Chapter 91 Disguise

"Because you can't escape from my grasp, so you can't tell Qiao Feng!" Zhang Feng laughed.

"Really?" A'Zhu narrowed his eyes and smiled.She has full confidence in her disguise technique.Knowing this shocking secret from the devil, she couldn't wait to escape and ran to tell Qiao Feng.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.I was also looking forward to it in my heart, wondering if there was a way for Ah Zhu to escape from his grasp.

If this secret is leaked to Qiao Feng, it will break some of his plans.But he is more willing to use this as a bargaining chip to play the game of wits and courage with Ah Zhu, because it will make him interested.There are not many things in this world that can interest him!

"I suddenly realized that I fell in love with you a little bit!" Zhang Feng smiled at A'Zhu.The liking in his mouth is not the kind of liking between men and women, but a kind of appreciation.

But A'Zhu didn't know, she obviously misunderstood, after hearing Zhang Feng's words, her expression changed drastically.

"What?" A'Zhu hurriedly clutched his chest and stepped back.At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.Finally, I knew why the Demon Lord took so much effort to save himself.It turned out that he had taken a fancy to himself.

'Am I going to commit suicide to him? "A'Zhu felt sad in her heart, tears welled up in her eyes.

Zhang Feng glanced at A'Zhu, how could he not know that she was thinking wrong?But he didn't explain, stood up and walked out.

Ah Zhu, who was standing by the door, saw Zhang Feng coming, and hurriedly opened the door and ran outside.She is running now, although it is very uncomfortable, but there is not much danger to her life.


I saw Zhang Feng raised his right palm, grasped it with five fingers, and suddenly released a huge suction force. A'Zhu, who had just taken a step, flew backwards involuntarily.

"No!" Ah Zhu shouted loudly.Thinking that she was going to commit suicide to him later, two lines of tears slowly ran across her cheeks and dripped into the air.

"Hmph! Pretending to be passionate, do you really think you have such a strong temptation? You are so petite, and only that guy Qiao Feng likes you!" Zhang Feng pursed his lips in disdain, then lifted her to the side, and walked out by himself .She really doesn't have that kind of interest in A'Zhu, of course if he wants to vent his desire, that's another matter.

"It turns out...he doesn't mean me badly!" A'Zhu cried with joy.Just now she felt as if she was almost in hell, and then flew from hell to heaven at once. This huge difference made her almost faint with happiness.The Demon Lord was not interested in her, and A'Zhu was also happy in his heart, it was best not to be interested, as long as Qiao Feng was interested.


Knock knock knock!

"Girl, it's time to eat!" Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he said to A'Zhu who was in the room.

"Come in!" A Zhu rolled his eyes and said.

A servant came in with a food basket and took out stacks of food.

"Girl take it easy, I'm going down!" The man put away his things and said to A'Zhu.

Before Zhang Feng left, he told Fu Dahai not to let Ah Zhu escape, but he didn't say anything else.Fu Dahai was puzzled, so he didn't dare to be careless towards A'Zhu, and ordered the people below to take good care of him.

"Wait! Where's your leader?" A'Zhu asked.Eyes narrowed, not knowing what to think.

"Miss, you are joking. How can a villain like me know the whereabouts of the leader?" The man laughed at himself.

"Well, I can't eat now, I want to go out for a walk!" A'Zhu said.

"I can't be the master of this, I'm going to ask the adults!" The man said in embarrassment.

"Then go!" A'Zhu waved his hand.

Hearing what the servant said, Fu Dahai closed his eyes and meditated for a while.After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "It's not feasible to go out, but you can only wander in the courtyard. You can find five more people to follow her, and you can't leave her for a moment!" He couldn't figure out what Zhang Feng thought about A'Zhu for the time being, so he couldn't be too harsh on A'Zhu.

I saw A'Zhu walking outside in a big way.

"Girl, I'm sorry, our adults told you that you can only walk in the courtyard!" Seeing A'Zhu walking outside in a big way, the six people quickly blocked A'Zhu's face, and refused to let her go out.

"If you don't go, don't go, is it rare?" A'Zhu snorted, turned and left.

"I suddenly feel that I'm a little hungry!" A'Zhu touched his stomach suddenly and said.

"Then I'll ask someone to bring some food to the girl!" said one.

"No, the food you cook is too unpalatable, I want to cook it myself!" A'Zhu said, poohing a few times to show that the food was unpalatable.

This person was very helpless when he heard that, she hadn't even eaten the food he gave to Ah Zhu before, so how could she know that the food was unpalatable?But no matter what, A'Zhu is not something he can mess with, so he said aloud: "In that case, the kitchen is here, girl follow us!"

In the kitchen, A'Zhu searched for some flour and paste.With her cunning, she quickly fooled these people.After looking for various reasons, the materials needed for the disguise technique were quickly prepared.

