Tianlong's scourge of martial arts

Chapter 35 Loyalty Villa

Chapter 35 Zhongyi Villa

"Looking for death!" Bai Changsheng was furious, turning his head around, as if looking for something.In fact, he wanted to find his own saber. At that time, he failed to hunt down Zhang Feng, so he carried the saber with him to guard against Zhang Feng.But later, Zhang Feng heard nothing, and he lost his vigilance. With the wealth of the Zhang family, he lived a depraved life every day, and he hadn't touched his sword for half a year.

"Looking for a sword?" Zhang Feng said.

"How do you know?" Bai Changsheng said subconsciously, he came back to his senses, and looked at Zhang Feng warily.Zhang Feng looked up to the sky and sighed, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth, and said: "Since you killed my parents, I have been practicing all the time. I never thought that you would be so unbearable, such a pustule. It seems that not only have you not improved in martial arts over the years, Instead, you have regressed a lot! If I knew what you look like, why should I wait all these years?"

Bai Changsheng's small eyes swept Zhang Feng and the others back and forth, and shouted: "Look at the trick, kid!" Then, he turned and ran towards the inner hall.

Li Hui and the others were stunned. It was the first time they had seen such a despicable and shameless guy.

"Hmph, come back to me!" Zhang Feng snorted coldly, stepped forward, his right hand turned into a claw, and grabbed Bai Changsheng.The two maids vaguely saw a black shadow flashing in front of them, followed by Bai Changsheng's screams like killing a pig, the speed was astonishingly fast.

Bai Changsheng only felt a pain in his back, his whole body was numb, and he fell back into the hall as if he was riding a cloud.

Opening his blurred eyes, Bai Changsheng saw Zhang Feng above him looking at him with a sneer, his heart suddenly turned cold, and his fat face that was already white looked even whiter.

"Back then you could kill me with one hand, but unfortunately your depraved life has corroded your heart. Now you can't stop me at all." Zhang Feng said coldly.

Bai Changsheng shuddered, turning over like a fat pig, the fat on his body shaking, ready to run forward again.


Zhang Feng swiped his right hand quickly, the long sword was already in his hand, and he slapped it forward gently.This sword-drawing technique was astonishingly fast, and Li Hui and others behind him could hardly see Zhang Feng's move.

Before Bai Changsheng's right foot touched the ground, his shoulder was hit immediately, his fat body trembled violently, his whole body couldn't exert any strength at once, and he couldn't help but knelt down.

Zhang Feng pressed his long sword down, and the back of the sword was pressed against Bai Changsheng's shoulder, his face full of relaxation and contentment.

"Hey!" Bai Changsheng's face turned red, his whole body tensed up to resist, but the sword on his shoulder was like a mountain, and he couldn't get up because of the pressure. Bai Changsheng finally panicked at this moment.

"Back then you came to my house with a purpose and accepted me as an apprentice. Although you didn't teach me a single trick, you killed my parents. The hatred between my parents is irreconcilable. It stands to reason that I should kill you. Revenge for my parents. But I finally paid homage to you, you are my master and I can't change it. Since ancient times, only those evil sects and crooked ways can make a conspiracy to kill a master..." Zhang Feng sighed long.

Bai Changsheng couldn't help but smile, nodded repeatedly and said: "That's right, that's right, you are my apprentice, killing a master is a big taboo, and people in the martial arts will spurn you. My good disciple quickly let me go as a master. Just pretend nothing happened." I was a little strange, this guy planned to poison himself as a master when he was six years old, why is he so kind to let him go now?

"Brother Zhang, he is your master. It's understandable if you don't want to do it. But he is not my master, so let me kill this shameless guy." Lao Tie raised his hammer and planned to hit him with it. Beat Bai Changsheng to death.

"My dear disciple, hurry up and save me as a teacher!" Bai Changsheng shouted.

"Brother Tie, let me handle this matter!" Zhang Feng said while holding Lao Tie's wrist with his left hand.But seeing his puzzled eyes, Zhang Feng sighed and continued: "If I don't stop you, what's the difference between killing him with your own hands?"

Li Hui and the others don't need to be in a hurry, but Zhang Feng has already spoken, and he can't kill Bai Changsheng in front of him!

Bai Changsheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this, his life was saved.

"Get up!" Zhang Feng said lightly.

"Hehe!" Bai Changsheng pulled his mouth, revealing an ugly smile.Turn around and prepare to say something to Zhang Feng: "My dear student..."


Zhang Feng slapped Bai Changsheng's chubby belly with his right hand, and his palm immediately sank into the soft fat.

"Uh! You..." Bai Changsheng's eyes widened, his throat rolled, and he knelt down slowly, pointing at Zhang Feng with one hand on the warrior's belly and the other.

"You kill my parents, and I will abolish your cultivation. From now on, all the grievances and grievances between us will be wiped out. You... let's go... I don't want to see you anymore." Zhang Feng closed his eyes, and seemed to relax tone.

"Let's go!" Lao Tie put down the hammer, grabbed Bai Changsheng's belt with one hand, grabbed him horizontally, and walked outside.

"Zhang Feng, you cruel bastard, I hate..." Bai Changsheng yelled.What did he hate? Naturally, he hated not killing him back then, so that he ended up today.


