Is there anyone around?Including Lin Sen, the rest of the people were startled for a moment. Lin Sen hurriedly looked at Qin Wei, but saw the old man smiling and calm, obviously realizing the same thing!

Sure enough, there is still a big gap between me and these elders of the older generation!Lin Sen sighed inwardly, then hurriedly looked in the direction where the wine gourd hit.

After being hit, bursts of plum red clouds suddenly appeared, as if the veil was fluttering, revealing a fascinated color, and the wine gourd carried a mighty momentum, hitting the clouds, but it was like a breeze blowing , such a fierce blow, but it only caused the plum-colored tulle to shake slightly.

"Oh! Daoist Qianyuan, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you greet him like this as soon as you meet!! You are so cruel!" The weak voice was numb to the bone, as if a small hand was scratching the bottom of my heart. uncomfortable.

Lin Sen hastily recited Dao Zang silently, and suppressed the restlessness in his heart caused by the operation of divine thoughts. Looking at the void where the voice came from, he couldn't help being a little surprised. Who is this? Just a soft sentence can make his heart There was such a big commotion inside.

This is already the case with Lin Sen's tyrannical thoughts, not to mention the rest of the people present, holding their breaths one by one, either releasing fresh or purple air from their bodies, and calming their minds. Such a great power.

"Haha! My Taoist leader has already passed away, but I didn't expect that this Donghai Immortal Mansion is so charming that it has recruited the pink leader who has been reclusive for many years!" Qin Wei stepped forward and said with a big laugh, and his hearty laughter was full of righteousness Let, let the heavy people around who resisted only feel a clear stream pouring down from the top of their heads, and the uncomfortable energy in their hearts suddenly dissipated, and they only felt light and comfortable all over their bodies.

The pink leader?Lin Sen thought to himself, he has been in the world of practice for so many years, but he has never heard of this name, and seeing the serious expressions of Qin Wei and Daoist Qianyuan at this moment, it is obvious that this pink leader is not so simple. characters.

Following Qin Wei's words, the space just now began to rippling slightly, as if the peach blossom petals all over the sky were slowly falling down, and in the rain of flowers all over the sky, eight large sedan chairs slowly emerged.

The eight sedan chair bearers, four men and four women, all had handsome faces and were dressed in white gauze. They were all middle-level earth immortals, but it was a pity that their eyes were lifeless, as if they were dead.

There were two more people standing in front of the big sedan chair, one black and one bloody, it was the mysterious woman and the son of the blood god, with a bitter look on their faces, it was obvious that they were controlled by others.

The hibiscus tent is warm on the big sedan chair, and the plum-colored tulle moves automatically without wind. There is a soft couch inside. He lazily said, "Old man Qin, you are not dead yet! The leader, I was indeed almost promoted to immortality. It's not all thanks to you, especially you!! Hehe!"

Although the words are full of affection, but the hatred and killing intent in the words, even a fool can hear it.

Accompanied by the sound, it was hazy, faintly visible, and the imagination was flowing. The more he couldn't see clearly, the more he wanted to see clearly, and he unconsciously concentrated all his mind on the lazy figure on the soft couch.

Subconsciously, Lin Sen wanted to penetrate the divine sense into the tulle to see what happened, but suddenly felt a chill down his back, and he was always on guard, but unconsciously, he still got the idea, and hurriedly calmed down Concentrate, let your heart calm down, looking at the pink leader is almost impossible to guard against, how can it be described as terrifying!

"Huh!" A cold snort sounded like thunder in everyone's ears. They felt dizzy for a while, but they woke up from the confusion of the leader of the pink powder.

It was Daoist Qianyuan with a cold face, looking at the plum-colored soft sedan, he said angrily, "Don't play with us in front of us, Mr. Cha, let you escape, I didn't expect you to dare to come out again." Looking at the eight people who carried the sedan chair, they said angrily, "I still use living people to refine puppets, no way, I am going to slay demons and eliminate demons today!"

"Slay demons and eliminate demons!!? Hahaha!!" The pink leader sat up in the sedan chair, and couldn't stop laughing as if hearing something ridiculous in the world. After a while, he said coldly, " Back then, if you hadn’t colluded with the traitors in my sect, and took advantage of my unpreparedness to sneak attack, how could it have collapsed and collapsed with the power of my twin sect! If it is despicable and shameless, how can I compare with you! If you want to accept me, just let me go, I would like to see how much you have improved over the years!"

"Evil demons heretics, death is more than justified, how can you stick to the situation!" Qin Wei snorted and said, "Your Twin Body Sect dominated the southern border back then, and all the southern borders were followers of your sect, but you didn't persuade people to be good. On the evil side, even though I am waiting to ambush you back then, this old man will still do it again!"

What Qin Wei said in this passage was upright, Lin Sen understood clearly that this pink leader is Zeng Xiong who dominates the southern border, and Qin Wei's gang united with the traitors in his sect to ambush the pink leader in order to eliminate demons and defend the way. , Unexpectedly, the attack was not clean and let others escape.

It's no wonder that the eight boys are all good talents and beautiful jade. If they were brought into the sect, they could become talents, but they were refined into puppets. Obviously, after being betrayed by their disciples, they dared not trust others in their hearts.

"Sounds good!" The leader of Hongfen yelled angrily, and rushed out of the sedan chair. The crowd saw his appearance, but he was tall and graceful, and he seemed to have endless charm, attracting people's gaze. Attracted to him, a face with slender eyebrows and phoenix eyes, even beautiful, but on the left side of the face was engraved with a big "Zhen" character, which looks very hideous, but a good face is indescribable Ugly!

But the leader of Hongfen pointed to his cheek and said angrily, "You destroyed my mountain gate, killed my believers, and turned me into this ghost! Exorcising demons and defending the way, that sounds good!"

Lin Sen immediately understood why the pink leader missed old man Qin so much, he could only blame him for being too ruthless and too local!

Lin Sen felt that it was a pity that his eyes were ruined, but suddenly he saw that the leader of the pink fan seemed to be in a hurry, and there was something on his neck that was agitating up and down under his rapid breathing.

Immediately, his eyes were astonished. This seemed to be the pink leader who charmed the world, but it turned out to be a man. Even though Lin Sen had a strong heart, he couldn't help feeling sick at this moment, and goosebumps rolled down his body.

The change in Lin Sen's expression, the pink leader immediately noticed that a pair of beautiful eyes flowed like autumn water, and he stared at Lin Sen and said, "This little brother has a strong spiritual sense. I don't know who he is from, but I have never heard of it before." ah!"

As for Lin Sen, he discovered the peculiarity just now, and there were only two people who were not confused by him just now, one was the Taoist nun with a cold face behind Qianyuan, and the other was this young Taoist who was always smiling! ps: There are enough manuscripts in March, please support me a lot, let March be on any list, and give March a reason to explode!March please!


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