Why did he come here from the battlefield? On the battlefield, life and death are only talked about, not means, and it is shameless to have any means. And his shouts like this are just to answer from the lamp, knowing where he is now , It’s just to fight back, after all, I am dizzy now, but I can’t find where the burning lamp is hiding, and passive defense is not enough, the best defense is naturally attack!

It's just that Sima Cuo is smart, but Ran Deng is also a cunning person, so he didn't talk at all at this time. At the moment, before Sima Cuo recovered, 24 Dinghai Pearls smashed past again, But compared to the previous experience, this time it deliberately staggered the key positions of the Sima Cuo's precise defense, but smashed at some joints that were not fatal but made Sima Cuo very uncomfortable!

The roar in his head has not yet turned around, but the joints of the body have been hit repeatedly. Sima Cuo also knows that if he continues to procrastinate like this, he will be consumed by the burning lamp here, and the burning lamp will surely Saint's strength was originally much stronger than him!

At this time, it was a sneak attack again, and he seized the upper hand. It was only a matter of time before he was dragged down like this, and he was defeated and died. The huge body at the moment shrank rapidly and turned into a normal size, grabbing the volley flying The sword in his hand couldn't tell the direction, but according to his memory, he rushed into the crowd of Buddhist disciples around him!

However, Ran Deng really never thought that the most warlike Wu clan in the prehistoric world, known as the Wu Clan who would rather die than retreat, would flee in such a haste. It was just that Wei Wei was stunned for such a moment, but Sima Cuo had already Don't get into the crowd, the burning lamp comes in a flash, but how can such a person rush into the crowd, how can it be so easy to be able to shine out!

If there is a crowd of people in the brigade, there are still traces to follow, but such a person rushing in is like a dragon entering the sea, leaving without a trace, even if he, a quasi-sage of Buddhism, wants to kill him in this boundless sea of ​​suffering. People find out again, but it is definitely not as easy as before!

The duck in his hand flew away like this, and he was about to kill him, but he let him run away. Ran Deng's complexion immediately became gloomy, and the 24 Dinghaishen beads around him suddenly flickered, In the rapid flight, the group of Wu clan soldiers who were besieged at this time and led by Sima Cuo just now were suddenly strangled and turned into flying ashes!

He also didn't pay attention to the pious Buddhist disciples around him, and immediately searched in the sea of ​​people with dark faces. Although he killed a million soldiers, he was far inferior to that A big Luo Sima of the witch clan made a mistake!

Ran Deng continued to search among the crowd, but it turned out that Lin Sen's side went in and rushed around, and more than 200 million people were slowly gathered behind him. In the sea of ​​people, it's just a drop in the ocean, but at least it won't be washed away so easily!

At this time, Lin Sen was rushing through the crowd, but he felt disrespectful and exhausted in his heart. This exhaustion was not physical, but emotional. In this boundless sea of ​​people, even the direction It is also impossible to distinguish, the surroundings are densely populated by Buddhist disciples, and he is constantly rushing to kill, holding bloody killings in his hands, but now he has become a numb mechanical movement, constantly collecting these creatures one by one!

And these endless Buddhist disciples, although their cultivation base may not be very high, but they seem to be invincible at all. Knowing how they charge, now there is no slight weakening trend, and they are still as endless as before. !

Lin Sen has endless physical strength, but the soldiers and horses behind him are not good enough. At this time, not only is he mentally exhausted in such a charge, but also physically exhausted, and Lin Sen can only let him Everyone formed a circular formation, and those who were really exhausted went to rest in the formation, and after they turned around, they stepped forward to take over and let the guards come back to rest. After such a rotation, the monsters had a slight respite Chance!

But even so, more monsters fell under the crowd of the Buddhist sect due to exhaustion. Although Lin Sen looked anxious, he could only save one, but there were still more monsters , If he comes to rescue, he will fall down, and then drown in the sea of ​​people with Buddhism!

Such a huge number of battles is far from being able to be controlled by one person or a few people like Lin Sen at this time, but what Lin Sen can get now is to reduce the number of people as much as possible, and then let all the monsters get As a respite, Lin Sen also thought about taking those monster races who were unable to fight anymore into his own world, but the void in that world was far from what they could bear!

The Buddhist disciples who were constantly killing and watching, watching the people falling down in front of him like wheat, Lin Sen was very puzzled. After fighting for such a long time, all the masters of the Buddhist sect, but It's all unappeared, except for the Vajra Indestructible Buddha and Avalokitesvara who sneaked up on him, the people who came to besiege him were only ordinary Buddhist believers, and even those with advanced cultivation were only Jinxians!

This kind of tomography is basically coming up to die, and after the Avalokitesvara sneak attack on him once, it also completely disappeared, and under Lin Sen's divine sense, there is no shadow at all, and he doesn't know where to say went!

Lin Sen didn't know what the Buddhist sect was paying attention to now. Could it be that such countless disciples came up to die, did they just make him tired?It's okay for those monster clans with average cultivation, but at the level of Taiyi and Daluo, such battles will not feel tired after fighting for hundreds of thousands of years!

Or is it to consume the backbone of the four families?This is still somewhat possible, but under such consumption, the loss of the Buddhist family is much greater than the loss of the four coalition forces. Even if the Buddhist family has a great cause, it is not such a defeat!

Although he was puzzled in his heart, the movements of Lin Sen's hands did not stop in the slightest. In the midst of such a charge, Lin Sen's eyes did suddenly light up. Found a pair of scattered teams!

As for the cold and fierce aura, Lin Sen didn't pay much attention to it, but he knew that it was not a member of the monster clan, but an Asura from the sea of ​​blood!

This kind of discovery made Lin Sen's eyes suddenly brighten. After all the rushing, he finally met people other than the monster clan. Does this mean that he and others are still starting to go deep into the formation, this boundless Buddhist sect? The battle is almost over!

The current change is also bringing a group of troops to the place where the fighting Asuras are. Although Lin Sen and Xuehai are inadvertently happy, they are all allies who are deeply trapped in the enemy's battle at this time. Moreover, the appearance of these Asuras , It is also a shot in the arm for all the monsters! (to be continued..)

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