"Senior brother! This Chang'an is indeed the Yanjing of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the luck is really extraordinary!" Above the purple clouds, a Confucian disciple pointed to the sky above Chang'an and said longingly.

The air in Chang'an went straight to the sky, and the golden dragon hovering faintly among the colorful lights was the condensation of the Northern Zhou's air.

"You only see the appearance!" Dongfang Ming sighed slightly, looked at the golden dragon on that day and said, "Northern Zhou's luck seems to be strong, but look at the golden dragon, although it is quite powerful, it has already shown a bit of old age. state of affairs, it will go into decline at any time.”

"Brother Dongfang has something unique about the art of gazing at Qi. No wonder he was able to find out the location of the dragon veins of the Yang family. Lin really admires him!"

As soon as Dongfang Ming's words fell, an extremely familiar voice suddenly appeared from among the clouds above his head and complimented him.

Dongfang Ming was startled suddenly, is there anyone nearby?How can it be?Immediately, he realized the owner of the voice, looked up to the sky in disbelief, and shouted in a complete loss of composure, "It's you! How is that possible!"

Seeing a group of Confucian disciples in the sky, Lin Sen and the other four stood there smiling, and seeing Dongfang Ming's unbelievable expression, they immediately laughed and said, "Isn't it just me? I was taken care of by Brother Dongfang just now. Naturally, Lin wants to return Brother Dongfang's favor." ah!"

"You actually broke the Eight Desolation [***] formation? How is it possible?" The formation was connected to his mind, if it was broken, he would have a feeling in his heart immediately, but at this moment the formation is still there, Lin Sen appeared in front of him strangely.

"Brother Dongfang, you are a modest gentleman, you didn't kill Lin. Today, Lin also learned the style of Confucius and Mencius, and please disappear for a while!" Lin Sen raised his palm, holding a small black engraved seal in his hand. Rotate slowly.

"Set up the formation!" Dongfang Ming shouted hastily. He had a deep understanding of Lin Sen's strength before. There is a helper, the red-robed man is full of explosive hot breath, which makes him feel more terrifying than Lin Sen, but at this time, Mr. Na Xian has returned to Yu Wentai's side, and there is one person missing, but he can't find it. Eight wild [***] large array.

"Brother Dongfang, I advise you to capture it with nothing!" Lin Sen shouted, and the green toad seal flew out of his hand. The big seal did not show its power in the previous station, but now it grows against the wind, and it has become the size of tens of feet. .

Like a pitch-black hill, it completely covered a group of Confucian disciples.

Seeing the power of the Great Seal, the three Earth Immortals including Dongfang Ming hurriedly stood up, displaying the momentum of the three talents, their arrogance rose up, condensed into a cloud of celebration, and firmly resisted the Great Seal of Bichan .

"Not bad!!" Lin Sen smiled slightly. He just used his magic power to run the big seal. It is within his imagination that the three of them could withstand it, and then the extremely strong divine sense immediately radiated out and applied to the big seal of Bichan .

The three of Dongfang Ming only felt that the big seal had suddenly become several times heavier, the veins on their faces were exposed, blood was slowly bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and their bodies had been crushed down a bit.

"Go and help Senior Brother!" Among the Confucian disciples, more than one person suddenly shouted, and then the magic weapons such as rulers, pens and inkstones were sacrificed into the air, or smashed or tapped or rolled or sucked, and greeted Lin Sen at the same time. Come.

"Haha!!! As if we don't exist!" Xianglong roared, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the golden red hideous gun appeared in his hand. In order to make the spell, his body like a lava of anger, carry a scorching heat. With the power, he charged straight at a group of Confucian disciples.

The big gun in his hand was picking or jumping, like a golden red dragon flying, that dense magic weapon could not touch the body at all.

With the example of Xianglong, how can the femme fatale fall behind, not to mention being severely repaired by Xianglong the night before, the two of them are holding their breath and have nowhere to vent!

