Tu Shan shook his head slightly at the moment and said, "The king of Tianzhu is already hoarding soldiers and horses on Tianzhu country, and at the same time receiving monks from all sides. order, he dare not act rashly!"

Tianzhu Kingdom is different from other countries. It is a purely Buddhist country. From top to bottom, they are all loyal believers cultivated by Buddhism for many years. It is all right to say that it is a country ruled by Buddhism. Therefore, if there is no order from Buddhism , although the lord of Tianzhu is a king, he is really unable to respond!

"What about in Buddhism?" Kunpeng said with a slight frown at the moment. Dizang died, temples were destroyed, and believers were robbed. In such a situation, there was no reaction in Buddhism, but Kunpeng only felt that It was strange for a while, how could the Buddhism remain indifferent to such a big matter, there was no reaction at all!

Seeing Kunpeng's question, Tu Shan's face immediately sneered, and then he said, "The prince has sent a message, and the Buddhist sect is in complete chaos!" After a slight pause, this is the next step He said, "Duobao and Sakyamuni went to fight outside the sky, but there is still no return at this time. Both Maitreya and Randeng are retreating to heal their injuries and their whereabouts are unknown. The Eastern Medicine Buddha, who is in the East, dare not move rashly at this time. Now there is no leader in the dragons, but there is no one who can decide!"

Of course, the lord of the Tantric sect, Tathagata Tathagata, was also able to order, but as the tenth prince of the demon clan, the Buddhism himself was in a mess at this time, so how could he jump out at this time!

"Where are the two saints of the West?" Zhulong's face was full of doubts at the moment. Although the saints are right and wrong, but at this time the family is still threatening the root of Buddhism. The creator, how can he watch his hard work be destroyed!

"This is the strange place!" Mrs. Tu Shan said in confusion, "Although all the families have already begun to test, but the Second Saint of the West did not appear at all, and the Tenth Prince sent a message, and there is no one in the Lingshan Mountain. If there is any news about the Second Saint, it means that neither of them have appeared in their physical incarnations!"

As the founders of Buddhism, even if the two of them do not appear, as long as one of them manifests an incarnation or supernatural power, it can make Buddhism get rid of the current chaos, so that they can have a unified command, but the two But they all seem to turn a blind eye to these, could it be that they are brewing something! ?

The Second Saints of the West are two saints, and they are the saints who founded Buddhism. If these two people do not show up, everyone's hearts will always be in suspense. After all, the two saints are the dominant power in the wild. Everyone has gained a big advantage, and this will all be wiped out!

This is also the reason why no one dared to do anything until Hongyun was sanctified, but it was because of the addition of Hongyun that he had the power to resist the two saints of the West. But now that these two people are not visible, everyone is also It's just that I dare not let go of my hands and feet completely. After all, no one knows when these two saints will suddenly appear!

As for Kong Xuan's tricks, I'm afraid he wanted to force those two out. After all, the two saints on the bright side are far less terrible than the two saints in the dark!

"What do you mean?" Kunpeng frowned immediately and said, "Could it be that I just watched my years of hard work go to waste?" I want to go back, but it is not that simple!

And Zhulong also frowned slightly. He felt very worried if the two saints did not appear. Who knew that these two would not come out like this. The brilliance and domineering of the two are not to let these two plan to dismantle them, and then gnaw on this bone of the East, thus laying the foundation for the great prosperity of Buddhism!

Zhulong also frowned slightly at the moment, and then said with a light smile, "No matter what, it looks like a big battle is about to start, the demon master should go back to the sea of ​​the North Darkness and prepare well, so that he can participate in the battle at any time!"

"Haha! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" Kunpeng said with a smile. Ever since he knew that the person behind the scenes was Zhunti, he may have been thinking about this day all the time. The immediate one was Wei Wei's offensive, and then she said with a smile, "I'll go..."

A layer of bright blue light flashed across his body, and then he disappeared from the blue wave pool suddenly. Seeing him like this, Zhulong smiled slightly at the moment, and then smiled at Tu Shan, "You also Go tell everyone to be ready at all times, my monster clan can't be the first bird, but we can't be too backward, and keep an eye on the Buddhist sect and the movements of each family!"

"Yes! Candle Emperor!" Only then did Tu Shan salute slightly, and then hurried out again!

