Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 764 Kongqiu Kongming

Lin Sen and the others acted very suddenly, without giving the other party any chance to prepare, but under the golden and white light ball that filled the sky, the chariot did not move at all, and it was about to be hit.

But there was a flash of red light on the chariot in between, but it disappeared strangely from the encirclement of the ball of light all over the sky. This was not an illusion when the speed was extremely fast, but a strange disappearance suddenly.

Surrounded by Zhulong's ball of light, no matter where the ball of light rushes out from, it is inevitable that it will be filled with the ball of light that fills the sky, and it will move the whole body if one of the balls of light is touched. The balls of light all over the sky will explode in an instant, and the resulting tearing force can shred everything in this space, but now the chariot has disappeared in such a strange way!

In such a strange situation, even Zhulong, who has a lot of experience in dealing with the enemy, couldn't help but frowned slightly at this time, and then this time he suddenly called out to Kunpeng and the others, "Monster, be careful!"

It's just that although Zhulong is fast, his words are obviously still a beat slow, but he can see that the chariot that disappeared strangely suddenly appeared in the sky where the four people were in white, and at the same time stretched out a fist from inside the chariot , with a domineering aura that is unparalleled, it suddenly collided with the demon master's claws.

The detonation sound of "Touch!!!" was like thunder piercing through the ears, black and green vigor splashed everywhere, and the lingering aura was that the avatar of the four white witches hurriedly dodged left and right, And Lin Sen immediately pulled Tu Shanshi to push, and at the same time arranged a layer of void connecting the small world in front of him!

It's because the aura is too strong and dense, even with the cultivation base of two people, it's too late to dodge, only to swallow it with the small world, and then slowly digest it, but even so, the participating The breath also turned Lin Senzhen's complexion pale, but the strength of the two of them was too strong, while Tu Shan's strength was the weakest. If it weren't for Lin Sen's protection, they would have been so weak all the time. It can be wiped out!

And when the two collided like this, the people in the chariot didn't know what happened, but even the chariot was dragged in a hurry, and the figure of Kunpeng was knocked back by that punch!

"The power of space?" "It's you!!" But Kunpeng Zhulong and Lin Sen said at the same time, but Kunpeng and Zhulong said doubts and the chariot suddenly disappeared, and the power to travel through space was among the Wu clan This power represents the title of a supreme being!

But that person is already dead, and just now both of them confirmed that the aura of the person in the car is definitely not Wu Dijiang, the ancestor of speed and space, but how could the other party have such control over space? strength!

But Lin Sen's mouth was full of astonishment. Although the fist flashed just now, Lin Sen still recognized it. It was the huge palm that nearly wiped him out when he touched it with his fingers!

"I'm waiting for the guards to be unfavorable, and I hope Your Majesty will make amends!" However, seeing the four famous generals hastily bowed in front of the chariot, and said hurriedly, each of them looked a little ashamed color.

But this title made Lin Sen finally confirm who the person in the car was. Such a domineering aura, even with his imperial aura, seemed to be a little hard to break through. It seemed that there was only one person. To be able to face such an aura!

"Get up! You are already loyal, so what is your crime!" The hoarse voice said lightly again.

"It's so lively! You guys came early, but you didn't expect that the Demon Master, Candle Emperor, and Lord Lin Shan are all here!" Just as the four people got up, a gentle and kind voice , but it slowly rang in everyone's ears!

Anyone else coming?And know yourself?

Lin Sen was startled suddenly, and looked sideways at the source of the voice anxiously, but he could see two figures walking in slowly in the direction of the earth's turbid air outside the film!

The first one was dressed in fine clothes, leaning on an ancient wooden crutch, and had a kind smile on his face. It was the Confucian saint Confucius whom Lin Sen had seen several times. Yu, with three beautiful beards and a confident smile that seems to be always on his face, is Zhuge Liang who worshiped the mountain in the past!

The two entered side by side, but the person who spoke was none other than Kong Qiu. Seeing the warm smile on his face, Lin Sen's heart sank slightly. From the words, it was clear that the sage Kong was related to this man. A few people made an appointment!

However, Zhuge Liang also had a faint smile on his face with several people, but when he looked at Lin Sen, there was a trace of astonishment on his face. He didn't know Lin Sen's small world, but he didn't know Lin Sen He was surprised to feel the Qi of the Five Elements on his body, and admired secretly in his heart. It took such a long time for Lin Sen to integrate the Qi of the Five Elements into himself, but he didn't know that Lin Sen had integrated it long ago. , even the sacrifice has been perfected!

"It's not that we came early! It's that you came late!" Slowly, faint words resounded in the chariot, and there was also a trace of anger during the period. How could a person like him After waiting for others, how many people are worth waiting for? After saying this, the car said again, "Why are you two only here, and Kong Xuan? If he doesn't come, he is not afraid of me." Leave the two of you here!"

There was a hint of ridicule in the words, but Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and then he said, "I am full of miscellaneous things, but it is not as free and easy as the emperor's majesty. Besides, the emperor is a person who promises a thousand gold, so naturally he will not do it." Such a shameless breach of alliance!"

"What chores are bothering you!!" The words gradually became softer, and then this was a cold snort.

But the dialogue between the two made Lin Sen finally completely sure that there were several thousand years of history in Shangguan, and there were naturally emperors one after another, but in the end, there was only one who could be called the emperor. The first emperor, looking at the chariot, said in a slightly surprised voice, "Qin Shihuang, Yingzheng, aren't you already dead?"

However, Lin Sen never expected that he would be able to meet the legendary Qin Shihuang, who was already astonished with Emperor Gouchen. After shouting like this, he immediately scolded himself inwardly. madness!

If Qin Shihuang had died back then, how could he have suppressed the Gouchen Dragon Qi? With such an obvious loophole, I, who had obtained the Gouchen Dragon Qi, had never reacted to it!

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