Afterwards, Immortal Zhen Yuan waved his sleeves, and immediately outside the Longevity Mountain, there were people all over the mountains and plains. Among the crowds, Zhen Yuanzi said coldly to Yang Jian and the others, "You can do it now." Leave quickly!"

Although Zhen Yuanzi's position is detached, Tianting is also the master of the world that Daozu asked for orders, but he is really not good at detaining Tianting's soldiers and horses at will, so that the remaining hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers can leave, so Yang Jian heard this Waiting for others is of course meaningless. At the moment, they hurriedly saluted Zhen Yuanzi and others, and then escorted Yang Yuchan and flew straight into the sky. .

Although they can be said to be the cause of today's events, but now no one pays attention to it, it's just a pretext, even without them, Buddhism can still find other excuses, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers turned into the sky That wispy cloud of smoke slowly moved into the distance!

"As for you..." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the group of Buddhist disciples again. Although after all the fighting just now, there are only a few thousand of the more than ten thousand Buddhist disciples left, but there are eight of them. Among the heavenly dragons, there are eighteen arhats who are even important human walkers in Buddhism!

Zhen Yuanzi now hates Buddhism very much. After a few days, the two sides are still completely torn apart. It is definitely impossible to put people back like this, and he is a benevolent person, but he can't do it either. After the massacre of the younger generation happened, he flicked his sleeves again, and said coldly, "Let me retreat and think about it..."

As he yelled, the sky above you, a group of Buddhist disciples, suddenly shone with a khaki-yellow luster, and it was full of flashing Dao Talismans, and the eighteen arhats kept opening their mouths, as if they were talking What, but the sound is completely unable to pass through.

Under the wrapping of the talisman, the huge team of thousands of people slowly sank into the ground, and Lin Sen secretly sneered when he saw this. Now the Eighteen Arhats may be truly removed from the Buddhist sect.

The seal just now looks simple, but it is the seal that Zhen Yuanzi sacrificed with the Book of the Earth, and it is connected with the Book of the Earth and even the whole Great Desolate Land. Otherwise, this kind of Buddha will never come up again!

But the monks in the One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Star Workshop just now are still completely confused at this time, they simply don't know what's going on, they just feel that when they open their eyes, they see the group of Buddhas who are fighting are sealed, When everyone was shocked, they heard Lin Sen shouting loudly, "Fellows, today I encountered a catastrophe on Xuankong Mountain. Lin Sen is very grateful to everyone for your kindness!!" He bowed slightly and bowed to the crowd. Although it was not long before the battle, there were quite a few casualties among the crowd!

"Master Lin, you are being polite!!!" "How can our Tianxingfang be bullied..." There was such a shout from the crowd, but Lin Sen smiled faintly, even though his expression changed again. He said solemnly, "It's just that the shameless sneak attack on Buddhism today, although the Tianxingfang remains, but it has suffered heavy losses. Therefore, although Lin Sen is unwilling, he can only close the Tianxingfang first to recuperate!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking like this, he suddenly became confused, "No! Master Lin!!!" "Where are we going to live!!!!" "Tianxingfang is our home. ..."

Amidst such shouts, Lin Sen also hurriedly said loudly, "Everyone, don't be anxious. Lin Sen hasn't finished speaking yet. Although Tianxingfang is closed, it is still a party that can communicate with each other. If If anyone still wants to live in Fangshi, Lin Sen absolutely welcomes it, but once he enters it, before the reopening of Fangshi, the house is free of charge, but there is one rule that once Tianxingfang is closed with me, it cannot be taken lightly. Go out, once you go out, you are not allowed to turn back!"

After talking about Lin Sen's immediate changes, he laughed again, "That's the end of the story. If you want to live in my Tianxingfang, you can go back to the city now. If you want to leave, Lin Sen can do it right now." Let me bid farewell to everyone, and see you on the day when Fangshi reopens!"

After Lin Sen finished speaking like this, the huge crowd slowly dispersed. After saying goodbye to Lin Sen one after another, they dispersed in all directions. Although many people went to the direction of Hanging Mountain, there were still quite a few people. Choose to leave.

Seeing this, Lin Sen could only sigh in his heart, the world is about to be chaotic, the sky is chaotic, and the living beings are in a catastrophe, but his Hanging Mountain can only protect one and count as one!

"Keep the party safe! Great kindness!!" Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly at the moment, and then turned back to the mountain with Patriarch Gourd with a chuckle.

The Bull Demon King and the Wansheng Dragon King also stepped forward and said with a smile, "Brother, brother, I am going back too! Haha!" Without waiting for Lin Sen to thank him for an answer, they led their respective troops away, but that The leaving team is much smaller than when it came before!