"Shut up! You're lucky that Brother Zhang didn't kill you. If he hadn't spared you, I would have replaced you with Lao Tie and peeled your skin off the pan." Lao Tie slapped him, Bai Changsheng's white face Suddenly, a red palm appeared.

"Brother, my brother gives you a piece of advice. Zhang Feng is not a good person. You will have no good to follow him sooner or later..." Before Bai Changsheng could finish the word 'chang', he was slapped on the other side of the face.


"Don't dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will kill you..." Old Tie Tongling's big eyes gleamed fiercely.He didn't even believe in Zhang Feng's bad guys when he was beaten to death.

"..." It's better to live than to die, Bai Changsheng immediately didn't dare to say anything.

When Lao Tie threw Bai Changsheng out of the mansion, he came back and told Zhang Feng what Bai Changsheng said.

"This guy dares to talk nonsense. If Brother Zhang is a bad person, there will be no good people in the world." Yuan Ming said angrily.

"He's ruining Brother Zhang's reputation outside, should we..." Li Hui wiped his neck with his hand.

"Forget it, I abolished his cultivation, he was not angry, and it's understandable to talk nonsense outside. But I, Zhang Feng, can sit upright, so how can I be afraid of those rumors." Zhang Feng said proudly.

With the grievances between Bai Changsheng and him, and the fact that he has no prestige in the arena, how can others believe his words?It would be more beneficial to his reputation to let Bai Changsheng go than to kill him, and Zhang Feng just let him go with this in mind.

"Master, the property in the mansion was left behind by the master who worked so hard for most of his life, and now it can finally be returned to the original owner." Xie Fei came to Zhang Feng and said respectfully.

"Father used to rely on you a lot, and Bai Changsheng's subordinates have been working for so many years. If he wants to manage it in his own way, I will leave it to you to arrange the property in the mansion." Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, young master!" Xie Fei was overjoyed immediately.

"Also, you take off the door plaque outside and replace it with the door plaque of 'Loyalty Villa'." Zhang Feng said lightly.Originally, he wanted to build some kind of No. [-] village in the world, but the name was very hateful, and it didn't suit his purpose.As for Loyalty Villa, when others heard it, they felt that its owner should be that kind of Loyalty and Incomparable.

"Loyalty Villa, what a name!" Li Hui laughed.

"Brothers, you also know that my wish, Zhang Feng, is to kill all the crooked ways in the world. However, a person is limited, and even if he can't accomplish it in a lifetime, that's why I came up with the idea of ​​building Loyalty Villa. As long as someone comes to the villa for help, and it's not a villain , the people in the villa can solve their problems. Live up to the words 'loyalty' and 'righteousness'. Brothers, are you willing to contribute to the rivers and lakes with the younger brothers?" Zhang Feng clasped his fists in both hands, solemnly and authentically.

"Do you dare not accept your life?" Li Hui and the others laughed.

In fact, Zhang Feng's real purpose of building the villa was to get inspiration from the incident of Yanmenguan Xiao Yuanshan.Who is the big brother who took the lead in the incident at Yanmen Pass?There is no doubt that it is Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple.At that time Shaolin Temple was the number one power in the world, it was expected that Xuanci would become the leader.But if Xuanci is not the abbot of Shaolin Temple, but a casual cultivator, can he be the leader?That is definitely not possible.

One he can't beat many masters in martial arts.

Second, there is Wang Jiantong, the leader of the beggar gang.The identity of the leader of the beggar gang does not allow a person without affiliation to be on top of him, unless the person's sect is stronger than that of the beggar gang.

It can be said that if there is a big force behind him, then the identity of the person it represents will definitely increase, regardless of whether he has contributed to the world or not.

So Zhang Feng knew that it was necessary to have a big force behind him.In his mind, he wanted to develop Zhongyi Villa into the number one sect of righteousness in Jianghu.To achieve this step, the Shaolin Temple must be pulled down.But this step is naturally not for the Loyalty Villa, but for the Crescent Moon Sect.As for the Beggars' Gang, after Qiao Feng left, they became depraved, nothing to worry about.

"Brothers, I'm going to the Shaolin Temple, and I'll leave everything to you in the Villa. During this time, you can recruit some martial arts friends. If you don't want to join our Villa, you don't have to force it. And don't announce to the public that I want to build a villa. When I come back, we will hold a grand building ceremony." Zhang Feng said to Li Hui and others.

"Why?" the old man asked.

"I am still a disciple of Shaolin. If I let them know that I have created a force, then I will betray Shaolin. I went to Shaolin Temple this time to accept their punishment. When they will expel me from Shaolin Temple, I will If you are not a Shaolin disciple, you can announce the establishment of the village safely." Zhang Feng laughed.

Everyone was stunned, only then did they remember that Zhang Feng hadn't left Shaolin yet.

Zhang Feng has always been vigorous and resolute, he did whatever he thought of, and told them what time to go, so he set off for Shaolin Temple.

In a few days, Zhang Feng came to Shaoshi Mountain in Songshan Mountain, brought some clothes, bacon, etc. to the home of the Qiao family.After a brief introduction, the two suddenly realized that they warmly invited Zhang Feng into the room, asked questions, and left after eating.


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