Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 95 Breaking the Formation

Sitting and waiting like this, the only thing that was quiet in the cave was the sound of the waterfall pouring down.

Suddenly, the four angels opened their eyes almost at the same time, and then Lin Sen also found something abnormal, and the rest of the people after Lin Sen competed with each other, and the camera also found something abnormal.

After about a stick of incense, the cave shook violently again, and the calm lake began to churn, with large or small whirlpools swallowing and absorbing each other.

It's now!When the entire lake surface formed a huge vortex, everyone shouted in unison, and flew up one after another, facing the Immortal Mansion faintly appearing above the lake surface.

As if feeling the intrusion of a group of people, on the four hills around the Immortal Mansion, four colors flashed smoothly, and four chirping sounds, either clear, high, low, or mighty, sounded at the same time.

Along with it, there are four phantoms standing on the hill, which are the phantoms of the four spirits guarding the four directions.

Although it was silent and motionless like a dead object, Lin Sen was frightened by the bursts of power and pressure from the phantom.

Not to mention the rest of the three parties, let's talk about the position of the green dragon in front of me. The hill looks like thousands of miles of clouds, and there is a blue dragon in the clouds. , the substantive wood element force, even the dragon scales are portrayed like living things, although they closed their eyes as if sleeping, lying on top of the clouds, but this power alone is faint and confusing. The meaning of worshiping people, not to mention fighting with them, and this is just a spontaneous defense of the formation. If someone in the Immortal Mansion controls it, Lin Sen can't imagine the power of this great formation.

"Be careful," Qin Wei reminded suddenly and seriously, Lin Sen only felt his heart tighten, a coolness rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and the sense of danger made the hairs all over his body explode.

With the sense of crisis coming from the bottom of Lin Sen's heart, the snoring dragon in the cloud suddenly opened its eyes, and its power increased exponentially.

This is already the case for Lin Sen, let alone other people. Yuan Lang almost subconsciously used the method of heaven and earth, and turned into a giant ape with bloodshot eyes, red face and fangs, and muscles all over his body. The roots of the old tree were like tangles, and he held a huge water stick and drank furiously at the sky.

"Aww!!!" A dragon's chant resounded through the heavens and the earth, the green dragon rushed out from the clouds, as if soaring through the nine heavens, and flew to the front of several people, with fluttering beard and hair, not angry and majestic, with piercing dragon eyes , It doesn't seem to be a condensed thing in the formation at all, it's more like the green dragon coming in person.

"Roar!!" Yuan Lang was the first to be unable to resist the mountain-like pressure, his eyes were red, and he roared wildly, his muscles coiled like tree roots swelled high, and he swung Tianyi Zhenshui big stick, Throw it at the huge dragon head.

But seeing that the green dragon opened its mouth, it was a blue Yimu essence with infinite vitality. If it was real, Yuan Lang's stick would only block it for a moment. Penetrated by that Yimu essence.

But seeing that the green dragon opened its mouth, it was a piece of Yimu God Thunder, densely packed, probably thousands of them, so many Yimu God Lei Mo said it was connected, even thinking about it, Lin Sen couldn't stop his scalp from getting numb.

The divine thunder that poured down like rain could not be caught, but also could not be dodged. If these divine thunders were allowed to smash into the ground veins, God knows whether the cave could hold it.

Thinking of this, the big seal of Bichan flew out and turned into a small hill with a size of several tens of feet, blocking them in front of everyone, but Lin Sen relied on the hard texture of the big seal of Bichan to connect with the Yimu divine thunder.

And Qin Wei was also unambiguous, he pulled out his bamboo brush, and Long Kong with a serious expression wrote down the word "Town".

Seeing that the green dragon seemed to feel the threat of the big golden characters, a divine dragon flicked its tail into the clouds and disappeared, before Lin Sen and the others searched for it.

However, it suddenly rushed out from the clouds beside the big golden characters, and a shocking dragon chant of "Aw!!" resounded throughout the world. The blue dragons flew up and down in order to revolve around the big characters, and the green one-eyed auras came out of nowhere. It emanated from Qinglong's body.

Like an iron chain and like a vine, streams of Yimu Qi quickly spread around the shape of the big golden characters, covering the gold completely in just a few breaths, leaving only a cyan air mass between the green dragon's claws. The smoke dissipated.

The moment the big characters disappeared, Qin Wei's body couldn't help shaking. He stared at the green dragon and said with a smile, "There's yours, so don't blame the old man for being serious!"

The Immortal Mansion appeared only for a moment and then disappeared. Even if one of the four spirits was not suppressed, they could not stop the disappearance of the Immortal Mountain. Therefore, the suppression of the four spirits must be resolved quickly.

What's more, the four angels are fighting each other at this time. If others suppress and make a mistake, it will be more embarrassing than being slapped.

"Little friend, help me fight for a moment!" Qin Wei shouted, without Lin Sen agreeing, even shouting to the Confucian disciples behind him, "Form up!!"

The seven disciples were not slow to react, and immediately surrounded the old man Qin, standing still in the position of gossip. At the beginning, Qin Wei fought in the position of Qian, and said in the air, "Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman must strive for self-improvement!!"

Then the formation changed, stood in Kun's position, and continued to read, "Geo-sports Kun, a gentleman has great virtue!!" Every time he read a sentence, seven disciples behind him followed the recitation like a school. At the beginning, the voices of the seven people , and then more and more, and the voices became more and more similar, as if the thousands of Confucian students were all concentrating on reciting here.

Every time he said a sentence, the old man would splash ink in the air and write the words he read in the air, like sharp swords and pagodas, shining brightly, majestic and majestic.

However, Lin Sen, who was entrusted by Qin Wei, smiled wryly. This old man Qin really believed in himself. All the attacks of his celestial beings were taken down by the Qinglong in an instant, not to mention that he was an earthly immortal, and this old man Qin was so focused on preparing to attack. , and I am not afraid that I will not be able to stop my efforts from falling short.

Although he was thinking a lot, his hands were not slow, and he used his mana to pinch the Heavenly Thunder Seal. Lin Sen murmured with an extremely serious expression, "Tianlei is rectifying the law, ten dragons are flying in the sky!!!"

This incantation is the strongest form of the Heavenly Thunder Righteousness that he can use so far. With the incantation on Lin Sen's hand, the black Taoist robe is automatic without wind, and even the hair is flying one by one. A mysterious and complex talisman shining with lightning appeared around Lin Sen, forming a circle around him.

It's slow to say, but in fact, it was only an instant. Before the green dragon rushed to Lin Sen's side, the ten talismans around Lin Sen were connected with each other. Ten dragon chants suddenly sounded, and the ten voices turned into one, high-pitched and mighty. Piercing through the clouds, it is not inferior to Qinglong's dragon chant.


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