The sea of ​​clouds stretches and is vast and boundless. Although the times have changed, this sea of ​​clouds has never changed. .

But today, above the stretching sea of ​​clouds with few people inhabited, it is disturbed by a huge object, the clouds and mists are churning in the places it passes, and it is only visible when it is close. It is a towering mountain, but before that mountain, there is a Taoist man in black leading that mountain peak forward!

And who is the Taoist in black who is not Lin Sen? In such a situation, Lin Sen was on his way back, but he suddenly had a sudden idea. Now that he has learned the art of moving mountains and filling seas, Affecting the mountain is just a casual thing, not weak to re-refining the prohibition outside the hanging mountain!

That's why there is such a scene where Lin Sen leads a mountain peak, but this mountain peak officially corresponds to the number of the 28 constellations, and each of them is carefully selected by Lin Sen, even though they are some Ordinary things, for Lin Sen and other practitioners, if such a mountain peak is not connected to the ground, it is just an easy thing to smash!

But Lin Sen integrated it into the restriction of the Hanging Mountain, and after a long period of tempering, these 28 mountain peaks were able to transcend the ordinary world one day ago!

And Lin Sen came along the way, while imposing simple sacrificial exercises on these peaks, and at the same time engraving the formation prohibition on the peaks. Although the speed of the journey was more than ten times slower, after arriving, the 28 peaks were still alive. It's already the initial sacrifice and refinement!

After arriving at the sea of ​​clouds where the Hanging Mountain is located, Lin Sen did not rush into the mountain, but slowly activated the prohibition of the Hanging Mountain, and the 28 peaks behind him also slowly surrounded it, surrounding the four Around Lingshan Peak!

Lin Sen controlled it carefully, until the 28 peaks were slowly drawn by the Hanging Mountain, blending into the formation, and slowly turning around the Hanging Mountain, Lin Sen showed a look of relief on his face!

Don't think it's so easy to complete. These simple spells and restrictions have integrated his years of comprehension of Zhou Tianxing and the stars. In other words, they are just decorations, and only after the spiritual power in the formation is tempered can they show supernatural powers!

After the peak of the 28-su peak had completely returned to its place, Lin Sen smiled slightly, and then turned into a streamer and entered the mountain. After leaving for so long, he didn't know what was going on in the mountain!

It's just that when he entered the mountain, the smile on Lin Sen's face disappeared slightly. Although the guards in the mountain were all as usual, but before the main hall on the top of the mountain, a group of people had already been waiting there. My own actions, but the expressions on the faces of everyone at this time are joy and worry, obviously something happened!

"What's the matter?" Lin Sen frowned slightly after he fell down, and asked!

"The apprentice failed to complete the task assigned by the master, please punish him!" Lin Sen had just finished asking, when Yuan Lang hurriedly stood up and knelt in front of Lin Sen and said!

Seeing his appearance, Lin Sen looked around, but he didn't see Chen Xiang. According to that little Chen Xiang's surname, at this time, he might have rushed to him to ask for a gift!

"What happened to Chen Xiang?" Lin Sen immediately asked in a deep voice!

"Junior brother...Little brother ran out of the mountain!!" Asked by Lin Sen, Yuan Lang bowed his head in shame, and said in his mouth very ashamed, Lin Sen made a special confession before leaving, let him take care He looked at Chen Xiang intently, but he still let Chen Xiang run out of the mountain!

"What? What do you think!" Lin Sen suddenly yelled loudly, what time is it now, with Chen Xiang's level of cultivation, that place can withstand the big waves that are coming now!

"Master, please punish me!" Yuan Lang pleaded guilty, his face was still flushed with shame, he had practiced for so many years, but he couldn't even look down on a child!

"Brother! Don't punish Yuan Lang anymore!" Qing Ling walked out slowly, and said angrily to Lin Sen, and at the same time handed Lin Sen a jade talisman and said, "This is what Chen Xiang left behind when he left. Just take a look!"

Lin Sen found the jade talisman, but he saw that Chen Xiang stayed there during the period, "Master, I will go to Mount Hua to save my mother, and I will ask Master to take care of my father. After I rescue my mother and reunite with the family, I will come and confess to the master! Chen Xiang stay!"

From his words, it is obvious that he already knows all the information about his life experience!

"Liu... Yan... Chang..." Lin Sen immediately gritted his teeth and said, except him, absolutely no one in this mountain would tell Chen Xiang about these past events, only that Liu Yanchang, who has been pretending to be deaf and dumb, told Chen Xiang the truth!

"Bring me Liu Yanchang!" Lin Sen said coldly at the moment, this scholar really thinks that he has received Chen Xiang as his disciple, so he won't do anything to him?Since you broke your oath today, you can't blame me, Lin Sen sneered secretly!

