Tianlong's scourge of martial arts

Chapter 24 Sword Training

Chapter 24 Sword Practice

When the handwriting on the satin was clean, Zhang Feng folded it and stuffed it into the futon.Then put the full side of the futon face up and put it back in place.

After arranging everything properly, Zhang Feng went to the other stone chambers for a stroll.In Langhuan Fudi, Zhang Feng glanced at the empty bookshelves, then turned and left.

Zhang Feng was not disappointed if he didn't get those cheats, anyway, he had plenty of ways.

Finally, Zhang Feng checked carefully and found that there was nothing missing, so he walked up the stone steps from the stone room of the jade statue.

Not long after, Zhang Feng had arrived at the entrance of the cave, and there was a big river below, with turbulent waves, fast-flowing water, and the sound of rumbling could be heard endlessly.There are jagged rocks on the shore, and there are rocks within a few miles.

Zhang Feng jumped out, crossed the Lancang River like a swallow, and stood on a rock.After identifying a direction, Zhang Feng left immediately.

The ancient tree is towering, like a huge mushroom, and the dense young leaves on the tree are innumerable, blocking the sun on it.In the dark environment, the birds chirped in the trees, and the occasional roar of beasts could be heard.

Zhang Feng drew out the long sword at his waist and practiced.Swinging the long sword, the cold shadow shone fiercely, enveloping a small tree in front of him, cutting the uncle into countless pieces in an instant.

The footsteps were staggered, and the wide open space was full of Zhang Feng's figure.

Suddenly Zhang Feng's sword posture changed, the long sword slashed obliquely, and a fierce force flew out.With a bang, a tree the size of a bowl broke apart.

Zhang Feng's eyes were like lightning, his feet touched the ground, and he jumped forward, like an eagle hitting the sky, pointing his long sword in front of him, the speed was as fast as teleportation.


Zhang Feng flipped his wrist quickly, and in an instant, the sword light shone, and he didn't know how many swords he sent out.Just looking at the branches on the tree, the leaves fell off one after another, it can be seen that Zhang Feng shot very fast.

In the last battle with Murong Fu, I learned more than ten kinds of profound moves from him.For Zhang Feng, whose moves are superficial, it is like rain after a long drought.

At this time, Zhang Feng continued to practice, gradually changing these moves from saber techniques to sword techniques.

Zhang Feng's wrist was slightly tilted, the long sword hit the air, and stood still for a moment, the blade was pressed against the tree trunk, without hurting the tree trunk in the slightest.Showing its perfect control, this is the move to capture the enemy.

Sometimes Zhang Feng's swordsmanship is fierce and sharp, sometimes it is soft and fierce, and finally it is the Haoran swordsmanship created by himself, there is no gap between the changes.Even if Murong Fu is here at this moment, he still has to admire him.


Zhang Feng turned his long sword upside down, threw it into the scabbard at his waist, and rubbed his chin in thought.

Although these moves are very closely connected, they are not a complete set of moves. When fighting against people, they are still a little bit close.

And if you can wave your hands like an antelope hangs its horns without any trace, it doesn't matter if it is a set of swordsmanship or not.It's just that Zhang Feng can't do this yet, and this step can only be achieved after a lot of experience.

Zhang Feng sometimes meditated, and sometimes swung his sword a few times. Every time he swung, the moves were different.

It is too difficult to condense more than ten kinds of advanced martial arts.Taking the essence and discarding the dross, and blending it into the Haoran swordsmanship, although Zhang Feng's progress is not very slow, it is not too fast.

One day, two days.

Apart from resting, Zhang Feng spent the rest of his time meditating. At this time, his Haoran swordsmanship was coming to an end, and its power was not the same as before.

This is not to say that Zhang Feng's Haoran swordsmanship is more powerful than those more than ten kinds of moves, but that Zhang Feng's Haoran swordsmanship is the most suitable for him.However, Zhang Feng has great confidence in the power of Haoran's swordsmanship.

At this moment, he wished that Murong would reappear in front of him, let him have a good taste of his sword skills.


With the sound of dead branches breaking, Zhang Feng paused, turned around suddenly, and shouted: "Who?"

"Who are you, don't you know that outsiders are not welcome in our neighborhood! I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise you will be discovered by my master, and you will inevitably be beaten up." A man in family clothes came out , Said to Zhang Feng.

"Your master is too domineering! This place doesn't belong to you, so why should I leave." Zhang Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Boy, I'm doing this for your own good. If you want to practice martial arts, go to another place!" The man persuaded again.

"Your master is so domineering, you don't think he is a good person. I, Zhang Feng, have always had trouble with people like him. And if you retreat without even hearing his name, how can you mess around in the world in the future!" Zhang Feng waved his hand and beat him. A man who continues to persuade. "Go and tell your master that I, Zhang Feng, are waiting for him! If he doesn't come, I will come to him."

"Boy, your tone is very arrogant. How can you find where we are? I hope you can laugh later." The man sneered and left.

At this time, Zhang Feng not only guessed who the 'Master' was, but he was so domineering that he didn't know.

Not long after, I saw the man in front leading a man in black walking over.This man had a horse face, with high and round eyes, but a big round nose was squeezed together with the mouth, so that there was a large blank space between the eyes and the nose.The figure is extremely tall, and a pair of extremely thin, big hands like cattail leaf fans hang down beside him. The backs of the hands are full of veins.

