The speed of sorting out the inheritance of the dragon clan was far beyond Lin Sen's expectations. It must have been fully prepared when the dragon clan decided to take out the inheritance of the ancestral dragon, and after that everything was done. Prepare, only Lin Sen is the east wind!

Therefore, in less than a month, Lin Sen has recorded all the inheritance of the Dragon Clan with everyone one by one, even the ancestral dragon's method of extracting the power of chaos to forge the body, Lin Sen also has no reservations. Handed it over, and seeing that kind of cultivation technique, although even Ying Long and others among the Dragon Clan may not be able to touch it, it still made everyone excited!

And after completely collecting the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, seeing that Ying Long and others were so busy, they began to sort out and perfect the skills of the clansmen. Immediately, the entire Dragon Clan became busy, and they also wanted to go back earlier. Lin Sen, who went to heaven to prevent everyone from worrying, naturally took the opportunity to leave!

And after returning the Ba Xia who sent him to the sea, Lin Sen immediately stood alone on the sea, and when he saw the turbulent sea, he immediately smiled and felt After looking at the direction, Lin Sen immediately chased towards the sea level!

When they came here before, they took a full month to go, but now they don't need so much time. Lin Sen's journey alone is naturally much faster than bringing Ba Xia and others together!

In the blink of an eye, while Lin Sen was on such an anxious journey, suddenly a violent murderous aura surged up not far from Lin Sen's body. .

"Huh..." As soon as this kind of breath came out, Lin Sen immediately let out a light sigh, and under his divine sense, he immediately knew what happened, and immediately smiled slightly, "There is nothing wrong with you." , might as well go and see..."

The figure flashed and appeared at the place where the murderous aura rose, but it was seen that the sea area on that side was churning continuously. Among the tossing rivers and seas, the huge waves soaring into the sky were hundreds of feet long, and in the turbulent waves, But it was the sound of roaring, and the source of the roaring sound was also the source of the huge wave!

But there is a whale shark as huge as a mountain, and that huge body is constantly churning in the sea water, and under the slap of that huge tail, it sets off waves of huge waves!

It's just that the huge tiger shark is not the protagonist at this time, and amidst the bursts of wailing, it is because this tiger shark, which can definitely be called the overlord of the sea, is the prey being hunted at this time. However, there are several huge tentacles entwined around the body tightly, and the dense suction cups on the tentacles are deeply inserted into the body of the tiger shark!

From the tentacles, it is not difficult to see that the owner of the tentacles in the sea must be bigger than the tiger shark, and the ferocious murderous aura is also born on the tentacles. , As for the tiger shark, it is just a passive struggling prey at this time!

"But I didn't expect to bump into such a thing here..." Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, but it was because the thing that was hunting the tiger shark at this time was the ancient beast that the Dragon Clan had been guarding. I didn't expect that one would emerge from the deep sea. Although it is not as tyrannical as I saw in the deep sea before, this fierce aura has reached the level of Daluo Jinxian!

Lin Sen was very curious about this ancient beast before, but now when he met one here, Lin Sen just smiled, and then waved his hand, and the tiger shark that was writhing and struggling in the sea immediately The last thing is to fly into the sky, and the ancient fierce beast with intertwined tone will also be taken into the air with the tiger shark at this time!

This is the body of the ancient monster, but it is bigger than the tiger shark, but it is a huge octopus like a mountain, with a pair of small eyes full of fierceness. Staring at Lin Sen fiercely, he obviously knew that he was the source of such heresy!

Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, and the tentacles wrapped around the tiger shark all spontaneously bounced off as soon as his divine sense moved, and the tiger shark that lost Lin Sen's control immediately smashed into it. In the sea, there are huge waves soaring into the sky, and the tiger shark that has regained its freedom will immediately ignore the severe pain on its body, and rush into the sea in a hurry!

"Ang..." Having lost its prey, the big octopus in the air immediately let out an angry roar, its small eyes were filled with a ferocious aura, but it radiated out ragingly. In it, there is incomparable ferocity!

At this time, the tentacles lashed towards Lin Sen from the air like long whips.

"I really don't know how to live or die..." Lin Sen sneered at the moment. This ancient beast really didn't have much wisdom, only the instinct of preying and killing, so facing him at this time, he dared to fight back. The divine sense is one place. Lin Sen's huge divine sense immediately fixed the huge octopus in the air, and the huge tentacles stopped suddenly in the air at this time. come down!

