And in Lin Sen's closed-eyed comprehension, following his thoughts, with Lin Sen as the center, the world in his mind with a radius of nearly a million miles appeared in this generated Taihua Tian, The bright stars are like the starry sky in this world, slowly revolving above this Taihua sky!

"This is..." Hong Yun and the two originally thought that Lin Sen had realized something above the Dao Xin, but when this small world appeared at this time, both of them were immediately startled, and then slightly astonished Looking at Lin Sen who was standing quietly, with a faint smile on his face, it really didn't disturb him!

This side of the world and this Taihuatian appeared in the slow movement, Lin Sen opened his eyes, with a faint fascinated expression on his face, as long as his thoughts moved slightly, the world in this million-mile starfield Everything in the distance clearly appeared in his mind. This feeling of complete control over everything made Lin Sen, who experienced it for the first time, deeply fascinated by it!

But when Lin Sen was slowly comprehending this formation, he suddenly felt a slight strangeness, although it was extremely slight, but Lin Sen felt it very clearly!

And the source of this abnormality is the sun star that is swaying the bright golden light at this time. If Lin Sen was not in complete control of this world at this time, he really would not have discovered such a small abnormality, and since he discovered it, Immediately, the divine sense looked towards the sun star.

But in the sun star, there is only a slight trace of tiny sparks, but it is the real fire of the sun that Lin Sen and Zhuogou Spring absorbed in the past, but at this time there are still some sparks in the stars. However, there is a faint yellow aura wrapped around it, which is exactly the scent of incense that Lin Sen has been paying attention to!

But at this time, in the package of the incense, the Dayu True Fire has not been completely refined because of this, but at this time it is constantly absorbing the incense into the flames, There seemed to be something faintly conceived within the period, but the breath was too weak, but at this moment it was just a little flame trembling slightly!

Seeing such a miraculous appearance, Lin Sen was slightly surprised, and then smiled softly in his mouth, "Is it possible that I can give birth to a Golden Crow!" But even if a Golden Crow can be born, I don't know how long it will take In the past years, the current breath is too weak, so weak that even Lin Sen, who is in full control, took a lot of time to discover it!

Lin Sen seemed like a kid with a new toy, constantly changing this star field. After going on like this for a long time, Lin Sen suddenly remembered where he was now. He hurriedly put away the formation, and then slightly embarrassed and apologetic said to Hong Yun and the two who were watching, "Lin Sen has lost his composure, please don't blame the two of you!"

"It's nothing! It's nothing! If you can still calm down with such supernatural powers, it will be a miracle! Haha!" Hong Yun laughed and said at the moment, in fact, he is a powerful person in ancient times, and now he is even a saint Lord, you can naturally see the potential of Lin Sen's small world, and immediately smiled again, "But I never thought that you have broken through the old and brought forth the new, and tempered the stars of this week to such an extent. If your world evolves again, when the stars are billions of stars, if you fall into the battle, I'm afraid we will all be devastated!"

Hong Yun is now a saint, but the words in his mouth are the greatest affirmation of Lin Sen!

"Senior, thank you!" Lin Sen said with a slight smile, "The billions of stars are too huge. If Lin Sen can evolve those [-] stars one day, he is already satisfied!"

Hearing what he said, Hong Yun also knew that it was just his polite words, and who would not want to go further as a practitioner, even if he is now a saint, he is just another one now!

"Little friend Lin today opened the eyes of the old Taoist! Another shortcut, such supernatural powers, will one day be avoided by the old Taoist for the time being!" What Yuanzi of Lin Senzhen knew was naturally far inferior. Hong Yun, so after seeing that small world just now, the shock in his heart is naturally far greater than that of Hong Yun! !

What was even more shocking was Lin Sen's thoughts and the potential of this formation. In ancient times, because of the human race, Zhen Yuanzi had recently experienced Zhou Tian's domineering, powerful power that would definitely deter the world. But today Lin Sen used his body thoughts to evolve the stars, and the stars to evolve Zhou Tian!

Although it is very difficult to achieve success, once he succeeds, the power is beyond his imagination. Therefore, at this moment, he finally unknowingly compares Lin Sen with his peers. Said this kid with a back can become a powerful man who can deter the prehistoric world!

"Haha! Don't stand here anymore!" Hong Yun laughed loudly and said, "Friend Daoist, little friend, how about booing in my Fire Cloud Palace?"

Hong Yun's invitation, how could Lin Sen and the two refuse, and they just smiled and flew into the Taihua Tianhuoyun Palace.