However, during the activities of all parties, Lin Sen and Hou Zi are completely indifferent to world affairs. At this time, they are each in a deep sleep, and such a peaceful day has been going on for another ninety-nine and eighty-one days!

Nine, the number is extremely high, but when the 81st day was consummated, Zhulong and others were discussing matters in the hall, but suddenly there was a loud noise, and then the whole hall was full of violent explosions. When it shook, two violent auras suddenly rose up!

But for such a vision, Zhulong was not surprised, but said with a smile on his face, "It came out so soon, I was worried that I would not dare to go!" They went to the Martial Arts Field under the Bibotan, but both Lin Sen and Lin Sen were sleeping there!

And when everyone arrived at the martial arts arena, they saw that Lin Sen's huge cocoon had grown to more than a hundred feet, and the purple-gold cocoon was wriggling constantly. Apparently, Lin Sen was still gradually waking up, and was struggling to get out of it!

On the other side, the pitch-black stone was also trembling at this time, and bursts of earth and rock debris were continuously sprinkled from the big stone!

And this kind of earth shaking was precisely because of the struggle of the two of them. Seeing this Zhulong's face was immediately full of smiles, but the few people who were next to him were all shocked. , these two people didn't spend much time in seclusion, but the change of this aura was all over the world, before it fully came out at this time, the churning aura had already made them feel like a big stone was pressing on their hearts generally!

"Ang..." A deep roar came from the cocoon. It was low and hoarse, just like the sound of a desolate horn. After the sound, all of a sudden, the huge The cocoon was torn apart suddenly, revealing the body of the demon god who was roaring upwards!

It was only seen that Lin Sen, after all this gestation, finally deduced his real body of the sky demon to the time when he guessed the truth in the past, thousands of arms waved by his side, and his eyes were full of ecstasy. The light showed that Zijin's body had a thicker and more desolate atmosphere than before!

It's just that back then, he was relying on the true energy left by the cold silkworm demon saint, and how could it be compared to Lin Sen's own body. Now, as the pencil is waving and the giant tail is swaying, the power is not comparable to that of the past at all. !

"Big...Luo..." Looking at the aura on Lin Sen's body, the Bull Demon King suddenly exclaimed, what kind of panacea did the Candle Emperor give Lin Sen? Luo's Realm 1

Turning forward is what I once said recently, the physical body is the simplest, but also the most troublesome, it only needs to be tempered with spiritual energy continuously, but the spiritual energy required is getting bigger and bigger, although There is no checkpoint, but the huge aura still makes everyone in the prehistoric world daunted!

But the Pangu essence blood absorbed by Lin Sen is the best panacea for tempering the body in the prehistoric world. That drop of Pangu essence blood can turn into a terrifying existence like an ancestor witch, and the essence blood absorbed by Lin Sen How can it be so easy, under the reincarnation again and again by the huge force, Lin Sen's physical body is finally deduced to the realm of Da Luo!

But this is far from over. Lin Sen only absorbed part of the power of Pan Gu's blood essence, but after waking up, he found that the tempering of his body was still slowing down. He was afraid of delaying things. He escaped from the cocoon, and the remaining Pan Gu's blood essence, about [-]%, was for Lin Sen to slowly absorb in the future!

A roar from the sky shook the entire rocky mountain. Lin Sen seemed to be venting his return with a roar, but he quickly calmed down after doing so, and turned into that human body, while those scattered in all directions The opened cocoon shell turned into a purple-gold taoist robe and draped over Lin Sen's body!

As for Lin Sen, who had just fallen, he could see the pitch-black boulder trembling, and then he heard a loud noise, but saw the boulder explode with a bang, and a dark golden figure splashed from it. He rushed out of the flying stones, raised his head to the sky and let out an ecstatic howl, and this was what landed in front of several people!

But it is Monkey King with dark golden hair. Although the hair does not have the golden brilliance of the past, it is in the calm color, with a sense of thick precipitation that was not there before!

And when his body flickered, he also showed a dark gold armor, holding a golden cudgel, although he didn't show his power, but at a glance, he looked like an undefeated God of War, and the same as Lin Sen, It is also an ordinary Daluo's cultivation base, especially because the body of the four monkeys in the chaotic world originally matched Pangu's essence and blood aura very much, so although they are the same, the absorption of essence and blood is much higher than that of Pangu. Lin Sen, hurry up! (To be continued.)

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