That Cuihua Mountain is only a hundred miles away from Chang'an, and at the speed of Lin Sen and the others driving the clouds, even with the second child, it takes only a cup of tea to stand on the clouds of Cuihua Mountain.

But I saw that Cuihua Mountain was about [-] Zhang high, with overlapping peaks and ridges, lush and green. Although it was not as dangerous as the Huashan Mountain, it contained a unique sense of beauty.

There is a pool in the mountain, the clear water stretches to the sky, at a glance, it is quiet and peaceful, and the scenery is breathtaking.

"It's such a beautiful place!" As soon as Fang came here, Lin Sen couldn't help admiring. At first, he thought that Cuihua Mountain was almost the same as that of Hulu Mountain. Here, I was wrong!

"How is this place?" Xianglong said with a smile, pointing to the mountain scenery below, "This place is considered a little spiritual, but it is too close to the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, so no one opened a mansion here, but at this moment he is waiting with me. use!"

"Let's go! Let's go down for a while, find a place full of spiritual energy, and open up a cave!" Such a precious place is waiting for him to come, how could Lin Sen not be happy, and he and Xianglong each led their disciples with a greeting. Fly down the clouds.

In the capital city of Chang'an, people are very popular, but the aura is thin and turbid. After entering the mountain, I immediately feel comfortable all over my body, and all the [-] pores in my body are breathing the aura of the mountain to my heart's content.

A group of people played for a while, and saw hares and elks galloping in the mountain from time to time, brocade fish swimming in the pool, and white cranes passing by in the sky, walking along the spiritual veins, the group arrived at the place where the spiritual energy in Cuihua Mountain is the most prosperous.

But there is a cave above the spiritual vein, looming among the lush greenery, in which the faint brilliance shines, which is very charming.

"There is a natural cave!" Lin Sen suddenly exclaimed slightly. The name of this cave is the place where the aura gathers in the mountain. After years of being refined by the aura, it spontaneously forms a unified aura of heaven and earth.

"Go in and have a look!" This was a surprise, Xianglong couldn't sit still immediately, and ran into the cave with a few big strides.

"Brother Lin... this place is definitely a good place, as long as a little modification is needed, it will be a good cave!" The elephant dragon Fang shouted loudly as soon as he entered the cave.

Lin Sen and the others also followed in hastily, but they saw that there were stalagmites everywhere in the cave, but there was no sense of darkness and dampness in the cave. There was a small hole above the zenith, which led a ray of skylight into it, and captured this cave. The cave is illuminated.

There is actually a pool in the middle of the cave, it is extremely clear, even the rocks and sand at the bottom of the pool can be clearly seen, but most of the spiritual energy in the cave is concentrated here.

"It's really a good place!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "From now on, this will be our home!" Then he waved his hand, and the colorful heart lotus floated into the pool. Charming, as the colorful heart lotus attracts the surrounding spiritual energy here, the spiritual energy condenses faintly into a mist above the water pool, and it is as ethereal as a fairy house.

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled at the femme fatale couple behind him, "You are each building a cave here! If there is anything you can't do, just tell me!"

Hearing what he said, the snake spirit laughed and said, "But I just need Brother Xianglong to help me!"

The snake spirit looked at it slightly for a moment, then walked towards the south of the cave. After a while, it cleared out a stone room, and then said with a smile to Xianglong, "But I have to trouble Brother Xianglong to bring a pillar of earth fire over!"

Lin Sen and the others were wondering, but they saw the snake spirit stretch out her palms and hold up a small tripod. After a while, it grew to the size of several feet, stood in the stone room, and said, "When my little sister was studying with the ancestor, I went out to practice. Besides, I am very interested in alchemy, although I am not very talented, but it is acceptable to refine some commonly used elixir, I think there are a lot of spiritual things in this mountain, it would be a pity not to use them!"

When Lin Sen saw the alchemy furnace, he smiled and said, "I didn't expect the ancestor to hand this thing over to you!"

This alchemy furnace was taken from the thousand-foot cold pool, left by the Jinxian Nanji Xianweng, the cauldron used by the two essences of snakes and scorpions to refine Qixin Dan.

"Good alchemy stove!" Xianglong immediately praised the alchemy stove when he saw it, and then said with a smile, "It's a trivial matter, don't worry about it, wait for me to lead the fire!"

It is simple to say, but it is extremely complicated to do. Like a dragon whose surname is fire, it is easy to attract the earth fire, but at this time it is not for attacking, but to use the power of the earth fire to refine the elixir. However, you must be careful, if you are not careful, it will cause an underground eruption, but don't think about it like a dragon and a fairy fruit!

Here Xianglong attracts fire from the ground, while Ding Xie took two little guys out to search for a huge boulder. They had immortal weapons in their hands, but after a while, the three of them carried the stone table and bench, waiting for the objects to come back. .

And Na Dingxie even dug two stone rooms for the two kids to rest in. After all, these two kids are different from them.

Seeing that everyone was in order, Lin Sen walked out alone, staring at the mountain where the cave is located, frowning slightly, and unaware of the passage of time, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, "But I'm thinking of setting up a mountain guard array!"

When Xianglong came out, Lin Sen already knew about it, but Lin Sen was not surprised when he spoke suddenly, and nodded, "But I was thinking about the mountain guard formation!"

The large array of guards in the cave represents the safety of the cave, and it can be said to be extremely important, but when preparing to arrange it, Lin Sen found it difficult.

He didn't learn many formations, and most of them were auxiliary formations such as gathering spirits and concealment, which could be used to protect mountains, but after thinking about it, there was no one!

"Hehe! I just happen to have a set of flag gates here to protect the mountain!" Seeing Lin Sen's sad face, Xianglong smiled and took out eight small blue flags from his arms. Thick, but just suitable for this small Wanshui Formation flag!"

"How is this possible!" Lin Sen hastily refused when he saw the eight small flags. The water power in these few small flags was surging, but they kept silent. They are definitely a treasure in this world, let alone A set of eight sides can be used for formation, which is even more precious.

"I also have a share in this cave, why not! Just keep it! Besides, this water magic weapon is not suitable for me!" Xianglong stuffed the small flag into Lin Sen's hand with a smile, then turned and walked towards the cave. , "Within the banner, there is a way to arrange it, so hurry up and arrange it!"

Seeing this, Lin Sen didn't hesitate any longer, and after careful consideration of the formation method, he tossed eight small flags into the air, and the eight small flags spread out against the wind in between, making them as long as the length and size. Fly to the mountain in eight directions, root in the ground, and then hide in the invisible!

It seemed unintentional just now, but Lin Sen felt that the strong water power around him was twisted together under this large formation. If someone entered by force, he would definitely be counterattacked by him.

Seeing that the formation has been formed, Lin Sen has set up another [***] formation outside the large formation, just to prevent mortals who entered the mountain from inadvertently intruding into it.

ps: Audacity to ask for tickets to collect! !I really want to be on the list in March! !Weakly ask for a reward! !Another: Thanks to Qijie Weiwei and Juechen 619 for their big rewards! ! o(n_n)o~ Thanks for March!


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