Pushing away layers of crowds and passing through the increasingly empty stairs, Lin Sen arrived at the top of Mount Tai with two Qing Lings. Although there were restrictions in that mountain, most of them were aimed at prehistoric creatures. They are strong, but they are of no use!

At the top of Mount Tai, there were already many Confucian women sitting cross-legged waiting. At this time, Lin Sen and the others came, but they ignored them. Sit tight and wait for Confucius to start his lecture!

After waiting like this for more than a month, when the stairs of Mount Tai were already covered with figures, this time I saw a burst of brilliant righteousness suddenly rise from the top of Mount Tai, covering the sky. Appear in the world!

And amidst the mighty purple air, the voices of countless students chanting calligraphy also faintly but clearly hit everyone's heart, and in the voice of enlightenment, the summit of Mount Tai had already been prepared. On the good Dharma altar, a plump and handsome body slowly appeared, dressed in a white Confucian uniform, with a faint smile in his eyes!

It is the ancestor of Confucianism, one of the saints who broke through the constraints of heaven, and now one of the overlords of the earth fairy world, Kong Xuan!

After Kong Xuan appeared, he naturally saw Lin Sen sitting cross-legged in front of the stage, and immediately smiled. He was not surprised at Lin Sen's appearance. Confucianism!

The sage gave lectures, auspiciousness descended from the sky, golden lotuses sprung from the earth, and the sky was full of colorful clouds. Kong Xuan's lectures were from the shallow to the deep. Even Confucian monks who have already achieved success in cultivation, listening to his lectures at this time, can't help but have an epiphany about what they have learned!

From the shallower to the deeper, Kong Xuan's lectures were heard throughout Mount Tai, but such lectures lasted for several months. .

A few months is just a moment for a sage to teach. If it weren't for this, Hongjun Daozu would not have lectured for a thousand years, and these few months, but only talked about some Confucianism. The art of entry in the door, and even at this time, the sage's lectures are very different, so that those who listen to the Tao can really understand it!

Even with Lin Sen's current level of cultivation, listening to Kong's lectures and teachings feels very rewarding.

After several months of lectures like this, Kong Xuan stopped slowly, and then said with a smile, "This lecture is over, I will give another lecture five years later, you all go away Bar!"

After the sage finished speaking, even though everyone was very reluctant, everyone on Mount Tai still dispersed, and the only ones left were the Confucian students!

After the lecture was over, Lin Sen led the two Qingling sisters forward and said, "Lin Sen pays homage to Kong Sheng..." The two Qingling sisters also hurriedly paid homage together, and Kong Xuan said, But it can be regarded as the ancestor of the two sisters!

"Get up..." Kong Xuan smiled slightly, and then dragged the three of them up with his sleeves, and then said with a smile, "But I didn't expect that this lecture would attract Lin Fangzhu!! "

Lin Sen also said with a smile at the moment, "The sage is giving lectures, Lin Sen is naturally going to come, but the Confucian lady has benefited a lot from this trip..." Sighing in his mouth, Lin Sen then said again, "It's just that Lin Sen is here Come, but there are still other things!!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Kong Xuan laughed and said, "I already know what you did..." Then he smiled at the Confucian disciples and said, "Le Shang. .You come out!"

Following Kong Xuan's words, a thin middle-aged scholar slowly walked out of the crowd of Confucian disciples, and bowed to Kong Xuan, "Teacher..."

"These sisters are here for you. You must know about your relationship. Let's go..." Kong Xuan said with a smile. Lin Sen didn't say anything, but seeing the two Qingling sisters, he already know 1

"Thank you, teacher..." Le Shang saluted Kong Xuan, then turned to look at the two Qingling sisters, his eyes couldn't help being a little hazy, and said softly, "Chiyun, Qingling, these years have been suffering. It's up to you..."

Hearing what he said, the two Qingling sisters immediately became very excited, shouting "Grandfather..." The excited ones poured into Nale Shang's arms.

"Le Shang, you should go down with their sisters! I still have something to say to Fangzhu Lin!" Kong Xuan said kindly with a smile at the moment, and then Le Shang also hurriedly thanked the gift, and the two sisters Qingling After Lin Sen nodded slightly, this is the time to leave with Le Chan and go to talk about the old days in private!

"You all go away too!" Kong Xuan said to the Confucian students who were still around the Fatai, and after those students left, a pair of phoenix eyes looked at Lin Sen with a faint smile.

But that gaze that seemed to be able to penetrate everything made Lin Sen very uncomfortable. Under that gaze, Lin Sen felt as if he had no clothes on, completely transparently displayed in front of his eyes, and was seen by him. After a while, Lin Sen asked slightly awkwardly, "I don't know why Confucius left Lin Sen behind?"

