Although Lin Sen's attack was domineering, from Ran Deng's point of view, it was nothing more than that. He sneered and said, "Glamourous..." Then the Dinghai beads in front of him suddenly grew up, each one Even if it has grown to the size of hundreds of feet, the Hunyuan's huge light ball is still taller than Lin Sen's!

The 24 stars turned into 24 consecutive stars and hit Lin Sen, colliding with Lin Sen's roaring thousands of arms!

The power of one Dinghai Pearl is already boundless, what's more, 24 of them came one after another, not only breaking up Lin Sen's attack, but also knocking him back again and again, even the corner of his mouth has already appeared There were traces of blood, and his complexion was also pale. It was obvious that he had been hit by the Ding Haizhu seriously, and his body was already seriously injured!

"Small tricks!" Seeing Lin Sen's distressed appearance, Ran Deng smiled sarcastically at the moment, but although he said so on his lips, he still didn't relax his vigilance in his heart. Manjusri and others The formation is not weak, it is not an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian who can break through!

With Lin Sen's current strength, not to mention subduing so many people in such a short period of time, if that's the case, he might still be struggling at this moment. Lin Sen must have some trump card. Useful, now I want to paralyze myself!

Thinking of the burning lamp here, the one who is now is laughing at Lin Sen's high quality. Thinking of how he, the Taoist burning lamp, has come to this point with ordinary money since ancient times, how could he be deceived by Lin Sen's illusion? The change is also a sneer in my heart, if I want to see what magical powers you have!

The change at the moment also had a look of sarcasm and disdain, and he sneered, "With this little strength, you are screaming in front of the deity of the pole. Go to hell!" All 24 Dinghaishen beads flew out at the moment.

And Lin Sen also had an unyielding and helpless expression on his face, a radiant brilliance erupted from his huge body, amidst the bluntness of thunder and lightning running, countless thunder snakes flew all over the sky, flying into the sky, and entangled towards the burning lamp!

At the same time, the body covered in thunder could only force itself to meet the Ding Haizhu, but it was beaten back again and again, and although the Ding Haizhu was tyrannical, it still did not break away from all the thunder and lightning, still There are quite a few flying Thunder Snakes, swaying towards Taoist Randeng!

Such a harmless attack would not cause any harm to him at all. Ran Deng secretly laughed at Lin Sen's naivety, pretending to be so impatient and trying to deceive himself. Lied to him, and at the same time, a piece of Buddha's light spilled out from his hand, ready to shake that piece of thunder away!

It's just that when he was swaying the Buddha's light, he suddenly screamed inwardly that it's not good, and then suddenly the brilliant Buddha's light protection burst out all over his body, and as expected, as he guessed, he was still close to him. In the thunder light, a ray of Ugin's brilliance flew towards him rapidly!

Although Ran Deng didn't know what kind of treasure that rapid brilliance was, he could feel the uneasy aura above the black gold brilliance, and if it wasn't for his sudden reaction, there would be no sound at all. The treasure must already be in her body!

It's just that even so, the divine light of Ran Deng's body protection only blocked the black light for a moment, and the thing stabbed at him quickly as if there was nothing, but for people like Ran Deng Strength, this moment is still able to make it dodge!

At the same time, I used all my strength to suppress the black light with the lotus platform where I was sitting, and then slowly revealed the body of Ujinsuo. Seeing Lin Sen's slightly panicked appearance, Ran Deng immediately laughed. Said, "I'm wondering what method you used to subdue the document and others, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be such a vicious thing!"

Looking at Wu Jinsuo, Ran Deng smiled brightly. Although that thing is an acquired thing, the aura from it made even him startled, it must be a killing treasure.

It is something that can make it all frightened, and its power is naturally able to subdue Manjusri and others in an instant. Thinking of its power to break Manjusri's formation in such a short time, Ran Deng laughed at the moment, This time, heaven really favored me. Not only did I get something to improve my strength, but I also got such a killing treasure 1

And after Lin Sen killed Uginsuo by the lamp, a look of panic flashed across his face. Although it disappeared in a flash, he was still captured by the lamp. Sen loudly shouted angrily, "Lan Deng, return my magic weapon..."

Tianyao's real body flew into the air immediately, Qianzhi's arms roared at the same time, under Lin Sen's angry and anxious brow, he hit the burning lamp!