"Ha!" Suddenly A'Zhu patted his mouth, looked sleepy, and said aloud: "I don't want to watch it, I want to go back to sleep!"

"Come in one of you and clean up the food!" Back in the room, A'Zhu pointed to the food on the table and said.

"Yes!" A person walked in outside. He was thin and a little short, but his movements were very nimble, and he packed up quickly.

Taking advantage of this person's inattention, A'Zhu took something from the desk, with his hands behind his back, he quietly came to the door, hooked his little foot, and the wooden door closed with a creak.

The light in the room suddenly dimmed, and the person who was packing up the food couldn't help turning his head to look.I saw a square stone like a plate in front of me, which was gradually enlarged in front of my eyes.


With a muffled groan, the man didn't even groan, just passed out like that.

"Hey! It's done!" A'Zhu clapped his palms and smiled, but before the smile bloomed, he suddenly frowned and covered his chest.Her injury has not healed yet, and she cannot work hard, so she can only knock people unconscious with hard objects.But the use of gravity just now still caused her to be involved in the injury.

However, compared to running away, A'Zhu directly ignored this injury.Injuries can be healed slowly, but the opportunity to escape is not always available.

Not long after, the door opened and the servant walked out with the food basket.

"Why have you been here for so long?" Seeing that it took so long for the companion to pack the food, the others asked curiously.

"I can't help it. That girl is too troublesome. She said she didn't like the position of the chair and told me to move it here, and then she thought the vases were not placed well. Oh, my aunt!" The man shook his head and sighed, very sad Helpless look.This servant is actually A'Zhu Yirong's, and her voice is actually the same as that of the person she knocked out.With such a compelling disguise technique, none of them could see the slightest flaw.

The other people listened and nodded, expressing their understanding. They had learned about A'Zhu's difficulties before.

After saying a few words, A'Zhu left.Walking past the corner, she hurriedly put the food basket in the corner, turned a corner by herself, and swaggered towards the gate.

Seeing the gate gradually approaching, A'Zhu was extremely excited, walked out of this gate, and from then on, the sky was as high as the birds, and the sea was as wide as the fish. 'Haha, you still want to catch me, don't even think about it! A'Zhu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly when he thought of his pride.

Suddenly, I saw a man in black clothes and gold face walking outside, he was Zhang Feng.

Seeing the arrival of the Demon Lord, A'Zhu's heart thumped wildly, extremely nervous.The Demon Lord is not comparable to those wastes, A'Zhu was worried that he would see a flaw in his disguise technique, so he tried his best to act as if nothing had happened.

"My subordinates pay homage to the leader!" A'Zhu quickly knelt on one knee and said respectfully to Zhang Feng.She lowered her face deeply, and on the surface she seemed to be very respectful to Zhang Feng, the leader.In fact, he didn't dare to raise his head to look at Zhang Feng, because he was afraid that he would suddenly see a flaw.

Suddenly a pair of black legs appeared motionless in her eyes.

'Why did it stop?Did he find out? 'A'Zhu couldn't help thinking wildly, thinking of what might happen in his heart, he didn't dare to speak out.

"Get up!" Zhang Feng said lightly.

"Yes!" A'Zhu stood up, lowering her head, not daring to look at Zhang Feng.

"Come with me!" Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at A'Zhu, and said.Zhang Feng's expression under the mask was a little strange, and he turned and walked outside after speaking.

"Yes!" A'Zhu followed behind Zhang Feng respectfully, not daring to take a breath.

There were two horses outside the yard, one red and one black. Without saying a word, Zhang Feng turned over to the black one and left without saying a word.

A'Zhu gritted her teeth, got on her horse and followed.She couldn't guess whether Zhang Feng had seen her disguise, so she couldn't drive the horse in other directions.Otherwise, with the devil's intelligence, he would definitely think that there is something wrong with him, and he would definitely catch him at that time.

'Did not see it!Did not see it! 'A'Zhu rode on the horseback, praying to God and worshiping Buddha in his heart.

"Master, where are we going?" A'Zhu came to Zhang Feng's back and asked doubtfully.

"Go to a place, I have something for you to do!" Zhang Feng said lightly.

Hearing so much about Zhang Feng, A'Zhu's heart suddenly felt relieved, thinking that the Demon Lord had really not discovered his true face, or else he must have said it to himself in such a tone.But thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed. If she was a little late, wouldn't she be able to escape?

'well! ''Why is my luck so bad? 'A'Zhu felt bitter, she couldn't do heavy work, otherwise the injury would break out, and he would definitely see the flaw.

"Hurry up, if you run slower than me, don't blame yourself for being cruel!" Zhang Feng said, thumping the red horse under A Zhu's body heavily.

A'Zhu had no doubts that the Demon King would do what he said, and immediately beat him desperately in fright.If you run slowly, you will definitely die.But she never expected that when the horse galloped at a high speed, she would be jolted and her body would ache. (To be continued.)

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