Once a person focuses on one thing, the time will always pass quickly, but Lin Sen is so focused on cultivating while looking for the ancient beast enlightenment, but he completely forgets about the prehistoric Disputes, and the increasingly chaotic Honghuang seems to have forgotten the emperor of the monster clan at this time!

Lin Sen has been floating above the sea for more than two years. During this time, he himself has forgotten how many ancient beasts he has searched for enlightenment!

And the car he was sitting on had been changed countless times in the past two years, but at this moment, what Lin Sen was sitting on was a sea turtle that looked like a huge island.

Sitting cross-legged on the back of the giant tortoise at this time, Lin Sen's face is still the same as it was a few years ago, but the aura on his body has changed drastically at this time. Without the brilliant domineering, without the vast and boundless mystery, with It's just unremarkable, but the hazy breath makes people unable to connect Qi with the monk!

The cultivation of the avatar of the Chaos Demon God is more difficult than Lin Sen imagined. In two years, even in his own world, Lin Sen is just barely getting started, but even so, Lin Sen The physical body at this time is more than twice as strong as it was two years ago.

The body-forging effect of the Primal Chaos Qi can be seen in this way, but behind Lin Sen, there are two people standing side by side, a man and a woman, who are rarely dressed in yellow robes. Although their faces are a bit ugly, their aura is insolent Tyrannical, it looks like this, but it is much more tyrannical than Lin Sen!

And that woman is wearing a water-blue robe. Although her face is still charming, it is cold. Is that a murderous aura leaked out?

These two people are the big octopus and the big sea python in the past. Under Lin Sen's teaching, they took human form a long time ago, and Lin Sen also resigned their names as Zhang Yue and Lan Jade.

Even though he transformed into a human form, he also became a member of the monks, but due to his background, even though he had already started to practice, there was still a faint beast aura radiating from his body!

In the past two years, Lin Sen naturally wouldn't have enlightened these three, but the rest of them were all in Lin Sen's star world. At this time, Lin Sen had opened up an area for those fierce Beast cultivation, anyway, the cultivation of these fierce beasts is to transform their own huge blood essence, and they don't need much external aura.

And Lin Sen can't wander in the sea with such a huge group of fierce beasts, let alone looking for fierce beasts, the fierce aura gathered together, as long as there is a bit of instinct, creatures will run away immediately !

At this time, looking at Lin Sen's space at a glance, there are people, big and small, and beasts. There are probably hundreds of people in the next month, and everyone's cultivation base is around Da Luo, and they all have an incomparably ferocious aura. , each of them is cultivating in the void with their eyes closed!

Following the slow swimming of the giant tortoise, Lin Sen, who was sitting cross-legged on it, suddenly opened his eyes, and after a while, he saw that the two people behind him also woke up from meditation, and even the giant turtle beneath him The turtle is also anxious.

"Your Majesty..." But Octopus said to Lin Sen slightly hastily, but before he finished speaking, Lin Sen waved his hand slightly to indicate that he knew that Lin Sen was enlightening everyone, and this group of muddle-headed ancients The ferocious beast was able to walk on the avenue of cultivation. It was naturally due to the great kindness of the ferocious beast Lin Sen. They all recognized Lin Sen as the master, and it was only after Lin Sen changed his mind that everyone finally called him His Majesty!

"I didn't expect that it turned out to be another quasi-holy beast!" Lin Sen said with a wry smile in his mouth, and he sighed softly when he looked at the sea level that had begun to churn slightly. !

The reason for this is that Lin Sen had also met an ancient beast of quasi-holy level before. Although he had heard of it before, he had never seen it before, so when Lin Sen saw it, he naturally Fortunately, he was extremely happy, and the first thing he did was to pull it out to enlighten his spirit!

After all, the role of having an extra quasi-sage and a big Luo is very different, but no matter how Lin Sen searched, he still couldn't find the sea of ​​consciousness in the body of the quasi-sage beast, so it was finally determined. The ferocious beasts of the quasi-sage level have lived for too long, their sea of ​​consciousness has completely disappeared, and what is left is a body that only knows how to kill and eat~!

And with such a body, the trend has brought catastrophe to Lin Sen. Naturally, Lin Sen would not waste the blood essence of a quasi-sage. At that time, it was extracted with Uginsuo, but Lin Sen really underestimated it. Considering how deeply the ancient beasts felt for the blood of their clan, even if Lin Sen had used a treasure like Ujinsuo, there would still be a smell of blood leaking out, and naturally there would be no need to talk about it afterwards!

Countless ferocious beasts swarmed in. Among the ferocious beasts in Lin Sen's current world, most of them were captured by Lin Sen during the battle. In the beast tide, even Lin Sen In the end, Sen could only rush out all the way and flee in a hurry. After all, it was too troublesome to face a large group of terrifying monsters who were not afraid of death!

It seems that because of Lin Sen's capture and enlightenment in the past two years, he was able to meet an ancient beast from time to time, but now it is getting more and more difficult to find, even this time it has been two months in a row , did not find an ancient beast, so Lin Sen rushed over immediately after sensing this beast hidden in the deep sea, but he did not expect that it was another beast A quasi-holy beast that can bring trouble!

"Your Majesty, what are we doing? Kill him and bring some over?" Sapphire immediately said in a cold voice. Although she was once a member of the beast, but at the moment Lin Sen enlightened her At the beginning, she completely broke away from the ranks of those pure beasts, so she has no mercy at this time!

Looking at the pitch-black monster whose outline could already be seen under the sea, Lin Sen frowned slightly, and then said in a deep voice, "Forget it, don't cause trouble for the Dragon Clan. !" After all, the last time the beast rioted, it made the Dragon Clan very nervous. In the past two years, Lin Sen and the Dragon Clan have also been closely related, and the Dragon Clan is also willing to let Lin Sen solve their troubles. Will pass it on to Lin Sen, or rely on Lin Sen to roam around on the surface of the sea by himself, it will take thousands of years to gather hundreds of people like this!

The previous riot was too dangerous. If it was not forced, it was really unnecessary. Therefore, Lin Sen just waved his hand, and the three of them, together with the giant tortoise, disappeared on the surface of the sea suddenly. After slowly lingering for a moment at the place where Lin Sen and others disappeared, the pitch-black back slowly sank into the sea! (To be continued.)

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