Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 702 Chang'e 2

Lin Sen already knew Chang'e's character in the past. As the hope of the Wu Clan, who was the first Wu Clan to possess a spirit, she had been pampered since she was a child. I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't have done such single revenge one after another!

And the result is naturally beyond words. Although Chang'e was a quasi-sage at that time, don't forget that although there were no decent disciples in the West at that time, it was the ancient times before the gods were conferred, and the saints were banned. There is still a long period of time, and Chang'e rushed over like this, the result is naturally incomparable!

"Although the eldest sister is tyrannical in cultivation, but the two saints of the West are the lords of saints. They can easily take down the eldest sister and say that they are insulting to saints, and they want to turn them into flying ash!" Wu Gang also sighed, Perhaps Chang'e is not reckless, but just wants to reunite with Houyi in this way!

"What happened later?" Lin Sen wondered, Chang'e was not dead, so who appeared to save her?

"Just when Na Zhunti was about to kill the eldest sister, the virgin girl Yaochi next to the Taoist ancestor, who is now the Queen Mother of the West, appeared and led the Taoist ancestor's decree to save the eldest sister. At the same time, he taught the eldest sister the Golden Core Dao and gave the eldest sister the innate spiritual root of the moon palace laurel tree. Appointing Eldest Sister as the Lord of the Taiyin Star, suppressing the heavily damaged Taiyin Star during the battle of the ancient Demon Emperor, and not being able to go out easily, this is what saved Eldest Sister!" Wu Gang also sighed at the moment, if it was not for the decree of the Taoist ancestor, Now there is no fairy Chang'e!

Lin Sen also sighed slightly at the moment, it turned out to be like this, the golden elixir that Chang'e and Xixi got from Yao Chi was not pills, but the golden elixir road!

Wu Gang looked at Chang'e and sighed softly, "The laurel tree, the spirit of the Moon Palace, was originally an ancient power, but in ancient times, he fought with the demon emperor for the throne of the demon emperor and was burned by the real fire of the sun. The spiritual root of the body, that is, the lunar star that is closely related to it, was severely damaged. When the eldest sister received the lunar star, the lunar star was on the verge of collapse, and the elder sister had no choice but to completely integrate the laurel tree of the Moon Palace , using the power of Pangu blood that I inherited to repair the damage of the Lunar Star, and this repair took countless years. At that time, the family thought that the elder sister died. Accompany the eldest sister!"

What Wu Gang said was light and light, but what was contained in those few short sentences was endless years of loneliness!

At this time, Lin Sen also slightly understood that if, according to Wu Gang, Chang'e took the order of the Taoist ancestor, guarded the Taiyin star, fused with the true spirit of the Taiyin, and even repaired it with her own blood, then it would end up in a harmonious way. The basis for Zhen Yuanzi and others to figure it out!

As the new Lunar Spirit, Chang'e has already merged with the Lunar Star. Once Chang'e is damaged, the Lunar Star will also be damaged. The difference is that the Lunar Star has collapsed many years ago. On the edge, if this star is smashed, it will cause a disaster for the entire prehistoric life. Even a saint would not dare to bear such a crime. .

With such a guard of honor, it is no wonder that Chang'e is so perverse, and everyone is completely ignored. Although her cultivation level is not as good as that of a saint, she has long been on the same level as Zhen Yuanzi, and she has almost no intention of being with a saint. Still more difficult!

"Why don't I know..." After Wu Gang finished speaking like this, Yutu pouted and said, obviously because Wu Gang knew about the past of the eldest sister, and she was very unhappy that she didn't know about it!

Wu Gang smiled dotingly at the moment and said, "How many years have you practiced, little girl? Back then, my eldest sister and I had spent countless years on the lunar star before you were sent here. At that time, you were still A newborn bunny who doesn’t know anything, what can he know!” Although he is different from a lich, he has watched Yutu grow up since he was a child, and he has already regarded Yutu as his sister, his daughter!

"I was sent up by someone?" As soon as Wu Gang finished speaking, Yutu's eyes suddenly lit up. She had already asked Chang'e and Wu Gang about this question over the years. I don't know how many times, but the two Everyone just said that the time had not come and they couldn't tell her, but Wu Gang slipped his mouth like this, and just now Tu Shan said that he was a descendant of the blood of the twelve demon gods of the demon clan. More and more curious!

When Yutu shouted, Wu Gang also found that he had made a mistake, but under Yutu's expectant gaze, he had no choice but to say, "The person who sent you to Taiyin Star was the one who was behind the scenes with the big sister. Don’t ask who it is, I won’t tell you either!” After finishing speaking, Wu Gang hurriedly shut up, probably because after seeing the Tathagata, seeing things and thinking about others, what he said today was the same. Some more!

