, even though he is running physically, the speed at this time is extremely fast, and he is also rushing towards the Guanghan Palace!

After Lin Sen ran outside the Guanghan Palace, Wu Gang and Wu Gang did not go in, but waited outside, obviously waiting for Lin Sen to come and enter together!

"Like a tortoise, slow death!" After Lin Sen arrived, Yutu was already impatient with waiting, but now he muttered angrily, but Lin Sen had been waiting for a long time in the past few months. I'm used to it, the Jade Rabbit's natural speed is extremely fast, but in its eyes, most monks are as slow as tortoises!

"Okay, let's go in quickly!" Wu Gang also smiled cheerfully, and then walked into the palace with big strides, and Yutu also gave Lin Sen a look, and then quickly followed in. , but Lin Sen was already used to it, so he pretended not to see it at this time!

In the hall that I entered, it was still as empty as before. Chang'e was still standing quietly on the hall, but the difference was that there was a huge mirror-like ice on her side!

"Big sister!" Wu Gang stood still in the hall and shouted, while Yutu ran to Chang'e's side and shouted happily, "Sister!!"

And Lin Sen also bowed slightly and said, "Lin Sen has seen Fairy Chang'e!" The more Lin Sen practiced here, the more he felt the depth of Chang'e, so he became more respectful to Fairy Chang'e!

"En!" Chang'e replied softly, but her eyes did not leave the ice, as if she could see something on the brilliance of the mirror!

Seeing this, it was Wu Gang who asked first, "Sister, you called us over, but what's the matter!"

After Wu Gang asked such a question, Chang'e finally turned her gaze away from the ice, with a touch of coldness in her eyes, a touch of sarcasm, and said softly, "Westward Journey is about to enter Lingshan!" Tang Seng and his party entered Lingshan, which heralded the end of the Westward Journey, and at the same time marked the return of the teaching merits of the great prosperity of Buddhism, and the arrival of the great prosperity of Buddhism!

And Chang'e, Chang'e obviously didn't want that Buddhism to prosper. If it wasn't for this, there would be no Jade Rabbit preparing to kill Tang Seng. When Chang'e said this, a pair of angry eyes immediately turned to Lin Sen. But the source of the viciousness is the Jade Rabbit beside Chang'e.

If it wasn't because of Lin Sen, then she had already completed her sister's mission and dealt with Tang Seng, and now her sister would not be bothered anymore. In short, all of this is Lin Sen's fault, and the anger in her heart has gradually subsided. , Under Chang'e's slightly frowning brow, it rose again!

Seeing the Jade Rabbit like this, Chang'e immediately smiled softly and said, "Don't blame Lin Sen, that Tang Monk is entrusted with the great luck of Buddhism, and it is very difficult to kill him with your cultivation level. Even if Lin Sen hadn't made a move that day, someone would definitely have attacked right away! Besides," Chang'e didn't finish her sentence, but sneered softly!

"Sister, why don't I go and get rid of that Tang Monk now!" Seeing this, Wu Gang said in a low voice, and the serious look on his face was obviously not a joke. rushed out.

But these words almost made Lin Sen's startled eyes pop out. Looking at Wu Gang, his heart was already stunned. Boss, it's at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. Where are you going to kill Tang Seng? It's completely poking a hornet's nest. But looking at Wu Gang's tone and face, it seemed that this hornet's nest could really be poked down.

At this moment, Lin Sen couldn't help but think in his heart. Although he already knew about Wu Gang's tyrannical perversion, he never thought that he would be so tyrannical and have such confidence!

But Chang'e smiled slightly, then looked at the mirror and said softly, "If you did it, I would have let you go. Why wait until today, and now is the last step that is the most important thing in the West. Absolutely!" There is no room for any mistakes, and the West will never make mistakes at such a time, just watch it!"

After saying this, Chang'e seemed to hear something, and suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Besides, we don't need to do anything now!!" With a wave of her palm, on the brilliance of ice, there appeared A piece of lush color.

The image is as clear as it is in front of your eyes, and although Lin Sen has never seen that scene before, but the brilliant Buddha light on it makes the sky turn into gold, except for the Lingshan Mountain, it will be there!

And Chang'e's words just now made Lin Sen slightly puzzled, don't they need to do it?Does that mean that someone is going to do something at the foot of this Lingshan?

As a person of later generations, this Journey to the West is familiar to everyone, but Lin Sen knows better than anyone else that Tang Seng and his party will be guarded and guided by Taoist Amitabha, the founder of Western Buddhism, one of the two holy saints in the world, One of the six saints!

Although it is said that there is a Taoist ancestor who ordered the saints not to act unless there is a catastrophe in heaven and earth, Tang Seng has the great luck of Buddhism on him. At this time, in front of the reception, anyone who dares to do something against Tang Seng will be greeted. It's crushing!

At this time, no matter who dares to do something, the result will definitely be turned into flying ash. As for the other five saints, there is no reason, no excuse, and they can't do such a thing!

Although in the original book, Lin Sen has never seen a chapter in which Tang Monk was attacked on Lingshan, but when he heard Chang'e say this, he secretly prayed in his heart, who dared to do something on Lingshan, it must be something He is a confident and powerful person, and this must be a person who will seek death, but don't be a strong person of his own monster clan!

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