In the dark cave, there is no light, no shadow, no sound, and even no sense of existence.

The sudden sound of "russling..." was too obvious. With the sound, a small dirt bag slowly bulged up on the solid rocky ground.

"Who??" Suddenly a child's voice shouted angrily from the corner, and then a gleam of fire appeared in the darkness.

An old man with a strong figure, good looks, white hair, wearing a patched shirt, holding a torch in one hand, and holding a pink and jade child in the other came out of the corner.

As the old man shouted angrily, a cautious call came from the cave, "Old man, it's me!! It's me!"

"Little pangolin?" The old man said in astonishment, "Why are you here?"

Following a small mud-filled nose slowly protruding from the ground, the pangolin cautiously came out of the hole and said, "Master, I'm here to save you! Come with me!"

"How did you find us!" The second child in the old man's arms asked vigilantly, "This place is hidden deep in the ground, with nine twists and eighteen bends. How did you find this place!"

As the brains of Qiwa, although clairvoyant eyes and wind ears are all sealed at the moment, Erwa is cautious by nature, and immediately thought of the loopholes in it and became suspicious.

"Where did the little demon find it here!" The pangolin smiled wryly, "It's the centipede leader in the mountain. He was kind to the uncle, so he sent me to rescue the two of you!"

"Shou En and Big Brother?" Erwa stared at the pangolin suspiciously, trying to see something from its eyes.

"Okay, Erwazi, don't think too much about others risking their lives to come to us!" After speaking, he said to the pangolin, "You lead the way, and we will follow behind you!"

"Hey!" The pangolin nodded cheerfully, turned around and went back to the burrow.

Erwa whispered in the old man's arms, "Grandpa, be careful of fraud!"

"Little boy, you have a lot of eyes!" The old man touched Erwa's head and smiled, "We are all prisoners now! There is nothing worthy of others' attention! And I have seen this little monster before, he led me to find you, it's okay ,Do not worry!"

In his radiant eyes, with the light of wisdom accumulated over the years, the old man smiled and hugged the second child and followed into the cave. In this point of view, he still has confidence!

Maze-like caves, one after another, the pangolin poked its head cautiously at the entrance of the cave, turning left and right, and after making sure that there was no one there, it waved from behind, signaling the old man and the two to follow.

Under his leadership, none of the little demons in the surrounding area touched the [-]th floor of the cave.

"This is not the way out!" After walking a few steps, Erwa said strangely, although she had not walked through this layer of caves, but according to the terrain of this mountain, the road taken by this little monster must not be going out, but rather Go deeper and deeper.

"Second Master, don't worry!" The pangolin walking in front pretended to be mysterious and said with a smile, "You will know later!"

Under the vigilant gazes of Erwa and the old man, he shouted into a dark cave, "King Centipede? King Centipede?"

Following the sound, a black shadow emerged from the cave, and the two of them took a closer look, and found that the thing that came was a centipede the size of an ordinary person, with hands and feet, standing like a human being, it was Lin Sen.

"Old man, second master... you are here, the little demon has been waiting for a long time..." Lin Sen hurriedly stepped forward to support the old man and said, "When you step out of the hole with your front feet, the whole hole of your back feet will be sealed, so just I can bother you two first, and now I have been wronged for a few days, and when the limelight passes, I will find a way to send you two out!"

"Thank you, King Centipede!" The old man bowed his hands and thanked him. As expected of the old man, facing a big centipede who spoke human words, the old man's heartbeat did not have the slightest confusion.

"Why did you help me? Don't say anything about repaying me! I don't believe you, sir!" Erwa said with a cold face.

"Advanced, advanced!!!" Lin Sen stepped aside with a smile, led the two of them in first and said, "Since the second master only asked that question, then the little demon will just say it straight!"

"After the femme fatale came, in order to control us, he cast a curse on us that could take our lives at any time. I have asked the uncle before, and the uncle said that the second master can untie it. ,so....."

"So it was to save my life..." Erwa gave Lin Sen a contemptuous glance, but the suspicion on her face was much reduced.

Since others were suspicious, Lin Sen took advantage of the situation, and when everyone settled down, he reached out impatiently and said, "This talisman...Second Lord...can you check it..."

If you're not sure, Erwa won't be at ease, she stretched out her hand and said after a while, "It's indeed a heart-eating curse, this femme fatale is really vicious...."

"That's right, that's right...such a vicious curse...only you, the second master, can undo it..." Lin Sen hurriedly took advantage of the situation and said, this kind of feeling that your life is in the hands of others, don't worry about it. Say something nice, just pretend to be a grandson.

"If I was not injured, this poisonous curse is nothing to me, but now I have seals on both eyes and ears, even if I want to help you, I can't help you!" Erwa said regretfully. Sen really couldn't tell whether what he said was true or not.

"It's's okay..." Staring at Erwa for a moment, Lin Sen said with a smile, "As long as the second master can untie it, I'm not in a hurry!! Ha ha!!"

"You must think I'm perfunctory for you!" Erwa glanced at Lin Sen and said in an understatement.

"Hehe! The second master thought too much! How could it be!" Lin Sen smiled awkwardly and returned, looking at the blind child in front of him, Lin Sen couldn't help admiring.

In Seven Brothers China, Erwa's strength is definitely at the bottom, but it is definitely the most difficult to deal with, and this mentality can definitely make up for any gap in strength.

"Don't worry!" Erwa stared at Lin Sen, and said with a smile on a clear face, "I'm going to charge at the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth Inner Breath in your body. As soon as I recover from my injuries, I will definitely lift the Heart-Eating Curse for you. Boss is honest , is easy to trust people, but as long as he is concerned about the supernatural powers of the law, he will be very serious. Since he has recognized you in this matter! Then I have nothing to say! As long as you get rid of the femme fatale, I will definitely help you. How do you feel about casting this poisonous spell!?"

"Okay!" Lin Sen stared at Erwa's eyes with piercing eyes and said, "It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!" The two looked at each other and made an oath in silence.

With a loud sound of "coaxing...", Lin Sen and the others couldn't stand for a moment, the whole mountain shook violently, and gravel and sand fell from the cave.

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