Although Wu Gang only revealed it slightly, this point already made Yutu very excited, while Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked softly, "Fairy Chang'e once said that she was entrusted by someone to send me to the Is it also this person who is trained in the lunar star?"

Wu Gang did not speak, but nodded slightly!

But Lin Sen was thinking in his heart, this person was able to take on such a heavy responsibility back then, so his status in the monster clan was naturally not simple, and after the Lich decisive battle, this person still survived, so The identity of this person made Lin Sen very curious!

After thinking about it for a while, but having no idea, Lin Sen always turned his attention to Chang'e in the sky again!

"How dare you appear in front of me!!" Chang'e said in a cold voice. Although the Jinwu clan was also used by people back then, it was also the hand that slaughtered Houyi. The Buddha's door is wrong, and under the combination of the two, Chang'e's face naturally does not have the slightest good look, even a little vicious!

"Once again, the benefactor, the poor monk will naturally come to end the fate!" Da Ri Tathagata also said softly, but the voice that was supposed to be gentle and kind, now it sounded full of cruelty, after all, it was the same as Chang'e. In comparison, the hatred in his heart is even more monstrous. After all, the nine elder brothers all died in front of his eyes. Even the Buddha who entered Buddhism and let go of everything in the past cannot forget such a revenge for killing his brothers!

At the same time, I also told the reason why I came, not because of the ancestor of Gourd, but just to break the cause and effect with Chang'e, but quietly bypassed the cause and effect of Buddhism and the ancestor of Gourd. It can be said that facing Chang'e, this great day is The best candidate to come!

"Okay! Then let me see what skills you have learned in the West!" Chang'e said coldly at the moment, and above that slim figure, there was also a bright moonlight, which was obviously an angry blow. , must be infinitely powerful!

Chang'e is a witch, even if she has practiced the Taoist Jindan Dao, her most fundamental place is still a witch clan, and as a witch clan, the most tyrannical place is naturally the place where she sits firmly on the prehistoric land. Crown's tyrannical physical body, and its strongest attack, is naturally the most primitive attack method!

Raising her fist, the aura of moonlight around Chang'e became more and more radiant. After merging the laurel tree and repairing the lunar star, instead of causing her tyrannical physical damage, it became more and more tyrannical. Among them, the power of Chang'e's volleying punch almost split the world!

And at this time, with the Dasun Tathagata who can't suppress the monstrous hatred even after years of intensive Buddhist studies, at this time, facing the wife of the former enemy, naturally he will not be polite in the slightest. Knotting the wisdom seal of Buddhism, one of the most fundamental seals of Buddhism!

The aura of the people of the Great Sun Tathagata immediately became more and more brilliant, the majestic golden light filled the sky, but it was really like the real Great Sun, and on the body of the Great Sun Tathagata, there was a sudden burst of brilliance. The golden flames in the sky are exactly the golden flames of the day that only the Jinwu clan can drive in the prehistoric world!

This Dayu True Fire is the most masculine thing, just like when Dayu was born, it seems to be able to disperse all the darkness and evil in the world!

However, the booming heat that came out made Wu Gang's expression change immediately. Almost subconsciously, he raised his breath and protected Lin Sen's people behind him. Although they were far away, they waited. People are just being touched by Yu, but that's all, on Wu Gang's serious face, there are countless beads of sweat dripping down!

I don't know if it's because of the pressure of the real fire, or the tension in my heart!

And it is only Lin Sen and others who are affected. Under the real fire of the big day, the bloody and overbearing Patriarch Styx is the first to be among them. Among them, your sinister blood energy and the power of the real fire of the sun are the strongest nemesis of this sea of ​​blood!

So much so that under the real fire, the boundless sea of ​​blood of Patriarch Styx, and the area hundreds of miles close to the Tathagata, was suddenly wiped out, and the endless blood god son during the period was even more so. Even the wailing did not come out, it just disappeared, and the water in the blood sea relatively far away, although it was not suddenly transpired, it also melted rapidly, and the blood god son in it was constantly sharp Howling!

If this damage was in the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Styx would not have cared, but after all, he was in the Great Desolate Continent at this time, and the water in the sea of ​​blood he brought was not much. However, Patriarch Styx couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Although the Dari Tathagata came to help, he caused him a lot of trouble before he helped. If he hadn't taken into account that he was his ally at this time, Patriarch Styx might have started insulted!

And this is just the beginning, what these two people are driving is the purest aura of the sun, the sun, such completely opposite auras. Breath, even at the level of Styx and the others, cannot be completely ignored! (To be continued.)

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