'It's actually Zhong Wanchou! 'As soon as Zhang Feng saw the person coming, he immediately knew who he was.Among Tianlong, only Zhong Wanchou has such a wonderful appearance.

"Little boy, don't you know that this piece of land belongs to Zhong Wanchou, the king of horse gods. I see that you are definitely not a good guy with a greasy face, so get out of here quickly, or I will kill you!" Zhong Wanchou When I saw Zhang Feng, I felt uncomfortable immediately, and the Dahuan Daowu in my hand was full of power.

He knew that he was ugly, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep his beautiful wife, and that he would be seduced by a pretty face like Duan Zhengchun.So holding the principle that he would rather kill the wrong than let him go, he drove away all the men around the Valley of Myriad Tribulations.At the entrance, there is a sign that reads "Those who surnamed Duan enter this valley will be killed without mercy".

In Zhong Wanchou's mind, those handsome fair faces were all uneasy and kind, and the farther away from the Valley of Myriad Tribulations the better.

'Little boy? 'Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry. "Why do you call me a little white face? In fact, I'm not very white."

"Bastard boy, I said you are a jerk, you are a jerk." Zhong Wanchou's big fist broke a small tree with a bang, and his eyes were even more fierce.

"Mr. Zhong, you have a bad face on the left and a bad face on the right. But I am wronged. I haven't hooked up with that woman until now." Zhang Feng avenged Zhong Wanchou.

"Fuck him, you actually want to come here to seduce my wife, I'll hack you to death." Zhong Wanchou shouted with fire in his eyes.The big ring knife slashed horizontally and vertically, coupled with Zhong Wanchou's murderous expression, the power cannot be underestimated.

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes helplessly, and he didn't say that he wanted to seduce Baby Gan. Zhong Wanchou's nerves are really fragile.And with my identity, I really can't do that kind of deed of seizing a wife.

But no matter what, for an unreasonable person like Zhong Wanchou, the only way to talk is to defeat him first.

"It's good to come!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly, and the long sword flew out and fell into Zhang Feng's palm.The sword technique is more than half perfect, so let's try it out on Zhong Wanchou.

Zhong Wanchou's expression froze, Zhang Feng's little show showed his extraordinary martial arts, and the contempt in his heart was immediately eliminated.


When the swords clashed, Zhang Feng turned his long sword, and the blade immediately cut along Zhong Wanchou's blade to his neck.The long sword slashed, turned, and slashed in one go without a gap, which showed Zhang Feng's extraordinary swordsmanship.

"Good boy, no wonder you dare to seduce my wife, you really have a hand." Zhong Wanchou's expression changed, he raised his big hand up forcefully, and his horse's face quickly lowered.


The long sword slashed across Zhong Wanchou's head, and a strand of hair fell from Zhong Wanchou's head in the air.

Zhang Feng twisted his waist, turned his body, and the long sword followed the previous force and cut back.

Zhong Wanchou saw that the opponent's attack came again in a short time, so he didn't rush to curse and took a few steps back.

"Your wife is an old lady, so why am I interested in seducing your wife? Although a mature woman has the warmth of a mature woman, I don't want to ask her to take care of me now." Zhang Feng said angrily, and then his body flashed, the sword light was stern, Swiping three swords in a row, as fast as a shooting star.

Zhong Wanchou struck out the big ring knife, blocking Zhang Feng's attack with a jingle.Then he took the time to say angrily to Zhang Feng: "My wife still has charm, where is Mrs. Xu, the boy is hateful." But when he thought of something, he said angrily: "If you don't think about it now, then you will think about it later, I will kill you little boy. "

"Nonsense, you treat your wife as a treasure. In my eyes, it's just a grass. What's the big deal." Zhang Feng said angrily.The long sword blocked back, and flicked the blade lightly.The blade of the sword hummed, releasing Zhong Wanchou's blade strength.

"You really don't care?" Zhong Wanchou was overjoyed.Zhong Wanchou doesn't care whether Baby Gan is a grass in Zhang Feng's eyes, as long as he is his baby.If other people treasure Gan Baobao, Zhong Wanchou won't be at ease.

"Hmph!" Zhang Feng didn't answer, his hands kept moving, his sword moves were continuous, like flowing clouds and flowing water, forcing Zhong Wanchou to stagger back.

"Wait! Xiaobai...no...little brother, stop and say, if you really don't want to find..." Zhong Wanchou said, but before he finished speaking, Zhang Feng's sharp sword tip greeted him .

The two weapons slashed at each other, Zhang Feng fought faster and faster, using everything he had learned.As for the explanation, I'll talk about it after I finish typing.

Zhong Wanchou protruded left and right under Zhang Feng's sword, and Dou Da's sweat rolled down along the connection.He wanted to stop, but he didn't dare to speak.

Zhong Wanchou blocked Zhang Feng's attack by holding a puff of breath in his chest. At this time, if he fired a real fire, if he spoke, his momentum would inevitably weaken, and he was instantly defeated by Zhang Feng.

(Some people said that Skyfish did not write this hypocrite well, because he was too easily angered. In fact, Skyfish did not intend to write Zhang Feng as a handsome and gentle gentleman. To achieve great prestige in the Jianghu Well, others would risk their lives for you, it would be difficult to realize their determination like Yue Buqun's.

Gentleman, everyone will only respect you, but they will not talk to you.Sometimes others may be disdainful and unmanly.As for the people in the Jianghu who lick their blood, only Qiao Feng, who drinks and eats meat, is bold and generous, can make a lot of friends. )


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