However, the snake spirit sacrificed its swords and turned into hundreds of thousands of them in the air. Under the spell of the snake spirit with both hands, it turned the swords into golden poisonous snakes, biting the Confucian disciples overwhelmingly. and go.

Although each of the poisonous snakes is not very powerful, they are numerous and overwhelming, no matter how tight the defense is, there will always be fish that fall. As soon as the Confucian disciple was bitten, he felt dizzy, his limbs became weak, and he fell into his body. The infuriating movement of his body has also slowed down a lot.

Compared with her, the scorpion spirit is much simpler, but when she sees a jet-black tail slowly stretching out from behind, the tip of the barb-shaped tail is as red as blood, every time it is thrown out, the speed is extremely fast, and there seems to be a black shadow in the air In a flash, there must be a Confucian disciple writhing in his arms and rolling all over the floor!

In the front, an elephant, a dragon, and a lion like that entered the flock of sheep, and in the back, there were two monsters waiting for the opportunity to move, but in a short while, that kind of Confucian disciple was rushed to pieces.

"I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring spirit..." Under the big seal of Bichan, Dongfang Ming and the others looked at the chaos of a group of juniors being charged and killed, and immediately became anxious, but the big seal above their heads was like that giant mountain. getting heavier.

In the meantime, Dongfang Ming bit the tip of his tongue, spat out a mouthful of blood, and forced his mana to run backwards with the two juniors, dodging the blow from the big seal.

The counteracting power suddenly disappeared, but I saw the mountain-like big seal galloping down, as if it was about to hit the ground, but it suddenly stopped in mid-air without warning.

Dongfang Ming couldn't help being dumbfounded, this Lin Sen obviously had another adventure, his divine sense was already strong, but now he has made great progress, such a heavy big seal can be controlled so finely.

"Brother Dongfang!" Lin Sen flew down slowly, stood on the big seal of Bichan suspended in mid-air, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "If you don't want to catch it, we will save time and effort, and you brothers don't have to suffer from that flesh and blood." !"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen pointed to the few Confucian disciples who were rolling around. That scorpion tail was like a dragon swimming in lava, screaming in pain even if it was bitten, not to mention these Confucian disciples.

Although Ding Xie's strikes were measured and not fatal, even so, these Confucian disciples could not resist!

"Humph!" Dongfang Ming snorted coldly, "We are not as skilled as others, so we are at your disposal, but if you want us to surrender without a fight, it's just a dream!" Confucian disciples have their own integrity, and to them it means death. Nor will it surrender without a fight.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being a disciple of Confucianism!" Lin Sen clapped his hands and said, "You have backbone!! If that's the case, don't blame me!" The huge green toad seal dragged Lin Sen up slowly, and the tyrannical divine sense suddenly Diverging out, that majestic aura that dominates the world, overlooks the world, and benefits all things.

A group of Confucian disciples suddenly felt that the space around them began to become heavy, and when they raised their hands and feet, they felt like they were in that deep pool, and they became more and more strenuous.

Not a short while later, all the Confucian disciples were frozen in place with eyes full of horror, this feeling of powerlessness that no matter how hard they tried to break free, they couldn't move at all.

A group of Confucian disciples stared in horror at the small figure on the mountain-like seal. Is this person a monster?He actually completely suppressed more than a dozen of them with pure divine sense, so that they could not wait to move.

At this time, not to mention a group of Confucian disciples, even Xianglong and the snake and scorpion could not help being speechless. It was the first time that Xianglong had seen Lin Sen's terrifying strength. It may not be able to please.

At the moment, the femme fatale and the scorpion are still admired, and everyone is practicing the same, and even the two of them have practiced for a thousand years longer than Lin Sen, and the gap in strength is so huge at this moment.

No wonder Lao Tzu Hulu asked the two of himself to follow him. When he first came, he was still a little bit dissatisfied, but now he understands why!

ps: shameless, please recommend for collection! !Weakly ask for a reward!Another: Thanks for the great starting point, Ж SuifengЖ, the mistakes Mengyue raised under boredom!Thank you, thank you!March will be corrected one by one!

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