According to the information left in the jade talisman, it didn't take long for Lin Sen and Yuan Lang to reach the end of the trip.

In front of you is a small island full of aura. The island is lush with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and the white walls and red tiles on the island are faintly exposed, with carved beams and painted walls.

However, Lin Sen did not suppress his own escape light. When he reached the island, a purple cloud rose from the villa, and there were seven people on it. The first one was wearing a long gown, and the three beautiful beards were the Confucian celestial beings. Qin Wei and the people who followed him were all Earth Immortals.

Along the way, although Yuan Lang asked many times where he got it this time, Lin Sen has always kept it secret.

But when he saw the purple auspicious cloud at this time, he immediately reacted, and subconsciously, he almost wanted to turn around and run away. Buddhism and Confucianism have flourished these years, and as a foreign race, he has a deep understanding of the disciples of the two religions.

Fortunately, seeing Lin Sen's back in front of him, he resisted and ran without turning around.

"Haha!! Xiaoyou Lin, but what happened on the road? Qin has been waiting for you!" Before he arrived, Qin Wei's hearty laughter came from afar. The few people were shocked enough. When had they ever seen their old man talk to someone so familiarly?

"However, I'm sorry to wait for you, Senior! Apology Lin! Apology!" Lin Sen also clapped his hands and laughed in agreement, but accelerated the speed of the cloud under his feet, and approached the Confucianist.

As soon as Fang walked in, the Confucian people saw Yuan Lang beside Lin Sen, and the Confucian scholars behind Qin Wei saw that there was a monster among the people they were welcoming, and their expressions changed slightly, but Qin Wei didn't seem to Seeing it as usual, he still smiled boldly and greeted Lin Sen.

These Confucianists are obviously extraordinary. At this moment, the Confucian disciples who are usually relentless in subjugating demons and demons seem to have not seen themselves, but now the white ape is even more curious about his identity as a master.

"It's a crime!" Qin Wei pretended to be serious and said, "Wait a few more glasses of fines! Haha!" Fang was smiling at this moment when he noticed Yuan Lang behind Lin Sen, and immediately asked strangely, " I don't know who is next to you?"

The last time I went to Cuihua Mountain, I didn't see an ancient water ape beside Lin Sen.

"This is a young apprentice who was just accepted today, what is the qualification of seniors!" Lin Sen said to Qin Wei with a smile.

That Yuan Lang also had a wink, and he recognized this Confucian dress even when he was overseas, not to mention that he couldn't see this person's cultivation level at all, and he was followed by a group of earth immortals who were rarely seen in ordinary times. Talking and laughing with this person, but in words, he regarded himself as a junior, so he hurriedly stepped forward to pay homage and said, "Yuan Lang, meet senior!"

"Having the bloodline of an ancient water ape beast, he has such aptitude! My little friend is so lucky! Haha!" Qin Wei laughed when he saw how sensible the white-haired ape was, and then took out a small white jade bottle and handed it to him. Yuan Lang said, "Your worship is not in vain. This bone-forging pill is my Confucian secret. It has a miraculous effect on tempering your muscles and bones. I care about your muscles and bones. You are taking the road of close combat. There are nine [***] in this jade bottle, you didn’t take one in nine days, but after eighty or ten days, it can temper your muscles and bones to become stronger!”

Yuan Lang was overjoyed immediately, this thing was definitely a good thing for him, but although he was pleasantly surprised, he didn't pick it up, instead he looked at Lin Sen.

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "The gift from the elders, I dare not resign! Just accept it! Hurry up and thank Immortal Qin Wei!"

"Thank you Immortal Qin!" Yuan Lang immediately joyfully placed the jade bottle under his arms carefully, and thanked him again and again.

"Hehe! This little monkey! Not bad!" Although Yuan Lang waited for Lin Sen's affirmation before taking the thing in his hand, Qin Wei was not only angry, but became more and more fond of it. But he is very polite.

"Senior Qin, thank you!" Lin Sen thanked Yuan Lang.

"Let's go! Don't stand here and chat! Let's talk slowly when we enter the house!" Qin Wei pulled Lin Sen and smiled as he lowered the cloud head and fell into the villa.

The clouds had already set, and the villa hidden among the trees immediately appeared in front of the eyes, with carved beams and painted walls, exquisite and elegant, but Lin Sen couldn't help admiring, "Confucianism is indeed a great family, and it is located on the East China Sea. , There is also such a unique courtyard."

"My little friend is too much!" Qin Wei immediately laughed proudly, "I prefer the scenery of the seaside, but I saw a Beppu here by the seaside, and it just happens to be used for entertaining guests at this moment."

As Qin Wei said, a middle-aged scribe behind him smiled slightly, obviously the owner of the villa.

Qin Wei led the two of them into the main hall, and after giving in to each other, they sat down. Then Lin Sen asked, "Senior, I don't know how the situation is now!"

Seeing Lin Sen's question, Qin Wei withdrew his smile and said, "Several major forces are intertwined and gathered on the East China Sea to wait for the birth of the Immortal Mansion, but now it is the calm before the storm!"

"I don't know what forces are there?" Seeing this, Lin Sen frowned slightly. With Qin Wei's appearance, it was clear that Buddhists and Confucians were definitely not the only ones fighting this time.

"Those bald donkeys from the west have come!" Qin Wei said viciously, "Those bald donkeys are stationed on Guiyun Island, which is less than [-] nautical miles away from here. We have met before you come!"

Although I didn't go into details, it was obvious that Qin Wei and the people behind him didn't get any benefits.

"There is also a bunch of bull-nosed people headed by Kunlun!" Then he continued, "Although the Taoists are retreating on purpose now, but the birth of the Immortal Mansion is such a big event, why should the gang of bull-nosed people come out to show off, and there are some casual cultivators, Demonic giants and some tyrannical monster races that can't be seen in the world."

When Lin Sen heard this, he immediately understood why Qin Wei was in such a hurry to call him in for help. So many people were hiding aside and waiting for the birth of this Immortal Mansion, not to mention Taoism. Since the giants and the monsters can survive, they must have supernatural powers and magic weapons to protect them, and their mana cultivation must also be extraordinary!

The East China Sea, which seems to be calm now, will definitely have a chaotic battle when the Immortal Mansion is born.

"But I don't know when this Immortal Mansion was born?" Thinking of this, Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a headache for Qin Wei. Although Confucianism has great achievements, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite!

"The time is in these seven or eight days!" Qin Wei said softly, then pointed to the calm sea outside the door and said, "As for the location, it is in this sea area!"

Lin Sen turned his head and looked outside the door, and saw the bright moon hanging high, and the dark sea surface was so quiet, but in a few days, this sea area might be stained red with blood!

ps: Ask for votes with audacity, collect it, and ask for a reward for the weak!Dear friends!Thank you March!


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