Afterwards, Mrs. Tu Shan also left directly, but he did not greet Lin Sen, but Mr. Liu smiled at him, while Hu Xiang'er also hurriedly stepped forward to say goodbye. It's not finished yet, so I still have to follow Tu Shan to continue practicing!

With the departure of the crowd, all that is left are Xuankong Mountain's own troops. Looking at the few remnants of less than 20 troops left behind, Lin Sen felt a burst of sadness in his heart. Ten years, once back to before liberation.

Before the war, there were more than 60 troops on all sides of Xuankong Mountain, but now there are only less than half of them left. The Buddhism just made a slight move, and more than half of the 60 troops of Xuankong Mountain were lost, and this is not covered. If the losses of Accumulation Mountain and Bibotan were included, Lin Sen and the others would have suffered heavy losses this time!

Looking at the resolute faces behind him but on his back, Lin Sen immediately shouted loudly, "Go back to the mountain..."

A group of people turned around the Hanging Mountain, but outside the Hanging Mountain in between, there were thousands of miles of dead bodies, the red blood had already stained the earth, and there were many Buddhist monks in monk clothes children, but more of them are the corpses of various monsters in armor.

Seeing this, even Lin Sen's eyes couldn't help trembling slightly, and there were sobbing sounds from behind him, holding back the splash in his eyes, Lin Sen then softly said to the red boy behind him, "Dust to dust , Ashes return to ashes, burn them all!"

The red boy with red eyes also nodded slightly, and hot flames spewed out of his small mouth immediately, and those little flames ignited immediately when they touched objects, and the sporadic fires in an instant became the prairie fire trend.

The turbulent flames turned the sky red like blood, and under the flames, all the standing people seemed to be covered with a layer of bloody glow!

Looking at the dense corpses that were continuously decomposed into dust in the raging flames, Lin Sen gritted his teeth with red eyes, "Today's revenge will be avenged in the future!!" Mountain Brothers!

"Today's vengeance will be avenged tomorrow!" "Today's vengeance will be avenged tomorrow!" Following Lin Sen's words, the 10,000+ soldiers and horses behind him immediately shouted loudly, and the rolling sound wave It is like the flames in front of you that soar into the sky!

After the corpses all over the mountain were burned clean, Hong Haier opened his mouth and sucked back the flames that soared into the sky, but the ground was covered with gray and white barrenness. They are the ashes left by the corpses.

Immediately, Lin Sen was also the scholar Zhen Yuanzi, who first attracted a rain cloud, and then attracted the air of the wood spirit, and in the endless ashes of the dead air, a dense emerald green color was born!

After doing all this, I went back to the mountain, but I found that after entering this time, the population of Hanging Mountain not only did not decrease, but increased by tens of thousands of people, but fortunately, Xingfang was very large that day. , These more than 10 million people were put in, but there was nothing revealed!

After entering today's battle, under the sources of all parties, Xuankong Mountain survived with the strength of Buddhism. This is almost impossible. None of these practitioners are fools. Now The world will be in chaos, everyone wants to have a safe place to wait for the disaster to pass, and this Hanging Mountain is undoubtedly the best choice!

Seeing this, Lin Sen felt relieved, but also asked Yuan Lang and others to count and count the remaining manpower on the top of the mountain, and the result after that was naturally extremely heavy!

After one battle, more than half of Xuankong Mountain's strength has been consumed, and each number represents the blood of countless living beings!

Yuan Nie and Chi Yun, the two guards guarding the Hanging Mountain, were almost completely wiped out, and the rest were only the last ten thousand people, while the soldiers and horses of the Red Boy, Xiong Ba, and Yuan Lang's three mountains were relatively better. There are still 10,000 to [-] demon soldiers left, but they have lost the power of [-]+ people in the mountains before, and the most complete one is Pipa.

Because the troops from Pingdingshan were just on standby before, so after the troops from Pingdingshan came to join the battle, the battle was already coming to an end, so it was only a loss of more than [-] people, but among the various ministries of Xuankong Mountain, the only one whose strength was still ten More than ten thousand hills!

Slowly putting down the statistics at hand, although Lin Sen had already made preparations, he still couldn't help but feel the sadness of the stock, and said solemnly at the moment, "Gather all the soldiers and horses in the mountains, anyone You are not allowed to go out casually! Tianxingfang..closed..."

Following Lin Sen's words, when the last group of soldiers and horses walked across the Hongqiao, the Tianxingfang, which had been around day and night for decades, was slowly closed, and the four bright Hongqiaos also turned around the mountain rapidly!

In the increasingly hazy mist, the huge suspended mountain gradually disappeared in the eyes of the world, leaving only scars all over the ground! (To be continued.)

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