It's just that after shouting like this, I saw that none of the people moved, but they all looked ashamed. When Lin Sen was puzzled, Qing Ling smiled wryly and said, "I saw the jade talisman Afterwards, they sent people to arrest the scholar, but they searched everywhere in the mountain, but they did not find any trace of the scholar, presumably... presumably, they have already escaped from the mountain!"

It is said that Qingling here is a little ashamed, but fortunately everyone present is his own, if this spreads, under the guard of so many people in Xuankong Mountain, and let one person run out easily, then Xuankong Mountain will lose face Exhausted!

"What?" Lin Sen's complexion did change suddenly, but the news shocked him even more than the news that Shen Shen had slipped out of the mountain. From the jade talisman left by Chen Xiang, it could be seen why Liu Yanchang was with him, so It is said that Liu Yanchang's departure has little to do with Chen Xiang!

But Liu Yanchang is a mortal, let's not talk about how to escape the restrictions in this mountain. At this time, the Hanging Mountain is above the sea of ​​clouds tens of thousands of miles high, and his body of a mortal, as long as he goes out, he will It was twisted into a meat paste by the wind from the nine heavens.

Naturally, he would not do such a death-seeking thing, even if he told Chen Xiang the truth, considering Chen Xiang's face, although Lin Sen would punish him, he would definitely not worry about his name.

In the previous years, although Liu Yanchang never spoke, and the two of them rarely communicated, but a person who can not speak for eight years must have extremely strong perseverance, so Lin Sen would definitely not I believe it will court death like this!

And deduced in this way, the conclusion is that there is only one conclusion, that Liu Yanchang definitely does not want to be as powerless as he thinks, but only has the lightness and agility that is unique to people who practice. Could it be that there is some strange treasure in his hand?Lin Sen frowned slightly at the moment!

No matter how Liu Yanchang leaves now, he, Lin Sen, and so many people in Xuankong Mountain have been fooled by others, and they have been fooled for many years. Thinking that he is smart in one thing, he did not expect to be fooled by a mortal. What a joke, thinking of this, Lin Sen's face suddenly flashed a trace of coldness!

Looking at Yuan Lang kneeling in front of him, Lin Sen thought for a moment, and then said, "Yuan Lang failed to fulfill my life, but he must be punished. The 28 newly included peaks are all unwashed. Hua, it's up to you to do it now!"

"Thank you, master!" Yuan Lang saluted hurriedly at the moment. Lin Sen's punishment on the surface seems to be a tiring thing, but it is the exercise of his water control, so Yuan Lang How could Lang not readily accept it!

"Brother! What about Chen Xiang?" Qing Ling asked softly at the moment, how could such a child run outside to make them feel at ease?

Lin Sen was hesitant at the moment, so why not go find it!Don't worry about Chen Xiang!If you send someone out to look for it, there will be more people who are worried. At a time like this, the world may be in chaos at any time!

"Shanzhu, don't worry, Xiaoyu has already followed!" Just as Chi Yun frowned, Chi Yun said immediately, and then hurriedly explained, "Xiaoyu watched Chen Xiang grow up, and my heart is broken." I am very worried, because I have already followed up before the owner of the mountain returns to the mountain!"

Lin Sen smiled wryly at the moment, the more he was afraid of accidents, the more troubles would happen, but Xiaoyu is also a master of Xuanxian Dacheng. If she is there, at least he will be safer, and he immediately asked, "But there is reply?"

Chi Yun also nodded slightly at the moment and said, "I still found some eyebrows, and it shouldn't take long before I can find the trace of Chen Xiang!!"

There was a trace of improvement, Lin Sen nodded slightly, and said viciously, "Let Xiaoyu report back as soon as he has any news, and I will bring that little bastard back in person!" From Lin Sen's face, Chen Xiang was arrested. After returning, a board meal is definitely indispensable!

"Okay! Let's all go and do our own work!" Since Xiaoyu has already followed, there is no need to add more people for a while, Lin Sen said softly at the moment, and then everyone left after a slight salute. Has a lot of things of its own!

Lin Sen also rubbed his brows slightly. Originally, he planned to retreat for a period of time after returning to the mountain, so as to digest the previous gains, but now it is fine, which really relieved him!

But fortunately, having Xiaoyu following him now also made him feel relieved, he always waited for Xiaoyu's message to come back and then said it!

But the most important thing now is to improve his strength quickly so as to face the coming catastrophe!

Thinking of this, Lin Sen walked into the hall slowly, but he was ready to seize every second of his time to retreat! (To be continued.)

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