This kind of struggle has long been beyond the scope of Lin Sen and others. Although they are anxious at this time, they can only watch. No matter how anxious they are, they can't help at all!

Lin Sen could only look at Wu Gang, who had the highest cultivation level among the crowd, and said, "Brother Wu Gang, with your strength, can you come forward and help?" Lin Sen also knew that except Wu Gang, the rest Those who want to rush forward are just looking for death and adding chaos. Before such supernatural powers that are almost as powerful as heaven and earth, even if they are all monks who are not bothered, they are just as small as ants!

Listening to Lin Sen's question, Wu Gang's bold face showed a slight wry smile and said, "Brother, don't make fun of me, I can participate in this kind of fight! "Although Wu Gang has always been very confident in his own strength, before such a battle, he would not admit defeat. Even the weakest of the four, Ran Deng, is not something he can deal with. The above is the power of a world, even if his supernatural power is unparalleled, it cannot be compared with such supernatural powers!

This kind of fight is too much beyond Lin Sen's senses, so he can't understand the deep meaning. Before thinking that Wu Gang is also Da Luo's cultivation base, even if he can't play the role of fighting at this time, he rushed to help The handle can still be done, but he didn't expect Wu Gang to answer like this, and he immediately smiled wryly!

Looking at the few figures in the sky, it was only at this time that I really understood that no matter how vast the prehistoric world is, no matter how long the time is, only they are the protagonists of the prehistoric wilderness, and even if I and others come to support roles, they are not considered as supporting roles. , can barely be counted as the background of waving the flag and shouting behind him!

At this time, Lin Sen also understood why Randeng was going to rush into this flight line even if he gave up everything. This kind of feeling that he could only watch from the side and act as the background made people feel helpless in his discomfort!

"Hey!!" Thinking of this, Lin Sen couldn't help but sighed secretly. Although his heart became more and more determined, and one day he would rush into this flight, Lin Sen also knew that the distance between himself and himself This rank is really long!

And now at such a time, Lin Sen is the only one who has this kind of feeling in his heart. After hearing Lin Sen sigh slightly, the Bull Demon King behind him gently patted his back Backsliding, "Brother, don't be provoked. These ancient powers have existed for as long as this world, and their cultivation base may be higher than ours!"

Lin Sen also smiled faintly at the moment. At this time, he could only use such words to comfort himself, and turned to look at the sky. Lin Sen's gaze grew stronger from the disappointment. Be firm, he will never be reduced to the background like this forever!

But at this moment, Lin Sen saw a glint of joy flashing across Wu Gang's face, and Lin Sen immediately asked, "Brother Wu Gang, did you think of a way to help!" Lin Sen had no other choice. After all, the level of this battle has surpassed him too much, but Wu Gang is different. Although the strength is very different, but it is only a few steps away, maybe he really has something to do!

But seeing Wu Gang immediately showed a smile on his face and said, "Brother, don't worry! We don't need to be bored here, the eldest sister is here!! Hehe!!"

Lin Sen was taken aback by Wu Gang's words, and then laughed too. There was only one elder sister in Wu Gang's mouth, and that was the Fairy Chang'e in Guanghan Palace. Although Lin Sen had never seen Chang'e do anything, However, judging from Wu Gang's attitude towards him, the skills of that glamorous Fairy Chang'e must be no worse than her appearance!

And in the Guanghan Palace before, Lin Sen already knew that Chang'e and the West were at odds, and when they came here at such a time, there was no need to say anything about it!

Wu Gang could feel the breath, but the people fighting in the air couldn't feel it, and the lamp frowned slightly at the first moment. It's very troublesome for Chang'e to come here now!

But Patriarch Gourd and Yuanzi Zhen were slightly puzzled. Before Patriarch Gourd was sanctified, all the quasi-sages in the prehistoric wilderness would have no friends or enemies with the two of them!

Seeing Wu Gang looking towards the blood river in the sky, Lin Sen and the others also hurriedly looked towards that side, but it was the side in between that suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance on top of the sky-shattering huge waves. Gentle, but extremely firm, it punched out a hole in that bloody water!

In just an instant, an unknown number of blood god sons howled and screamed and turned into flying ash under this blow, and that slim figure dressed in plain gauze also rushed over from the sea of ​​blood suddenly, suspended in the Just before the monstrous wave of blood that closed rapidly, there was a hint of chilling intent on her beautiful face!

