Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 728 The Root Cause

Putting the bright pearl into his body, Lin Sen slowly opened his eyes. This was another salute to the leader of Tongtian Cult Master Jishou. With these star essences, if he can completely absorb and refine them, then he will His physical body must be able to be deduced to a very terrifying and tyrannical level!

After all, the tempering of the physical body is the easiest and most difficult thing. As long as you continue to temper with essence, you will always make progress, but the progress may be very fast at the beginning, but after reaching a certain level However, the amount of essence needed is becoming more and more tyrannical and terrifying!

And just when Lin Sencai finished saluting, it was the breath in front of Tongtian who was in the middle, and it was the bloody black lotus that was carried by Yunxiao just now, which broke the seal at this time, Bursts of pitch-black mist turned into blooming black lotuses and bloomed in front of the eyes of several people!

And the faint smile on the face of the goodbye Tongtian leader, it is obvious that this situation was intentional!

Lin Sen looked among the lotus flowers, but he could only see a person sitting cross-legged among them. The bloody Qingyun actually appeared under Tongtian's deliberate effort, but he could see that person's face was white and beardless, his complexion was gloomy, and he was ruthless. hot.

The dark mist surged around his body, and as the mist surged, the aura of the Taoist became more and more tyrannical, and then a dark lotus flower slowly condensed above his head, and the tyranny of that aura, However, he has the cultivation base of Da Luo. This blood demon Qingyun turned out to be so tyrannical after his evolution!

Even in the eyes of several people, the Taoist suddenly opened his eyes, and in a flash of divine light, the vision around him suddenly disappeared, and he was anxiously worshiping Tong Tian. The former said, "Wutian, thank the ancestors for their rebirth!"

Today, if it is not the master of Tongtian, even if he is not prepared for purification, he will not want to change his body in this life, so the master of Tongtian can be said to be his reborn parents!

"Wutian?" Tongtian smiled slightly, and after repeating the name slowly, he said with a smile, "What a lawless person!" Then he looked at Qi and said with a smile, "Wutian, you are so lucky because of Duobao!" Born, but it is predestined with Duobao, because I worship Duobao as my teacher!"

Seeing that Tongtian Saint actually wanted to include it, Wutian was overjoyed suddenly, and then hurriedly kowtowed three times and nine times to this treasure, "Wutian pays homage to Master!"

Duobao also laughed loudly at the moment and said, "But I didn't expect that I was the one who got out of trouble just now, and I was the best disciple I accepted! Haha!!" This Wutian was born of resentment, not just the breath that was born with him In combination, at this time, it is the cultivation base of Da Luo who is transformed into a form. If he jumps a little bit, there will definitely be an extra warrior in the Jiejiao in the future. In the hearts of all the disciples of Jiejiao, Jiejiao will always exist!

After such a smile, Wutian immediately saluted Master Tongtian and his aunt Yunxiao in that hundred years, but Tongtian sneered and said, "The West is indeed very calculating, and wants to evolve Wutian so that it can be under the way of heaven." The result of cause and effect, just talk about a strange move, the merits of enlightenment were taken away, and the heavenly secrets were chaotic, but it gave you a chance to escape from the robbery. If it weren't for this, the Western calculations really made it come true!"

As soon as Tongtian finished speaking, Duobao put away his face slightly, and then he said to Tongtian Jishou, "Teacher, my disciple is going to recover for a while, so I will go to the west to find Sakyamuni." Understand the cause and effect, and ask the teacher for permission!"

"Are you ready?" Seeing what Duobao said, Tongtian immediately asked.

"I have been preparing for thousands of years since the day I was sealed!" Duobao said with a very serious expression.

"If that's the case! Then I have no reason to stop it!" Tongtian Sect Master sighed slightly, and then said in a deep voice, with a heavy complexion, it seemed that Duobao might go away and never return!

"Teacher, I have a doubt in my heart, please ask the teacher to explain it!" Hearing the conversation between the two, Yun Xiao, who was full of doubts on his face, immediately stepped forward and asked.

"You want to ask who is Shakyamuni?" Before Yunxiao could ask, Master Tongtian said first.

And Yunxiao also nodded fiercely and said, "It is said that in the past, the master sucked out Hangu Pass, turned the master into a Buddha, and established Hinayana Buddhism to divide the luck of the West, but now the master is again, and the Western Sakyamuni And who is it?"

After Tongtian Sect Master nodded slightly, he said again, "I know you will ask such a question!" Then he said with a sigh of relief, "Today's treasures are treasures, but the Western Sakyamuni Ni is also a treasure!"

What Tong Tian said was that Lin Sen was stunned for a moment, but Yun Xiao was puzzled and said, "*** stupid!"

But Tong Tian smiled slightly, and then looked out with his eyes, as if he saw countless years ago, and said softly, "When I was defeated by the sect, they didn't take advantage of it. Instead, they let the west take advantage of the situation. !" The words here are full of ridicule, and who they are referring to is naturally self-evident at this time!

"The old gentleman came up with the idea of ​​dividing the luck of the Buddhist sect, so that he could not only incarnate in the human world to preach, but also take Duobao west out of the Hangu Pass!" He had already cut off the relationship between the three Qings, and then he looked at Duobao and said softly, "It's just that you, senior brother, are filled with resentment because of the failure of my sect. The old gentleman is afraid that something will happen, so it is Divide your big brother into two, and turn it into two treasures. The power of his body and mind enters the west, and he turns into a Buddha. With the power of his mind, he condenses a six-foot golden body. On the side is the Western Sakyamuni, and The body and the treasure of resentment are sealed under the Hangu Pass!"

Speaking of this, Tongtian couldn't help but sneer slightly, Laojun is not cautious, but he still made a strange move, but he didn't expect that the second sage of the West would give up the position of the master of Buddhism so simply that Laojun not only lost face, owed karma, but also sent a powerful leader to the West for no reason!

It is because of his former status as a big brother that he immediately suppressed the Jiejiao Sanqian who was forcibly converted into Buddhism, thus opening the road to the smooth prosperity of Buddhism!

Lin Sen was really stunned at this time, it would be like this, if this is the case, no matter whether it is the current Duobao or the Western Sakyamuni Tathagata, neither of them is a complete Duobao Taoist. Under normal circumstances, these two people are actually so tyrannical, Lin Sen still can't imagine how tyrannical the former complete Duobao would be! (To be continued.)

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