But as a place for saints to ask questions, the three of them sit cross-legged here, naturally they want to sit and discuss the Tao, but Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi are sitting on the upper hand discussing the Tao, Lin Sen and the lower hand are listening to each other, and they are talking to each other , no nodding again and again, with a sense of enlightenment on his face, a little feeling in his heart, even from time to time, he would insert a sentence from his own heart!

And just like this, time flew by like a shuttle, and a few months passed away in a hurry. Although Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi looked like they had never enjoyed themselves, they still kept their mouths shut.

Lin Sen finally came to his senses, and after silently calculating, he realized that he had been here for nearly half a year. He couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, "My dear, it's no wonder that the powerful ancients talked for hundreds or thousands of years at a time. I just feel that It’s just started, and half a year has passed!”

However, although it has only been half a year, Lin Sen has learned a lot from such a sage's discussion of Dao. Being able to break through, let your own cultivation base also be able to break into the Taiyi realm!

And Lin Sen also understands why the two of them shut up, but it is because the earth and fairy world is not very quiet, so it is not the time to discuss the Tao, and Zhen Yuanzi is also thinking about the mountain, after all, his Longevity Mountain is still In that fairy world!

"If that's the case, then I won't give it away! After this catastrophe is over, I'll wait for a thousand years of discussion!" Hong Yun smiled and said slightly, and Lin Sen and the two were also anxious. Quickly return the gift!

Zhen Yuanzi also laughed loudly and said, "That's the deal, after this catastrophe, I'll talk about it for a thousand years! Haha!" Immediately, Lin Sen was surrounded by divine light, and he brought his rapid Disappeared from the Taihua Heaven, and went straight to the Immortal Realm!

The chaos is incomparably vast, even with the power of Zhen Yuanzi, it will take more than a month to come back like this at this time, plus this coming and going, the invisible change is another year,

After falling outside the Longevity Mountain, Lin Sen lamented that the monk's time was worthless, and at the same time said slightly to Zhen Yuanzi, "Great Immortal, Lin Sen is worried about the mountain, this is the first time to say goodbye!"

Seeing the anxious look on Lin Sen's face, Zhen Yuanzi understood it, and immediately said with a smile, "Come on, little friend. If you have free time, you must come to my Longevity Hill to play! Haha!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Lin Sen said with a smile after Jishou, and then turned into a ray of light and headed straight for the Hanging Mountain. This has been going for more than a year, especially when there is still unresolved troublesome things like Chen Xiang in the mountain Come on, if Lin Sen is not in a hurry, it would be strange!

Longevity Mountain is not too far away from the hiding place of Xuankong Mountain, and as his strength is getting stronger and stronger now, the speed is naturally faster, and the one who rushes to the sky will arrive at the hiding place of Xuankong Mountain in an instant !

It's just that the Xuankong Mountain has not disappeared at this time. Above the clouds outside the Xuankong Mountain, there are two people fighting rapidly, their figures flickering rapidly, and in the turbulent sea of ​​clouds, from time to time flashes of terrifying Huge waves, fierce sword light!

Seeing someone fighting outside the Hanging Mountain, Lin Sen's heart tightened suddenly. Could it be that another enemy is approaching? He immediately accelerated his speed, but when he got closer and took a closer look, he found that the fighting person But it was Chen Xiang and Yuan Lang. After a slight glance, Lin Sen's face immediately showed a slight anger!

However, Chen Xiang's face was full of gloom, surrounded by black air, and the giant ax in his hand was looking for a killer move, completely ignoring defense, and the posture of a desperate Saburo seemed to have a lot of enmity with Yuan Lang!

Although Yuan Lang's strength is higher than Chen Xiang's, but facing such a desperate posture at this time, he can't attack as if he was facing the enemy, but he just keeps blocking and defending, but he is also forced by Chen Xiang. Could it be that the giant ax surrounded by the murderous aura sliced ​​across the vital parts of the body, extremely dangerous!

While dodging, he said in his mouth, "Little brother, how many times have you rushed, don't try again, I will definitely not let you out, even if you want revenge, you have to wait for the master to come back, besides, I also heard that That person's identity is unpredictable and his strength is very tyrannical, what can you do if you are blindly rushing out to look for it now, why don't you sit down and let's have a long-term plan!"

Listening to his words, it is obviously not the first time the two have fought like this, but amidst Yuan Lang's comfort, Chen Xiang didn't say a word, just the offensive in his hands, which became more and more fierce and unforgiving. It was going out to the place where Yuan Lang was bound to kill. Even though Yuan Lang's strength was stronger than his, at this moment, the sword was lingering and danger was everywhere.

Seeing this, a hint of anger suddenly appeared on Lin Sen's face, and he immediately shouted angrily, "Evil barrier..." (To be continued.)

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