Seeing Lin Sen like this, he couldn't help but admire secretly. Although this Chang'e is a woman, she is very domineering. When Zhen Yuanzi brought them here just now, she rushed over from under the sea of ​​blood that covered the sky and fought with them. In terms of ordinary cultivation, even if Chang'e came here like that, it would not take much time to fly!

But he chose to smash the blood directly and rush in, but this appearance is already standing up!

Chang'e's blow just now, although the loss was nothing to Patriarch Styx at all, but Chang'e's obviously hostile attitude made that majestic and serious face frown slightly, and what he said at the moment was Gao "Chang'e, what do you mean?"

Then he glanced at the clear and beautiful figure in the sky and said, "If you also want that primordial purple energy, why don't you and I deal with him first, how about the two of us discussing how to distribute this primordial purple energy?" Old Ancestor, although Chang'e was not kind, she still started to win over her comrades immediately!

Although he is not afraid of Chang'e, at such a time, this extra person will become the most critical Mafa, and the two most important things for him now are the first is that Hongmeng Zi Qi, the second is to prevent the gourd patriarch from becoming holy, but now this cry is that he has the upper hand no matter what!

It's just that Chang'e was destined to disappoint Styx today, but she just saw Chang'e cast a cold glance at Styx and said, "I'm not interested in that shit!" Deng Dao "I'm just interested in doing things that make Buddhism uncomfortable!"

Chang'e was originally at odds with Buddhism, but the things that Patriarch Gourd and Lingshan did before made her very relieved of hatred, and even made Chang'e feel pleasing to Patriarch Gourd, so although there was no intersection between the two, But at this time, they still came to help!

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Styx to reply, a bright moonlight flashed on her body. Under the blood-colored sky, the faint brilliance around Chang'e's body was as conspicuous and poignant as the bright moon in the night sky!

But the offensive in his hand made Lin Sen suddenly stunned, and then he just felt the sweat dripping down the back of his head, but now he understands that a petite and lovely little girl like Yutu uses that Where did you learn the fighting style of combining fists and kicks!

But the figure of Chang'e flashed in the middle, the full moon on that day was still swaying with a faint brilliance, but beside the Styx River, a bright white moonlight suddenly appeared, the flickering speed was so fast, Yutu, Jinpeng, etc. are simply incomparable, more like two Chang'e attacks at the same time!

And the way of the attack made Lin Sen break out into a burst of sweat, but Chang'e, who suddenly appeared beside Styx, raised her hand and punched Styx in the face. Movements like swinging fists, but made by Chang'e, are as beautiful as dancing elves in the moon!

But that fat white fist contained a powerful force that Lin Sen could not predict. Although it didn't have the slightest fist style, it was the first time that Styx's face changed slightly. Chang'e The speed is really too fast, when Styx reacted, the fist was already close in front of his eyes, and he could only sacrifice the twelfth-rank blood lotus to defend in a hurry!

At the same time, the hands in the big sleeves were also slightly pinching the magic spell, and the two blood-colored divine lights hovering in the blood whip suddenly changed, and went straight to Chang'e to strangle!

Although they were still discussing whether to become an ally before, but since they had already done it, they would naturally do their best. Therefore, although the incident happened suddenly, Styx's methods were still extremely ruthless!

And under Chang'e's punch, the twelve-grade blood lotus suddenly exploded with divine light, and in the brilliance, there was a blood-colored light curtain protecting the surroundings of the Styx River, and the strength above the fist was tyrannical. However, it caused the mask on the twelve blood lotuses to vibrate rapidly!

And the energy scattered in all directions made the blood waves on the boundless sea of ​​blood behind Styx even more monstrous. In the turbulent waves, there were countless sharp wailing sounds, but it was just a blow, and it was already a blow. Countless Blood God Sons were shattered!

The power of a punch can be seen here...

At this time, Lin Sen's eyes were staring straight at the figure in the sky. Chang'e's movement was similar to the impact of the Ding Sea God Orb just now, and the movement was still there. Facing Styx, the twelfth grade blood lotus is also a peerless treasure that is not much different from the Earth Book!

"Okay...okay...awesome!!" Compared with Lin Sen, everyone else in Xuankong Mountain was not prepared for such a sudden appearance, but Qing Ling and the others were all stunned, their eyes staring at each other. Looking at the sky with a hook, he murmured, "This is too terrifying. With pure strength, the power is no less than that of the innate treasure!" (to be continued..)

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