Zhulong watched Lin Sen slowly arrange the 360 ​​five small towers in a mysterious formation, pretending to be one of the kings of the monster clan who had been close to him, so he was naturally able to recognize what the order of the arrangement represented. There was a slight smile slowly showing on the evil face, and he thought to himself, "It's also fortunate that this kid can come up with such a way, using these 360 ​​five small pagodas instead of the formation of thoughts, it should be It is also possible! If it can be successful, with the power of this Zhoutian formation, it is enough to suppress the yin and yang two qi!"

At present, Zhulong finally gained a little confidence in Lin Sen's matter, and then the already somewhat dim divine light in his eyes became brilliant again. If it is perfect, the yin and yang are just a matter of him. Suppression, but now it can only do its best!

But Lin Sen's current situation is far from being as good as Zhulong imagined. On the one hand, he has to endure the struggle of Yin and Yang, but on the other hand, he is able to fix the 360 ​​five pagodas in their respective positions with his spiritual thoughts. above!

If you just put the pagoda there, it would be a breeze, it was just Lin Senwei's thought, but the difficulty is that it is difficult. At this time, Lin Sen can't let go. At this time, there is no forbidden connection among these pagodas. , and it has not been connected to the stars of this week, so it is all maintained by Lin Sen's divine sense.

Not only to fix the pagodas in place, but also to control the pagodas to operate according to the orbital laws of the sky, so as to link them into the formation of the sky, but it is easy to say, How simple it is to do, Lin Sen now feels that Zhou Tiannian and these 360 ​​five pagodas are two grinding discs crushing each other, and he himself is the one who gets stuck in it and gets crushed!

Facing the enemy, even with the strength of Lin Sen's spiritual sense at this time, he still can't withstand such consumption. It's like a rope that is constantly being pulled to both sides. It may break at any time, but it can't be done. Take it easy!

As the Four Emperors, Zhulong was extremely familiar with Zhou Tian's situation. Seeing Lin Sen's forceful control, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and immediately shouted loudly, "Boy Lin, don't force yourself, With a normal heart, let the stars revolve around the sun and the moon naturally, don't resist the pressure of Zhou Tian!"

These words were wrapped in mana, and went straight into Lin Sen's heart. Lin Sen's tense mind trembled suddenly at this moment, and he really understood immediately that he was doing it forcibly now. Resist Zhou Tian's power, no matter how strong you are, you can't beat this Zhou Tian's power!

At the moment, Lin Sen slowly let go of the control over the Zunzun pagoda, and instead borrowed the power of the two rotating sun and moon in the center of the formation to tie him around Zhou Tiannian!

Without Lin Sen's support, the two big millstones collided with each other immediately, but Lin Sen's heart trembled when they collided, and another mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth!

But as the two grinding discs crushed each other, Lin Sen's facial features became more and more distorted and wrinkled together. Such severe pain was like his brain was split into two halves. Fortunately, in such pain, how could those small pagodas resist Zhou Tian's pressure, and they were completely swallowed up soon!

But after losing such a connection, the small pagodas immediately trembled in the air, and Lin Sen hurriedly used his spiritual sense to stabilize them, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that you, the small pagodas, Although it was shaking constantly at this time, it didn't mean to leave its position at all!

After careful investigation, it was discovered that the small pagodas were slowly connected to the Zhoutian formation. Seeing this, even if this was what Lin Sen had dreamed of, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock, and his heart ached. Xia secretly shouted how is this possible?

But after observing for a while, I finally saw the mystery, but it was the two thoughts of the sun and the sun, under the pressure of the two yin and yang, spontaneously began to find a way to resist, and this happened to be the 360 ​​five-figure pagoda , naturally entered his line of sight, so now he started to pull this pagoda into formation spontaneously, so that the area is full of yin and yang!

And Lin Sen's deliberate control, how can it compare to the spontaneous operation of this formation? Right now, the trembling pagodas are slowly returning to their positions while shaking, and the golden brilliance on them , with the operation of the formation, the silver star brilliance appeared!

And Lin Sen was naturally happy to see such a thing happen, and immediately gave up the control of those small towers completely, and began to suppress the yin and yang with the divine sense, and with the slow movement of the formation, The silver brilliance above the small pagodas is also getting brighter and brighter.

Seeing Lin Sen in the air like this, the candle dragon couldn't help but glance at each other. Today's matter finally saw the hope of success, and with the return of the 360 ​​five pagodas, even if it was only the first sacrifice, but that Zhou Tian The power of the star array has suddenly increased several times!

And Lin Sen is also obsessively enjoying the sublimation of his divine sense in the continuous operation of this formation!

And with the strengthening of this battle, the suppression of the yin and yang qi is naturally becoming more and more tyrannical, and the space for struggling is getting smaller and smaller. It's just that these two breaths that open the sky, how can it be so easy Seeing that Lin Sen had completed the 360-star Xiao Zhou Tian in the Zhou Tian Star Formation, under the increasing pressure, the yin and yang qi finally felt threatened!

At the moment, the two auras that were originally colliding left and right suddenly rushed towards each other at the same time. In an instant, the centuries-old aura joined head to tail, and the two auras of black and white turned into a small rotation. The shape of Tai Chi!

The yin and yang battles turn and turn, life and death, if it is said that the yin and yang two qi fighting each other before are just the power of the breath, then this little Tai Chi is showing the true supernatural power of the yin and yang two qi.

Under the suppression of that Zhou Tian, ​​the small Tai Chi figure was in rotation, and the unsparing power was able to withstand that Zhou Tian's formation, and there was even a sign of a counterattack!

Seeing such a situation, instead of being shocked, Lin Sen showed a look of ecstasy on his face. The yin and yang energy finally blended together under his own suppression!

And the candle dragon in the air also shouted loudly, "It's now, quickly integrate the yin and yang into the sun and the moon!" (To be continued.)

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