Lin Sen slowly flew in front of the octopus, his eyes were full of curiosity, and immediately there were a lot of people up and down on the octopus, and it really was just like what the inferior Naha said, this ferocious beast There is not the slightest breath of mana on his body, but perhaps it is because he has lived on the bottom of the sea for many years, so this huge body, after years of tempering, is the huge sound of blood, which makes him have a big body with his body. Luo Jinxian's cultivation base!

"This whole body of really rare..." Sensing the huge amount of blood in his body, Lin Sen immediately sighed slightly, if this kind of blood is given to those monks who sacrifice their blood to refine treasures It seems that it is an incomparably good thing!

"This is your chance!" Lin Sen immediately smiled, and then Ujinsuo appeared in his hand. In this prehistoric world, if it is about the absorption of blood essence, there is nothing that can compare Shan Linsen's Ujinsuo is even more tyrannical. Although such blood essence is of no use to the current Lin Sen, it can be used to enhance Ujinsuo's own strength!

As soon as the Ujinsuo came out, the aura on it made all the tyrannical things instinctively feel fear, and the small eyes of the big octopus also showed a faint look of fear at this time !

Seeing this, Lin Sen's hand that raised Ujinsuo stopped again, but it was really because of the horrifying look of the octopus. If it is said that this thing really has no wisdom at all, then how can it have a look of fear now? , so what made Lin Sen immediately was curiosity!

Maybe it's because the rumors are false, maybe this ancient fierce beast is not as in the legend, without the slightest wisdom!

The one at the moment is the Uginsuo in the hands of the lucky man. As soon as he stretched out his divine sense, he sank into the body of the big octopus. Lin Sen wants to see if this ancient beast is sane or not!

But under this exploration, it is discovered that, perhaps because of living under the deep sea for many years, in order to survive, one must constantly strengthen one's physical body, and gradually ignore the primordial spirit, and then after a long time, These fierce beasts were originally weak primordial spirits, and they are slowly degenerating!

At this time, in the body of the octopus, all Lin Sen saw was the tough and terrifying body, even the place where the brain should have been!

If it was before, Lin Sen might not be obsessed, but with the fearful eyes just now, it is obvious that this fierce beast is not without the slightest sense of mind, so the current thing is to search carefully in that body.

And after Lin Sen searched countless things, he finally found the Sea of ​​Consciousness that was only the size of a walnut in the huge body of the octopus!

Although compared with that body, it can be said to be insignificant, but this discovery really woke Lin Sen up abnormally. With this sea of ​​consciousness, it shows that this fierce beast is not as in the legend, without the slightest sense of mind. Bounce into the sea of ​​consciousness!

Perhaps because it has not been used for many years, this sea of ​​consciousness has completely degenerated, and there is no life in the small space, but even so, Lin Sen still uses the spirit enlightenment technique of the monster race to activate the octopus's mind !

If it was someone else, maybe no matter how much he used this spirit enlightenment technique, there would be no gushing out at all, but Lin Sen was different. The tyranny of Lin Sen's divine sense was the best in the world, even those few saints It may not be as strong as Lin Sen's divine sense.

Therefore, under this spiritual thought, I could see the lifeless small space slowly squirming, and after a long time without success, the space was slowly clear, and slowly exuded the sensuality. breath.

And the clearing in that space also made the bloody aura in the eyes of the big octopus slowly dissipate, and in those faint eyes, at this moment, it was full of pure expressions!

Seeing this, Lin Sen slowly regained control of the big octopus at the moment, and it fell into the sea water again, but did not leave, but swam slowly beside him. , From time to time, the mouth issued a cheerful cry of "ang...ang..."!

The intimacy with Lin Sen made Lin Sen couldn't help but smile slightly, and said softly, "You little thing, but it's really interesting!!" The moment is just a point of finger, and a practice method is Submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness of that octopus!

The octopus was originally a powerful existence with a physical body comparable to that of Daluo Jinxian. After having this skill, the blood energy in that body immediately transformed rapidly, and almost instantly, demon power appeared in its body. Then it became thicker with its terrifying speed!

"With such a foundation, it won't be long before my demon clan has another Da Luo Jinxian!" Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, and then landed on the huge body of the big octopus like mountains and rivers. Come on, and the big octopus also screamed joyfully at this time! (To be continued.)

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