It's just that although that power is extremely domineering, it can pose a slight threat to a quasi-sage like Ran Deng, but it can be seen that Ran Deng just waved his hand slightly, and the 24 sea god beads are shining right now. And go, but this time Lin Sen seems to be disturbed!

Seeing that his talisman was shot, his mood was unstable, not only was the Ding Haizhu blocked the attack, but even let it pass through his layers of arms and hit his shoulder!

What kind of power is that Ding Haizhu? His muscles and bones are broken, and his flesh and blood are flying. The powerful force smashed Lin Sen's huge body into the air. After flying thousands of miles in diameter, it stopped. Come down, but the body that staggered to stand up could not help but tremble slightly at this time, the blood all over the body was completely a huge blood man, and the arm bones were broken so many times!

It looks like a serious injury, but even so, Ran Deng still hasn't completely let go of his heart. After so many years in the wild, how could he let go of his vigilance so easily, the 24 surrounding fixed The Sea God Orb immediately rushed towards Lin Sen 1

And surrounded by the Dinghaishen Pearl, Lin Sen was seriously injured, but he could only frantically block from left to right, but it was also difficult for the all-pervasive Dinghai Pearl. Under a burst of siege, he was even hit How many times!

With the power of the sea pearl, Lin Sen was hit just once, and he looked so miserable, not to mention being hit so densely, there is still no complete bone in his body, and his body is even burnt. What he hit could only be limp and limp on the ground.

It was only when the lamp was lit like this that the siege of Dinghaizhu stopped, and he slowly stepped forward and said, "Now tell me the secret of your strength improvement, and maybe I will give you a good time!" Although Ujinsuo is a good thing, But in comparison, Ran Deng is more interested in the treasure that can make a little golden fairy break into the realm of Daluo in a short period of time!

"Bah!!" Lin Sen spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm weakly, and immediately mocked him with his blood-filled mouth, "Landeng, you are the holy one, you are such a shameless person who wants to take me away!" Chances are you're dreaming, and I won't be able to beat you, and I won't let you succeed either!"

"Haha..." On top of his frail appearance, there was a crazy smile immediately. Seeing Lin Sen's appearance like this, how could he not know what he was going to do? The soul is scattered, but it is a pleasure to do it yourself!

At that moment, his body straddled the void, and suddenly appeared in front of Lin Sen. He stretched out his hand to press on Lin Sen's weak body, suppressing Lin Sen's restless soul, and said coldly at the same time. "Without my permission, you want to die and dream!" Then he looked at Lin Sen and said coldly, "Since you don't hand over the things, then I will find them myself!" The moment is to search for Lin Sen forcibly. god!

Seeing Lin Sen's vicious gaze being controlled, Ran Deng sneered and said, "Do you hate me? With your current cultivation, you want to defeat me in your next life..." After finishing speaking, he suddenly sneered and said, "I forgot , you are going to be here today, so you have no next life..."

Immediately, the expression on the inside showed a fierce look, and suddenly it forcibly bounced towards Lin Sen's primordial spirit, but at this moment, Lin Sen, who had been lying limp on the ground, suddenly Bind it, and at the same time said with a cold smile, "This is exactly what I want to say to you!"

And before Lin Sen spoke, he had already sent out his own small world, and the burning lamp that was connected to Lin Sen was suddenly dragged in together. When Lin Sen finished speaking, the surrounding space Already earth-shaking changes have taken place, in the endless void, the sky is full of bright stars!

When Ran Deng had visions around him, he hadn't noticed much, and the immediate thing was to use his hands for the first time, but no matter what it was, Lin Sen was still in his hands, as long as he took it out immediately Kill it, then this weird change will naturally dissipate!

It's just that the strength of Ran Deng's hand made his heart suddenly feel cold, but he only felt that his hand was empty at this time, and there was still Lin Sen's shadow there, but at some point, Lin Sen's body changed still from its original shape. His men disappeared, and when he saw the stars all over the sky, Ran Deng looked around vigilantly, and said with a slight admiration, "You are kind and calculating. From the beginning to the end, you are trying to trick me into this world." among!"

He was smiling on his face, but his heart was talking about this space for the first time, and when he discovered the terrifying power above the stars, he was suddenly shocked. The horror of that power is Make him feel uneasy!

It was only when he ran the lamp that he realized where Manjusri and the others had gone. It wasn't Ujinsuo, but the small world in front of him for some unknown reason. At the same time, he secretly blamed himself for being so careless. Follow the path of this little demon boy! (To be continued.)

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