Since the allocation has been completed, the rest will naturally be the new ones who will join the battle tomorrow and go back to prepare happily, and they can only watch from the sidelines. Naturally, they are only envious and greedy. But sometimes they can only envy each other in their hearts, and at the same time hold their breath and wait for the next battle!

There was nothing to say all night, at dawn the next day, as the sun rose, it slowly illuminated the soldiers and horses of various families who had already been waiting outside the majestic pass.

On top of the magnificent purple luck of Confucianism, the first few Lin Sen didn't know each other. It's just that the cultivation of righteousness is very tyrannical. Presumably they are all famous Confucian scholars in history!

As for the formation of the Wu Clan, it was not Lin Sen's expectation. Among the four famous generals, only Bai Qi and Meng Tian participated in the battle, and the other three Wu Clan wearing armor also gave a breath of gold and iron horses, obviously they were also famous generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, but But the name Lin Sen can't be named, on the other side of the blood river, the first one is Asura with an ugly complexion and a strong figure, followed by a beautiful and charming woman, the blood all over her body is like waves The tossing, presumably, is also the strongest among the Asura clan!

And under the siege of all the families, in the Buddhist formation above the Ananda Pass, banners were fluttering at this time, golden lotuses were gushing from the ground, and the sky was full of Buddha lights, and the Buddhist mantras were densely covered in it. The preparations for the battle, but Ran Deng, who presides over the formation, is suffering from self-knowledge at this time!

As a Buddha in the past, he was naturally not destined for the Buddhist authority that he was most looking forward to, but now in this era when Sakyamuni is not around, Maitreya has to guard Lingshan, but he has no choice but to stand up, although it is considered a The real control of the Buddhist side, but not such a control method!

Facing the coalition forces of all families at this time, although they knew they were invincible, they could only fight to the end. Tianzhu Kingdom built a country based on Buddhism, which is the foundation of Western missionaryism, but it must not be allowed to be destroyed.

Ran Deng now just hopes that when the guardians of the 24 heavens suffer a lot of damage, the two saints of the West can show their divine power, otherwise the current Buddhism will not be able to resist the erosion of the coalition forces of all schools!

It's just that Ran Deng really didn't know, but his plan was at the very beginning, and it was already doomed to end in vain!

"Ang..." With the sound of desolate horns, Daqin's team also thought of the thundering drums. I couldn't help but feel excited, and under the influence of such a breath, even the scholars of Confucianism couldn't help but feel the fighting spirit at this moment!

"Kill..." The first one was among the witches, Bai Qi shouted suddenly, and then endless killing intent emanated from that tall and straight body. As a famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty, Wu An Jun Bai Qi himself It is the existence of the myth, as long as he is behind, there is no need for any encouragement, just a simple word, just to make his own breath angry, and the soldiers and horses of the witch clan, at this moment, are suddenly involuntary. My aura rose up, and then I rushed straight into the Buddhist formation!

And as the soldiers and horses of the Wu clan reunited amidst the high-pitched killing sounds, the other families also launched at the same time, but they could see the Buddha's light all around, or the murderous aura was soaring, or the sea of ​​​​blood was overwhelming, or the purple energy was full, or It's a group of monsters roaring wildly!

According to the previous allocation, at this time, each family is rushing to the formation of their respective targets according to the previous allocation, and such a charge of no less than tens of millions of people, the formation is completely accommodated. Seeing so many people rushing in, the radiant Buddha light seemed endless!

Until the last person rushed in, above the radiant Buddha light, there were still the same banners flying as before, but among the monks and guardian gods above the 24 golden lotus flowers, there were countless foreign people at this time. The figure broke the harmony among them!

The 24 lotus flowers are the center of the Great Formation of Reincarnation and Ten Thousand Buddhas. Each lotus flower represents a world, and it is not a real thing, but is condensed with the power of Buddhism. Each one is a formation space for reading power, but the capacity inside it is much larger than it looks from the outside at this time, and each one is also connected with each other!

If ordinary people break the formation, they have to fight through it from weak to strong, until all 24 worlds are broken, before they can break through the formation, but such a huge formation, hundreds of millions Creatures, one by one, will consume a lot of power even if they are tyrannical and powerful!

But now it is the simplest method to attack all sub-worlds at the same time, which also makes it impossible for each world to support each other. However, most of this formation was abolished, and what was left was just a battlefield that was beneficial to the races of each class in each world!

Although the figures on the 24 lotus flowers are very small, they do not prevent Lin Sen and others from watching, but they can see that there is a faint brilliance in Lin Sen's eyes, and the battles in the lotus worlds It was all clearly displayed in front of Lin Sen's eyes!

Lin Sen accidentally cared about the battle of the Yaozu. Lin Sen knew the strength of those people, and they definitely wouldn't make any mistakes. But now Lin Sen is more curious about the strength of the rest of them. Glowing with divine light, the immediate task is to search among the 24 lotus flowers!

And since it depends, Lin Sen naturally cares most about the high-end combat power, so the current thing is to search for the world that belongs to the five powerful Luos among the 24 lotus flowers!

Under this kind of search, the first thing that catches the eye is the Great Merit Heaven where the Confucianists are facing each other, and why they found this place first, it should be because the magnificent and mighty purple energy of the Confucianism is really too strong in the golden light. Too conspicuous!

But after Lin Sen looked at it like this, it was very easy to find the Lord of Great Merit and Virtue, the Auspicious Heavenly Maiden, and the unknown Confucianist in the huge lotus world inside. Famous master!

But I can see that the auspicious celestial girl is worthy of being the lord of the heaven of great merit and virtue, with Qibao Mountain in her left hand and Ruyi jade in her right hand. Among them, it must be a sinking state of mind, and the gangster is unaware of things outside his body!

It's just that although he is tyrannical, the powerful Confucianist opposite him is also a weak person, holding a scroll of bamboo slips in his hand. (To be continued.)

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