Kong Xuan dismissed all the disciples, leaving only himself here, obviously he had something to tell him!

Asked by Lin Sen, the smile on Kong Xuan's face became brighter and brighter. Looking at Lin Sen, he smiled and said, "It's not that I have something to tell Master Lin, but Master Lin has something to tell me." , for example..." After saying this, an object slowly appeared in Kong Xuan's hand!

But the bronze square ancient lamp made Lin Sen's eyes tighten slightly, and that ancient lamp was exactly the eight-view palace lamp among the three lamps of the people of that day!

"Kong Sheng has supernatural powers, but Lin Sen is ignorant!" Seeing this, Lin Sen would not know. Before he came, Kong Xuanbian already knew why he came, so he was blunt at the moment, just At the same time, his brows were also slightly frowned. With Kong Xuan's current state, it is obvious that there is still something to talk about!

But what Lin Sen is worried about now is Ying Zheng. If Kong Xuan can talk about it here, then Ying Zheng has no chance at all!

Seeming to see through Lin Sen's mind at a glance, Kong Xuan immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, Ying Zheng is sanctified in the flesh, breaking the way with power. Although his power is tyrannical, but his grasp of the secret Inadvertently clear, so you don't have to worry about him knowing about such things!"

"Sage's supernatural powers..." Lin Sen is the respectful Jishou. At the same time, he has a clear understanding of the power of this heavenly saint, and he also has a clearer understanding of the heart and surname of Kong Xuan who can become a heavenly saint. He came here to get the eight scene lights, and the other party was obviously waiting for him to come!

At the moment, he also said bluntly, "But I don't know if Confucius can give this Eight Views Palace Lantern!" Although the Eight Views Lantern is an innate thing, but at Kong Xuan's current cultivation level, it is even only at the level of a saint. Unless it is an innate treasure, the rest of the things are worry-free. If not, Laojun would not leave this thing in the world.

Hearing Lin Sen bluntly wanted to ask, Kong Xuan also smiled slightly at the moment and said, "It's useless for me to keep the Eight Views Palace Lantern in my hand, and it's not impossible for you, and if it wasn't for Sanqing that day, I wouldn't be able to break the catastrophe." Prove the Tao, and even if Pangu Yuanshen reappears, it will not do me any harm!"

It has broken through the way of heaven now, even if Pan Gu's primordial spirit reappears, he can't restrain him. After all, it's just an extra strong man who can compete with him!

Just looking at Kong Xuan's smile, Lin Sen also understood that the other party would never give this thing to him so easily, and immediately said in a deep voice, "But I don't know Kong Sheng, what does Lin Sen need to do! "

There is no free lunch in the world, and it is impossible for Kong Xuan to give this thing to himself at will, so that there will be another strong man who can compete with him in this prehistoric wilderness, so since it is said now, it must be something Require!

"Is the Eight Treasures Merit Pool in your hands?" Kong Xuan asked suddenly, but Lin Sen's heart was a little like Gordon, although it was only a flash, but Kong Xuan still saw it. When he got the clue, he immediately laughed and said, "Sure enough, it is in your hands. That day, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool disappeared for no reason. I was skeptical, but I didn't expect that we had planned, but let you This treasure is gone!"

"Kong Sheng, do you want the Eight Treasures Merit Pool?" Since others already knew about it, Lin Sen had nothing to stop him, so he said with a slight frown. Although the Eight Views Palace Lantern is second, Lin Sen has nothing to do with it. Treasures like the Treasure Merit Pond are exchanged, but there is really something to say!

"Don't worry!!" Kong Xuan laughed at the moment and said, "I just borrowed it for use, and I will return it to you after I use it up!" He is a sage of heaven, so naturally he would not lie to Lin Sen Hearing what he said, Lin Sen was slightly relieved, but is the other party's request really that simple?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he cupped his hands and said, "It's not Lin Sen's reluctance, it's just that although the Eight Treasures Merit Pool has been in Lin Sen's hands for a while, the supernatural powers in it have never been comprehended. So..." What he said immediately was Wei Wei's embarrassment, and Lin Sen was not refusing.

Like the treasures like the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, Lin Sen naturally researched them immediately after he got them, but this year has passed, that pool is still that pool, no matter whether it is Lin Sen's spiritual power, he can't penetrate half of it !

"Hahaha!!!" After Lin Sen finished speaking, Kong Xuan laughed and said, "On the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, there is the imprint left by the sage Jieyin. If you can easily break it, then Jieyin is also a sage! "(To be continued.)

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